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TRF - Trafford Resources

TRF news today with merger with Zinifex!

headline is:

"Trafford and Zinifex sign $8.5 million Farm In Agreement"

Is that a merger or a farm in agreement? They are very different things.

They have signed a Joint Venture agreement, its a partnership where one company allows the other to enter there tenements and explore for minerals at a set outlay outlined in an agreement, this case it's $8.5 million.
It looks like TRF has broken out of its downward trend.

I was suprised to see no sellers for the options yesterday (as in not a single seller in the que at all)
All right people, put Trafford back on the watchlist!

Current MC is approx $27m.

They hold 50% of IFE which is worth $15m at todays SP
They hold 7m shares (after distribution) in ROL which is worth about $8m at todays SP

They are free carried to 20% of the Wilcherry Hill iron ore project that IFE is developing. Aiming for early startup 2MTpa from Sep 2010. Give a consevative value to this 20% of $5m say?

They ave about $3.5m cash.

All up that gives a current value of about $-4.5m to TRF itself.

I would say there has to be some rerating, on top of the jump from low 20s to current SP of 40c. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't get in last week when I was looking at them, although have made some nice trades on IFE and ROL in that time so probably makes me OK
But for a breakdown in my employer's internet connection I would have bought in at a lot cheaper than 39.5c per share that I did manage to acquire shares with.
You wouldnt have got in anyway, all the pre-eureka watchers got in first, but somehow some of them had earlier notice then the rest...(opinion only not fact, and no its not apsersions or allegations) it just seemed it had a rush befre the report hit the web site or inbox, by about a half day or so....Perhaps whatever broker Haselhurst is using is letting the cat out of the bag or one of his staffers or someone is following him with big volumes prior to the rest of us finding out.... Its still dirt cheap at 40c ....I dont know how i never noticed it prior to this....

Disc - yes i own this stock and may sell at any time, seek your own advice, this is only opinion and should not be relied or acted upon. I may profit from you or others purchasing. Etc

I tried follwing Haselhurst's tips years ago.

Trouble was often I could not get the buy price he got. This was when he published the Speculator? column in a magazine that included Times magazine.

I tried everything to get the report early.

In the end I gave up on following his portfolio as I just couldn't get the low buy prices he got on many stocks (and so Haselhurst's profits on his notional were over stated for us mere mortals)

Even so he had quite a few fantastic buy recommendations ...including Hardman Rersources which I bought at I think 6c.
Hey guys, I just joined this forum yesterday - looks like a good thing! Anyways, I bought into TRF a few months ago at $.22 and since then it hasn't done much at all until recent times. However, I could never bring myself to sell the stock because, based on my very simple calculations (I follow the KISS principal) it was totally undervalued by the market and I felt it was ready to kick at any time.

Ajax, your comments on David Hasulhurst (The Speculator) ring true, and it is a well known fact to anyone who follows his portfolio that the gains he receives are impossible to replicate over the same investment period because he always gets in at a lower price. HOWEVER, what Hasulhurst is awesome at doing is shedding light on small cap shares that would otherwise fly under the radar. I got onto TRF following David's advice after he bought in at $.185 on the 16/06/09. I waited for the post-speculator trading boom to subside before buying in at $.22. David then sold at $.245 on 16/09/09. You can see that there was only 6 cents per share of profit to be made between his BUY and SELL orders (ignoring transaction costs and daily hi-lows) and that anyone who bought and sold when they heard of his movements would make even less than this. Although, had they have held on to the stock they could now be enjoying prices such as today’s high of $.45 (ie. increases of 100%+).

So in my opinion, whilst Hasulhurst's profits are impossible to replicate over the same investment period, if he puts you onto a good value stock with a lot of potential then it is up to you what kind of profits you can make from it. I feel TRF still has a great upside potential and will be holding this stock for some time to come. I will also continue reading Hasulhursts column, especially since he made me some more money recently by getting back into TRF which is without a doubt a contributing factor in the companie’s recent price rally!

Disc: I have no association with David Hasulhurst or his column other than reading it and enjoying making money. I own shares in TRF. Yeh boi.

Welcome to the Forum.
You have made a good decision like all of us and please do participate with your regular contributions and exchange your thoughts.

I am glad to see you have been a long investor for TRF.

TRF is also a major share holder of ROL. It is really a robust relationship and considering the recent price hikes of ROL, looking into strength of TRF on its own, I personally believe TRF is still not on radar for many of us and undervalued.
I do hold it for medium term investment but please DYOR.
Thanks Miner,

I look forward to a lot of interesting discussion on trading in the future!

