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Troy Buswell Final Discharge

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
This serial embarrassment to the body politic in Western Australia needs to be sacked by the Premier, Colin Barnett.

He should leave parliament and take his grubby pension to practice those skills for which he is better equipped on stage or in another area of endeavour more suited to his more base instincts.


gg, I'm still lmao over your thread title

I thought his main claim to fame was increasing the sales of Febreze in the West.
His major sin was environmental...sullying a pristine Green waterhole.
His major sin was environmental...sullying a pristine Green waterhole.

Is that how you get a Green Thumb?

But Spare a thought for poor Colin B:
He is now burdened with the nitty-gritty of the Treasury without a sparring partner on whom to blame shortfalls of the next budget. And he doesn't even have an opportunity to relax in Green surroundings for some playful tension relief. No wonder he looks stressed and tight:

*** thought bubble***
"... and the barstud also broke my dentures..."
It now appears that Buswell is stating his expense claims were all legit and that he shouldn't haven't resigned. A bit too late methinks.
What's all this about then? It appears stupidity knows no bounds these days.

THE career of troubled Liberal MP Troy Buswell has been reignited, following an announcement today that he has been cleared of misusing government entitlements during his affair with Adele Carles.

A report, prepared by public sector commissioner Mal Wauchope, today cleared him of any misuse of entitlements.

There is now strong speculation that Mr Buswell will return to Cabinet possibly as early as Christmas.
If he's ill, I feel sorry for him, but he shouldn't be doing the job untill he's recovered.
I'm a little suprised no one has mentioned Alannah Mactiernan, in the political fracas, from memory she had a couple of driving issues while in office.
Labor not standing candidate in Vasse by-election for Troy Buswell's former seat,
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