With a larger account you could use say 1% risk per postion, but may have to use say 5% risk per position with a smaller account. For example, you couldn't use 1% risk with a $2,000 account, as 1% of $2,000 is $20, which is probably less than your brokerage costs (total of buy and sell brokerage).
This is exactly the point I was trying to make earlier. The 2% rule needs to be taken out a little for smaller accounts. Despite what several people have said, it can be done. You just need to be very careful, and probably a bit lucky too. For a newbie like me, probably more of the latter than the former.
This is a bit off the subject but as Nick was involved just yesterday I would like to know if his book can be delivered overseas if ordered online. I am living in Laos and don't plan to get back to Oz for a year or so.