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TRF - Trafford Resources

hi, steven

Is today's fall due to lost of preferential entitlement? because the record day is 25th, so the ex-day is today.

I don't think so. Holding many TRF shares will not guarantee getting a large share of Ironclad shares. It looks like shareholders will only be offered a total of 5mil shares preferentially. Had the allocation have been pro-rata i would have expected TRF to have run up towards today and down afterwards.

Hopefully we will get a little run on TRF once the prospectus for ironclad is issued. Having such a small market cap, it doesn't take much to make TRF run at all.
The issue price is $1 per share, will you guys invest in the IPO of ironclad?
I noticed the IPO investment in Australia is associated with a huge risk, not as the same as in my home country, where the chances of getting an IPO is very small, but with a definitely 50% plus return.
I'll apply for a small parcel. I don't want to apply for too much as there is no guarantee i will get it (the issue is not prorata to current holders).
guys TRF has been sliding since the record date. does anyone think it can recover, expecially when Ironclad lists and TRF's stake is realised?
finally, good news showed up, sp rose nearly 18% a day.

any comments on how far can this run go?

I would hold it until the Ironclad gets the quotation on ASX at least.
I bought more TRF instead of investing in Ironclad. So far so good.

If Iron was the only asset held by TRF, TRF would not have spun it off. The director's must expect something good in the future. Something so good that they don't want the dilution of deveolping the iron to adversly effect it.

I expect another rise once Ironclad lists, or when the subscription is full and investors decide to invest in Ironclad indirectly through TRF
Another good new showed up. The Ironclad was fully subscribed two weeks before the close date.

I will expect the subsidiary of TRF lists on a premium, which would increase the value of TRF more than 20m. The current book value of TRF is 4.5m. If keeping the same P/B ratio, the sp would at least rise to $5. . Another MTN, I guess.
Things looked better for TRF today. At one stage today TRF was up 22%.

Should be a sign of things to come once IFE lists and opens at a premium.
I also rang the company TRF (a few days later) and posted this on HC. Again for the benefit of ASF members without access to that other forum.

on 28/6/07 I posted:

"Ok rang the company yesterday...wanted to find out what is happening. Spoke with their senior geologist, had about 15 minutes chat.

1. They are still waiting for assay results for last drilling Au & U in 3070 (has now been 8 weeks !!!) Hopes to have v.soon, pushing as hard as he can.

2. In conjunction with IFE have 1 RC rig organised for furthur drilling at wilcherry hill (3070) TRF have everything there but the iron-Ore. Trying to get another rig. They will targeting some different targets this time looking for Gold.

3. Drilling to start on 3272 (to the west 3070) where they are very excited about this ground and finding something on their IOCGU modelling.

All this should be underway by early August.

4. They are awaiting final documentation and approvals from ZFX to start project work on 3272 looking for zinc and lead, and want to fast track this considering what TZN have with ZFX.

5. Lynas (NW WA - Pilbara) Gold, work on this should start pretty soon, once all the IFE stuff/IPO/drilling is organsied and underway.

Sounded very upbeat (well I guess he would as works for them), but things should start happening soon. He said the IFE IPO has been big undertaking and the staff are working flat out to get things moving asap.

Hope this helps to give an outline for fellow TRF shareholders."

I see TRF & IFE as one of the stocks to watch in 2007/2008.

Cheers all
another great day for trf, sp rose nearly 10% in the last half hour, end up 1.245, rose 17.5%.

it would be interesting to see how far the sp would go after ife list on this Thursday.
another great day for trf, sp rose nearly 10% in the last half hour, end up 1.245, rose 17.5%.

it would be interesting to see how far the sp would go after ife list on this Thursday.


Actually IFE lists this Wednesday at 1pm per IFE announcement. Also the free float of IFE will be around 15M only as the rest will be held by top 20 shareholders.

The latest results came friday afternoon.

The seller from 0.88 upwards seems disappeared.

As I cant really interpret the mining language in the news, can someone help me to know how good the news is? or it is not that good at all?


The IFE announcement woke the TRF share price today, up 8.7%, despite all the news being posted being old news.

We already knew that it would not take much more drilling to increase the jorc resource (the current jorc resource was defined with drilling not aimed at the iron). We also knew that TRF would get to assay all the drillings by IFE (and Zinifex) for other goodies. Unless i have interpreted it wrong, TRF will also get to take the goodies left over after the iron is extracted by IFE. This is great, IFE will drill and extract all the gold which is within the iron resource for TRF.
Guess what, its up anther 8.7% today.... what a conincidence. It was up the same amount yesterday but on both days it was sold down on close....

I predict that you will solid gains in the sp for this stock over coming weeks based upon the DMI trends in the current graph for this share. My guestimate is that it could reach $1.25. I am not a holder of this stock.
TRF closed today at $1.30 on strong volume. IFE also had a great day closing at $1.85.

I would expect that TRF ran today on the back of IFE and the future iron price expectations. Todays trading gives a good indication of what will happen to IFE and TRF when we get positve announcmenets and interest and volume increases.
TRF news today with merger with Zinifex!

headline is:

"Trafford and Zinifex sign $8.5 million Farm In Agreement"
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