Re: BPO - BioProspect Limited
The BPO announcement today was for a field trial of its naturally occuring non toxic chemical (called AP 778) which resists termites and can be easily added to wood.
Their 2 years of testing shows thorough and prolonged testing with great results, showing very low concentrates repel 100% termites, that the compound can easily be added to pine and other woods, and most importantly it is non-toxic to humans unlike anything else on the market.
To me this will set the scene for a product which will take over the market because it has no competition.
Here is a sample of the ann:
BioProspect Limited (ASX: BPO) today advises that the field trial results for its natural termite product AP 778 have shown encouraging results for the protection of timber from termites after a two year assessment period.
As announced on 7 September 2006, the Narrandera field test site was uncovered following a 2-year assessment trial. The NSW State Forests’ site exposed timber treated with AP 778 to heavy termite pressure (Coptotermes acinaciformis) and was designed to evaluate and assess the following parameters:
· The minimum concentration of AP 778 required to show significant efficacy or repellancy on termites using basic laboratory generated formulations in treated radiata pine timber stakes.
· To provide a basis for commercial formulation work that delivers AP 778 into
commercially available timber product using economical and environmentally
friendly formulation additives.
· Determine any requirement for a co-formulant fungicide to protect commercial timber in Hazard Class 4 situations (ground contact) and to assess any fungicidal activity of AP 778.
· Assessment of any AP 778 leaching potential from timber exposed to the ground.
The results after 2 years of assessment are summarised as follows:
1. There was a strong trend for decreased timber damage with increasing AP 778 concentrations. Statistical analysis was conclusive and encouraging.
2. The highest concentration of AP 778 was at 1.14% and it performed significantly better than the solvent and control treatments up to and including 24 months in the field.
3. The basic laboratory formulation has held-up very well under tough conditions showing good penetration of AP 778 throughout the timber samples.
Actions to be taken following analysis of results·
The company is currently in development agreement discussions with Australian formulation companies with the objective of them preparing specific formulations that will be able to carry AP 778 into commercial timber products. These formulations will then be subjected to bioassay testing.
· Completion of development agreements for ecological, toxicological, efficacy,
manufacturing and formulation work. Commencement of a data generation and commercialisation project designed to facilitate registration of Eremophilone Oil (AP 778) as a biologically derived Active
Constituent (AC) and three End Use Products (EUP’s) in Australia. The data will be generated and prepared in accordance with USA EPA and OECD protocols