Going beserk today 44 Million tons of Iron Ore
ABN 93 112 257 299
Level 2, 679 Murray Street
Ph 08 9485 1040
Fax 08 9485 1050
9th February 2007
The directors of Trafford Resources Limited (ASX code: TRF) are pleased to
announce that the independent quantitative study of the Wilcherry Hill (South
Australia) iron deposits, undertaken by Maprock Pty Ltd has been completed.
Maprock report that at the Weednanna, Weednanna North and Ultima Dam
prospects there exists a total JORC compliant, indicated and inferred iron
resource of 44 Million tonnes to a depth of 150m at an average grade of
36.4%Fe. The resource was calculated utilising a 15% Fe lower cut off –
arrived at after study of metallurgical properties highlighted by Promet
Engineers in earlier reports. (See Table 1). Maprock have also identified an
exploration target potential, within EL3095, in the range of 300 to 600 Million
tonnes of iron rich, magnetite bearing material. (See methodology below).
Target Area Resource
Tonnage Grade % Fe Comments
Weednanna 1 Indicated and
27Mt 35% Associated
with significant
gold credits
North 2
Inferred 5Mt 35%
Ultima Dam
East 1
Inferred 12Mt 40%
Total Indicated and
44Mt 36.4%
Table 1: Wilcherry Hill – Current JORC Indicated and Inferred Resource
Maprock identified and studied 93 (ninety three) strong magnetic anomalies in
19 separate areas, contained within EL3095 - part of the Wilcherry Hill Project.
The investigation looked at over 21,000 iron assays from a total of 533
boreholes, most of which were drilled as part of earlier gold exploration. None
of the boreholes were believed to have deliberately targeted the iron bodies
and, as a result, the drilling has not fully tested the limits of the iron
mineralisation at any of the prospects. A number of regional and localised
aeromagnetic surveys were also studied in detail.
Three of the 93 magnetic anomalies( Weednanna, Weednanna North and
Ultima Dam East) were considered to have sufficient drill coverage for iron
assays to estimate resources in compliance with the requirements of the 2004
Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
Ore Reserves (The JORC Code), specifically continuity of the iron units.
Where drill data for iron are available the magnetic units are shown to be
caused by one or more sub -parallel, magnetite-rich ironstone units dipping
between 45 and 60 degrees to the east or west. The thickness of these
ironstone units ranges up to 65 metres. The most significant intersection is in
borehole 98WDDH004 (Weednanna) where 46 metres averaging 41% Fe was
intersected between 76m and 122m.
Exploration Tonnage Potential
In their extensive study of the available data base Maprock have reported on
the exploration potential as follows:
“Indications from the presently known geology, drilling results and airborne
magnetic data suggest that the exploration targets within Trafford’s EL 3095 in
the Wilcherry Hill project area, defined by more than 90 strong discrete airborne
magnetic anomalies with generally short strike length signatures similar in
nature to those with already drill defined resource estimates at Weednanna,
Weednanna North and Ultima Dam East, amount to an exploration target
potential in the range of 300 to 600Mt of iron-rich, magnetite-bearing
material down to a vertical depth beneath surface of 150 metres. This
potential quantity is only conceptual in nature as there is insufficient exploration
data currently available to calculate a defined Mineral Resource and it is
uncertain whether further exploration will actually result in the determination of
a Mineral Resource. A small number of additional magnetic anomalies present
elsewhere within the Wilcherry Hill Project tenements have a further but as yet
unquantifiable exploration potential for similar magnetite - rich deposits.”
Maprock comment on the importance of the significant gold mineralisation
within, or adjacent to, the iron units, such as the 11m @ 7.8 g/t Au within the
most significant iron intersection of 46 metres in 98WDDH004 at Weednanna.
Similarly the iron unit in 98WDDH001, which averaged 33% Fe over 34 metres
(2 – 36m), also contained 18m @ 12.4 g/t Au. Some of the gold mineralisation
appears to be located in the fold hinges of the iron units The coincidence of the
iron and gold mineralisation suggests that - subject to further test work – the
gold will report to the tailings following the magnetic separation process and
may then be recovered separately. This is likely to impact favourably on overall
project costs and the viability of a mining project, should one be developed.
Trafford announced on February 5th that it had engaged ProMet to carry out a
desk-top study of the potential of the Wilcherry Hill magnetite to provide the
basis for the development of an economically attractive mining and processing
ProMet’s report is expected in mid-March and Trafford’s directors will base their
future course of action for Wilcherry Hill on its findings.
Ian Finch
Managing Director
Tel: 08 9485 1040
Trafford Resources Limited (TRF) is a Perth-based mineral exploration company which
has been listed on the ASX since June 2006. Trafford’s primary focus is exploring for Iron
Oxide/Copper/Gold/Uranium (IOCGU) deposits in South Australia’s Gawler Craton.
The information in this announcement that relates to Mineral Resources, is based on information compiled
by Ian D. Finch, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Mr. Fritz
Fitton also a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy as well as a Member of The
Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Both of whom have more than five years experience in the field of
activity being reported on. Mr. Finch is a full-time employee of the company and Mr. Fitton is employed by
Maprock Pty. Ltd.
Mr. Finch and Mr. Fitton have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type
of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as Competent
Persons as defined in the 2004 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr. Finch and Mr. Fitton consent to the inclusion in the report of
the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.