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Trading account security

One of the best ways to out smart keystroke loggers from home, is to connect to Banking or Broking site from a shortcut. Sure they might get your account number and password, but they won't know which web site you have gone to unless their keylogging software does web site tracking as well.

Anywhere you access a computer that isn't yours you are potentially exposed to being hacked.

It's not hard for anyone in an IT department to watch everything someone is doing on their computer without them even knowing. I know this because I've done it for management that hasn't been happy with an employee and have wanted to watch what they are doing.
I’d think ‘emailing’ one of the current affairs programs would be a tad easier than say going off to see an Ombudsman or a lawyer!, afterall they're always 'begging' viewers to send in their stories :) …or as you mentioned, the forums of ASF! :)

Bottomline is when it comes to finances I'd prefer to keep things on the quiet side, but it's a case of "to each their own" here.

Glad this wasn't kept on the quiet as I was contemplating using Commsec, not so sure now…

ps: not so sure about the rest of your post - 5 mins of fame???, we're talking about privacy/computer security, not 15 British soldiers released from Iran trying to cash in... a free copy of a software f/w is the better option. Anything trying to access the net without your permission is flagged and you're prompted with a question if it can or can't. I can tell you from personal experience this has happened to me and upon 'googling' the software trying to access the net found out it was a keylogger.
Hi Guys,

Apart from this massive rally something else has really been bugging me lately especially after watching 4corners and web warriors just a few moments ago.

How safe is the internet ? as traders we're rooted without it but it seems like anyone can access our systems and personal details. The impression i get is the internet was never designed for commerce.:eek::eek:

Does anyone else share my concerns or am i freaking out over nothing ?
I'm condifent about my accounts - mainly because I don't associate my real identity with this online identity. I also understand a bit about various attack vectors.

1. Protect your identity. Visit some popular social networking sites and you'll see some people give up a lot of information about themselves. Identity theft allows you to be attacked from so many directions. This also goes for your physical garbage.

2. I take a risk of using Windows XP but I do update it. I update my security and use an outgoing firewall. I also run as a limited user.

3. I don't use any popular sites that have advertising. One of the popular social networking sites ran a tainted ad.

4. I don't use IE or FireFox for online financials. I also prefer plain text mail.

Education can help but that can also be confusing or even paralysing. Don't believe all the various ads on sites. Don't click links in emails to financial sites or email sites you have accounts with. There may be exceptions though.

The net wasn't designed for commerce and that's one of the reasons we have the issues we do....however net security is very very good now as long as u constantly obey the simple rules of net security.

  • Never click net/email/forum links that u don't trust 100%
  • Get a good (wired) modem with firewall and security features, that's easily configurable.
  • Do regular windows updates and spy/bot/virus sweeps.
  • Never disclose passwords...and never save/auto complete sensitive passwords.
The most secure site I've seen is the ATO's Business Portal.

Password must have numbers, letters and symbols and they use Digital Certificates.

Sure it's a bit of a hassle and I'll admit one downside is you can only logon from one computer. But all the banks talk up internet fraud yet they don't have the same security as the ATO.