Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Top bloke Gerry

LOL @ robots. Maybe vote for him as Australian of the Year?

This is the same guy that said "Online people do not make any money,” Harvey told SmartCompany. “The whole world was conned with online retailing. People say I’m a dinosaur, and I’ve had people coming to me with sites and saying, ‘Oh, look at this, they have 10,000 or 20,000 hits!’ – but it’s a con, a complete con.”

Over 57.9% of Christmas shoppers say they will use the internet to research and compare products, new Australian Retailers Association research says. But Harvey says online retailing is still “a waste of time”.

“Go and check and find out who is making money in the online selling business that you can say is worthwhile. You give me a list of 10 online retailers that are making money, and then we’ll talk. Not just $200,000 or $300,000, but real money."

Apparently 200k to 300k is not "real money?" :eek:,28124,25816727-36418,00.html for a better snapshot of the "real money" maker.

good suggestion Trainspotter, australian of the year easy with the assistance he is providing

professor robots
you should go to the abc site...Australian Story, where Peter Anderson is turning arid drought stricken farmland into lush oasis....the farmer PA lost his own farm and all his horses, and Gerry Harvey gave PA full control to change Gerry's farm into several Peter Andersaon has been asked to go to Saudi Arabia and do his magic on the deserts over there....
It an amazing story.... Peter Anderson has been fighting the australian govt who fine you if you dont poison the weeds....which eventually leads to poison of the soil...etc then becomes arid and wasted....
Both men really love their horses......and thats what led Gerry to Ireland in the first place....