Always in the back of investors minds, is the question - well if these tenements are so come UMC managed to secure them in the first place.?
I have asked this question of to why BHP released these odd shaped parcels in the first place. Seems to draw a blank with them.....they either don't know or won't say....or its too complicated.
However.....MIGHT and I stress might, have now come across the answer......and probably UMC management may not be aware of this situation also.
BHP got serious about looking to develop Mining Area C in about the year 2000. Previously the project had been owned by Goldsworthy Mining (remember the 1987 drill results undertaken by Goldsworthy).
BHP looked for any State regulations that applied to this area. In fact there was a State government act called ......MOUNT GOLDSWORTHY AGREEMENT ACT 1964.... (maybe there was a proposal to mine around then- I do not know). Anyway I have come across a copy of this legislation on line.......updated in 2000 with details of BHP's joint venture partners in the project, etc
It definately refers to what we know as Mining Area C.
Under the terms of this legislation......very specific mention (and included in a latter modification) - is made to the aggregate area not exceeding 300 square miles within the mining lease.
Here is an extract:
4) If and when the Minister has approved or is deemed to have approved the Joint Venturers’ proposals pursuant to this clause the Joint Venturers may apply for a mineral lease of mining area “C” or any part or parts thereof (not exceeding in aggregate area 300 square miles inclusive of the areas of the original mineral lease granted under clause 8(2)(a) hereof and the second mineral lease if granted under clause 11(6) hereof and in the shape of a parallelogram or parallelograms) and the Minister shall cause any necessary survey to be made of the land
Without going to a huge amount of does look like BHP remaining parcel, lease number ML281A....or whats left of Goldsworthy original TR3156H does consist of about the required 450 sq kms.
Might have been a situation in about 2000, whereby BHP undertook a desktop survey to provide compliance with the legislation.
Would also held to explain this somewhat strange circumstance that UMC could this come about....maybe we now have the answers......UMC quote follow:
• Two of the tenements have previously documented substantial iron ore mineralisation. The centre of these mineralised locations (as plotted on Government data) fall inside the UKD tenements although close to the boundary with BHP’s adjacent Mining lease. It is the opinion of the UKD board that substantial portions of these two mineralised areas are on the UKD tenements, although some will inevitably fall onto the BHP Billiton ground.
They are referring to 140 million tons of FE at Camp Hill and Fork Hill.
These posts have a very bullish tone.......I would honestly suggest however that you do your own research and obviously be careful....especially with exploration companies.l