Just a question for you guys: Has anyone ever experienced an "in-specie distribution" like the one proposed by TRF? I like that we're going to be given direct exposure to the awesomely performing ROL, but I'm wondering about the terms of such a distribution. TRF stated that they're making the distribution "to reward shareholders who maintained their confidence in the Company during the share market collapse of 14 months ago". However, does this mean that the distribution will only be available to shareholders who have owned TRF shares for >14months or is it more likely that all current shareholders at a yet to be determined future date will be entitled?

I've been advising my friends to invest in the company under the impression that they would be entitled to the distribution, but upon reading the companies announcement more closely I'm now unsure whether they'll be entitled or not??

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Good question, dadzi.

Until TRF releases more details about the planned in-specie distribution, IMO, it's hard to give a sensible answer to the question.

I would imagine that there is no such thing as a free lunch, though.

All registered shareholder have the right to acquire this reward in registered date at the proportion 1:20. Otherwise it will violate the game rule. Such sentences have been declared clearly in annoncement.
All registered shareholder have the right to acquire this reward in registered date at the proportion 1:20. Otherwise it will violate the game rule. Such sentences have been declared clearly in annoncement.

From the ASX announcement:

The distribution, which is valued at $4.1 million on yesterday's closing price of $1.14 for Robust shares, will be made to all who are registered shareholders in Trafford on a date to be determined in accordance with ASX Listing Rules.

Until TRL has actually worked out when the date is, it's still somewhat nebulous as to whether those shareholders who recently purchased TRL shares (such as myself) are entitled to receive ROL shares pursuant to the in-specie distribution.

Good question

The word equity itself means whatever is given to an equity share holder has to given to all equity holders unless the date of allotment dictates otherwise,

In this case does not matter what, once the date of holding is declared all equity share holders will be eligible for bonus share on the same basis. They can not provide bonus for only 14 months holding. It will not be illegal but huge tax implication (this is neither a financial nor a tax advice)

There are some latin jargon called parri passu and pro rata. Both of them will be applicable for the equity share holders. So enjoy and until the trading halt is declared all dates are deemed to be same for all purchasers. Please seek appropriate expert advice and this is my thought only.
I concur....I am not a broker, solicitor or financial advisor, but my understanding is the trading halt must be the date chosen otherwise they would be in breach of full disclosure regs, as all shareholders are not equal and have not been advised. As such a trading halt used as the date could be the only legal and acceptable date to choose.

Do your own research, but I cant see any way they can use any other date without getting heavily fined or worse. And given ASIC is running around beating thier chest and trying to show their teeth after the recent fiascos and regulatory failures....small companies like TRF can ill afford to be the ones made an example off....My money is on trading halt day...
More than 60metres of continuous gold intersection on Romang

Another big find relative to the size of the companies ....

ROL found More than 60metres of continuous gold intersection on Romang

TRF has rocketed along with ROL on the result
The latest Eureka Report hit my inbox. Haselhurst doesn't say anything about selling out of ROL but bought an additional 10K package of TRF shares at $0.41/share to go with his initial 10K package of shares at $0.33/share.

The latest Eureka Report hit my inbox. Haselhurst doesn't say anything about selling out of ROL but bought an additional 10K package of TRF shares at $0.41/share to go with his initial 10K package of shares at $0.33/share.

It was in last weeks report. He sold ROL to buy TRF due to the in spiecies / options offer on TRF for ROL in january... Aparently TRf are still cum...???? please check??
The latest Eureka Report hit my inbox. Haselhurst doesn't say anything about selling out of ROL but bought an additional 10K package of TRF shares at $0.41/share to go with his initial 10K package of shares at $0.33/share.

Please read it again.

What he said at the start :

PORTFOLIO POINT: We double our holding in Trafford Resources ready for a free distribution to shareholders of stock in gold prospecting sensation Robust Resources.

" Last week we took profits on Robust Resources (ROL) as the stock soared on sensational drilling results from its gold project on Indonesia’s Romang Island, 500 kilometres northwest of Darwin. (He already told this last week but did not ask to add TRF then )

The announcement, made late on December 9, said registered shareholders in Trafford “on a date to be determined” will be entitled to a distribution of one Robust share for every 20 Trafford shares held.

By adding another 10,000 shares bought this week at 41 ¢ to the 10,000 Trafford shares bought last week at 33 ¢, we’ll have a holding of 20,000 shares at an average cost of 37 ¢. Come the new year, we will be entitled to 1000 Robust shares in the planned free distribution, with a value yesterday of $1170 at Robust’s price of $1.17."
Great day so far guys (up 25% at time of writing). How do you guys feel the In-Specie distribution will affect this one? Clearly it's that distribution, which was heavily discussed by David Hasulhurst (the Speculator) in his latest article, that is a major driver for this rally. Do you feel punters have priced the distribution into TRF and that the price will drop dramatically once entitlements have been granted?
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