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Unauthorised Companies/Firms, Boiler Rooms etc.

Re: Unauthorised Companies/Firms, Boiler Rooms etc.,

More than just bumping the thread this time. Remember it is middle-aged people in the main, with stock market experience, who are conned out of an average $45,000.

The UK are changing the Law that applies to companies and individuals who request a list of investors names and addresses. The FSA is in the same role in the UK as ASIC in Aus.
"People who seek shareholders details will have to submit a claim to the company.
The company will have 5 days, and if it is concerned the request is not bona fide, it can refer the request to the courts. The courts will deliberate and if necessary reject the request"
Re: Unauthorised Companies/Firms, Boiler Rooms etc.,

Just bumping this thread in hope that none of us get caught out by the monsters abroad.
Boiler Rooms defraud Australians from hundreds of millions of dollars each year. They go for those who are shareholders by obtaining details from companies registers or an employee at a bank or broker or an online website passes your information on.

Many companies start with the name Global or International or use a name close to that of one you have heard before. BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! They are out to drain you of every dollar you have and are unscrupulous and absolutely don't care.

What to do? Put the phone down immediately, DO NOT BE POLITE!

Hundreds of Australians will be caught again in 2009 and millions of dollars will land up in the hands of the boiler rooms.
Lend a friendly hand in 2009 to those you think could be vulnerable to an attack and could be left severely financially wounded.
Sophisticated investors, especially those who dabble a bit in dodgy stocks and take risks, will be caught in the net. Particularly middle-aged and older investors.

Just bumping this thread again. They say that 20% of the adult population are vulnerable to a financial con. Surprisingly, it is those who are conned the first time who are more likely to suffer it happening again.
Those who are approached are usually sophisticated investors who keep the fact to themselves.

The sums of money vary but average losses are around $50,000.

Most people are contacted by telephone and they usually ask you to confirm your name and address. NEVER REPLY AND ALWAYS PUT THE PHONE DOWN.

Many are conned by letters from abroad. Mostly asking for a small sum of money to confirm your identity before sending your prize - THERE ISN'T ONE. After replying you become a fixed target - NEVER EVER REPLY.

Losses from these cons are enormous, and are thought to exceed $1 billion each year. The UK figure is estimated at $7 billion.

If you think this may have happened to you. Then read the rest of this thread for further information.
When I first began learning about the share market I subscribed to a few free online newsletters (gave nothing out except my hotmail email). A few weeks later I received a call very late at night from someone in the UK telling me he works for an investment company that isn't listed on any share market and wanted me to invest $5-10K. He said once you see our returns in a few months it will give you the confidence to invest more. Obviously I declined.

3 months later I received another call from the same person (sounded like he was in a night club with all the noise in the background) telling me that I would have gained 40% in the 3 months since he called if I invested the first time, and again asked me to invest in his "company". I simply hung up. Over the next few weeks I didn't answer private numbers that rang late at night, haven't heard from him since...

you fool you could have made 40%. I had a guy from one of the forex brokers call me up trying to get me to join... I told him im not willing atm, so we just have a chat for about 30mins cos he's bored at work, done that about 3 times now lol
Re: Unauthorised Companies/Firms, Boiler Rooms etc.,

YES, "FIDO" can help! Fido is part of ASIC and not your helpful St Bernard rescue dog of old. On the other hand, they are the only people to contact directly - DO CONTACT THEM IF YOU ARE CONCERNED THAT YOU MAY HAVE BEEN CONNED.
hi all. current boiler room frauds are:
  • brett commodities, using transfer agents of
  • westernfield holdings,
  • parkfield international capital,
  • hargill holdings and
  • starwill holdings, all of japan or hong kong.
And some older ones coming back on the scene are
brookstone group of cyprus. all start with the 'cold call' phone call out of the blue. Gruber and Green are also current supposedly from new york, and using intereast financial brokers.
those 'boiler rooms' were charging on as of yesterday. You can't convince them that anything is wrong. they will run by the script and keep declaring their business acumen. And - later down the track- the next con is the 'financial brokers ' law firm or similar, always overseas who have miraculously got a group of losing investors and have frozen funds in the bogus boiler room account. they ask you to join the 'group' to get some $6m back via courts in some far far away place. of course, you follow on and end up getting slugged 'legal fees' (thefts) again, until you once again realise you have been conned.

Its very sad that decent aust. citizens who have worked all their life and whom the govt. want to be self funded retirees fall for this and then find it hard to get anyone to listen to them. so many people just say 'its their fault'.

keep away from them.

I believe the UK government has just woken up to doing something about their problem where about A$7 billion was lost in 2008. Quite right, Authorities do blame the person as stories that come out do make people look fools and many don't report their loss.
It is in fact the Australian Government who are fools as this money usually leaves the country.

Yes, I've been conned, but more on believing fake remedies or buying these pills and medicines that are supposed to do us so much good. Buying goods from magazines that turn out to be fakes.
Look carefully and you find the cons are all around us.
Beware Brett Commodities

Brett Commodities are not who they claim. You will do your cash. Smooth talkers but crooked as they get. Web site was only registered in January. Probably by now they are operating under another name but they are frauds and con-men.
I know this from painful experience
OK I'm punishing myself enough
but I thought I should warn others.

A couple more interesting ones, suspected 'boiler rooms', that don't have aust. financial services licences, and even though they are based in hong kong and china, aren't in their phone books and are not reg. companies there:
hydro solutions asia
palladium cathay
east peak ltd
Lucky pearl ltd
Global pacific advisors
Dominion Consolidated
Lazard Ganco (transfer agent)
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