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Trojillo Syndrome

26 September 2009
In January '07 my first foray into the web was the Bigpond dial-up $25.95 per month. The contract expired in Jan. '08.
After that experience I went to wireless broadband.
I still receive , on my Telstra bill, $25.95 per month 'ongoing charges' 20 months' later.
According to Telstra I owe $1200. 50% is Bigpond. In May '08 I got in touch with
the Telco ombudsmen. They told me to try Telstra ombudsman first. What an absolute joke. To try and get some type of reaction I didn't pay my bill from November '08 till July '09. No threatening mail, no collection notices, but according to Telstra they are owed roughly $500 -$600 on their books. Then I am thinking, there must be a term for this dubiuos kind of account keeping.
Is there someone with an idea on this.
driving me krazy, chrisalex
Not that simple Mr J. Started using wireless broadband two months before the contract expired. Had a look at 'Worrells' solvency and forensic accountants this afternoon, its not an uncommon practice to have bogus debtors to make the books look better, but I think with frustrated Bigpond staff anything a bit hard goes in the ' if I leave it there long enough it might go away' file. Should try that myself and stick to why we are here at ASF.
Regards, Chrisalex
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