Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Trading the All Ords?

15 October 2007
I trade shares but have often wondered how you trade the All Ords?
Do you buy contracts or how do you buy the All Ords?
Re: All Ords

You don't. There are products linked to the XJO (ASX200) ie derivatives. Most popular would be the SPI futures and put/call options. You also have warrants, CFDs, ETFs and some funds - one of which is listed with the ticker STW (I think)
Yeah STW. It's like an Index Fund but an ETF, I think. You'd want to double check that though, as I'm a complete newb at this.
"Bought and sold it a few weeks back"... Did you sell because it wasn't as good as it is advertised, or for an unrelated reason?
the all ords is not actually a stock so theres nothing to buy and sell... what you can do is trade the derivative of the stock. Its price will be derived from the XJO