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Ukraine War

and the Xi and billionairs in china arent doing the same thing? Russia and china are the same
If Russia isn't careful it will become a client nation of China.
Big arse column. Hope they negotiate peace as its about to result in a huge amount of pointless deaths for both sides. It's about to get very ugly.

All these young guys that don't want to be there and doing what their government is telling them to. Despite knowing its wrong. Some lessons for the West in there.

Is it just me or does that column look totally exposed to an air attack ?
There's something fishy going on. Russia has the firepower to smash Ukraine.

They seem to be holding back. I don't know why. It doesn't match with Putin's rhetoric.
There's something fishy going on. Russia has the firepower to smash Ukraine.

They seem to be holding back. I don't know why. It doesn't match with Putin's rhetoric.
I readily admit that I have no idea what the frack is going on over there... I mean what is really going on, beyond the obvious propaganda all over the goddamn place.

But yeah it's very sus in my opinion too.

However, I am pretty sure that we will find out that the truth is significantly different than the narrative, in due course.
There's something fishy going on. Russia has the firepower to smash Ukraine.

They seem to be holding back. I don't know why. It doesn't match with Putin's rhetoric.
Originally they thought they could wipe out the current government and not inflict too many civilian casualties.
That's changed.
Next couple days or possibly hours we will see a much harder line.
Originally they thought they could wipe out the current government and not inflict too many civilian casualties.
That's changed.
Next couple days or possibly hours we will see a much harder line.
Yes, I fear you're right and things are going to get much worse for the Ukrainian people.
Is it just me or does that column look totally exposed to an air attack ?
The Turkish ayraktar TB-2 drones would cause troubles to smaller units. But russia apparently studied these drones in Libya where they were pretty easy to shoot down (apparently). They would have early warning radar and counter drone defense systems among that line backed up with air support.

These drones are about $5mill unarmed and $10mill armed. It's completely changed warfare imo. And I'd hate to be a soldier now.

Speaking of matters Turkey, it's a bad enemy to have permanently just south of you. Not saying they're an enemy of Russia yet - but they seem to be favouring Ukraine, as would be expected of a NATO member.

I think Putin makes a show of being the madman who'll wreck the planet with nukes etc. But aaaaaaaactually he's an extremely coldly calculating thug. Not actually nuts, just wanting to be taken as such for leverage. Although if he becomes very frustrated he might do irrational things.

Turkey on the other hand is actually bonkers lol. They shot down a Russian jet in 2015. Russia could only meekly impose a few sanctions on Turkey in response.

Turkey is like that scrawny runt arguing with the big guy. You think the big guy is gonna crush the lad if he won't pipe down. Nek minute the psycho runt just escalates out of nowhere with a devastatingly maiming punch to the nose, with resultant gushing blood and dazed and confused mental state.

Imagine how the media would go bonkers if Bush or Trump were board members for Russian companies right now? I don't think Schröder is going to come out of this conflict in a very good position. It's clear A lot of people in Europe are going hard after anyone who doesn't denounce Putin.

According to the report, a total of four employees, including Funk, quit their jobs at Schröder's office over the issue.

There still must be a lot of Russian assets high up in the German government and military.
I understand pushing the Russian people to dispose of Putin. But I'm seeing a lot of hate for the Russian people. Along with some punishing sanctions that will destroy their lives.

Germany suffered the after effects of ww1 with punishment of the people. Producing a much stronger response as everyone had enough of living like sht.
West seems to currently be in the position of who can out do the other.

Russian people are not the problem. Even many of the soldiers are breaking rank. The problem is government.

Talk about confusing and conflating history and now.

Yes the 1919 Versaille agreement was a disaster for the German people and effectively ruined the country. The Allies attempted to make Germany pay war reparations that were impossible to meet.

The current sanctions against Russia are, just for once, largely aimed at Putin and his direct super rich supporters. The economic sanctions against the Central Bank are crippling the economy so yes there there is real pressure on the normal Russians as well. Will the sanctions cause an about face or result in Putin being removed? Obviously hard to say. But finally and for once there has been concerted world wide effort to protect a country from naked aggression.

Interestingly enough the US role has been important but it's the European countries that have been leaders in supporting President Zelensky and his determination to fight for his country.

I also disagree that people are "hating" the Russians. From my perspective it seems clear that this is seen as Putins war and the Russian people have very little say or support for it. So I don't think countries are gunning for Russians as such.
Speaking of government - I think now would be a good time for Israel to decide whose side they're on.

All very well having ties with Russia but frankly I reckon they owe us one.

There's a 60km line of Russian tanks all exposed like shags on a rock just waiting for a airstrike
Macron is conspicuous by his absence, isn't he trying to step up into the big chair for the EU?
Sure thing. The roubles gone to nothing and there's a bank run. Sure it will work out. Companies pulling products from Russia. But yeah it's "targeted at Putin". Pain is pain. It amazes me that people are so stupid that they think people living there will support rather then galvanise against it.

The fact you can't even make a comparison says a lot.

He's a Democrat that slept with a Chinese spy by the way.

Social media is full of examples of Russian small business being bombed with hate messages along with "stacking Russian bodies" in Ukraine.

The world helping?
Tell me what government sent troops?
It's people not government going to help.
US was still buying Russian oil ffs.
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