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Tony Abbott for PM

No, I might have supported Julia for such an error.

However, she couldn't inspired anything more.

She has the charisma of a robotic dull monotone pointy nosed cane toad. Wake up woman!!!

And Tony abbotts bumbling half witted comments and ways are any better?

I personally think Joolias a joke too

we stuck between 2 short planks at the moment and neither one are any good except to be used as kindling by someone that uses half a brain and decides to step up and move them both out of the way.
And Tony abbotts bumbling half witted comments and ways are any better?.
No, not better generally, but on this one, with the information at hand, I think Jooles and her minders should take the pain.

I really do hope we get a statesperson/leader with substance one day.

Unfortunately, the 33rd in charge at McDonalds gets paid more.
Gillard - noticed the hanky wasn't required, the eyes didn't seem very wet
Abbott - either hit him or say something, but 20 seconds of staring, not good

Another day in politics.

While I'm not a fan of Tony Abbott, even I think his comments have been taken entirely out of perspective and twisted in a negative fashion for the purpose of "news mongering".
The confrontation by the Channel 7 reporter would have been bewildering to anyone. What perspective of the footage shot on the day was Mr Abbott being asked to consider? Mr Abbott deserves the benefit of the doubt, in that he would be wondering where the reporter was trying to go with this one and perhaps it would be better to say nothing other than "I'll get back to you".
Channel 7's efforts to beat this into a news story only reflects the pathetic levels they have fallen to. "No ambulances to chase, lets drag something out of the archives and beat it into a story".
Channel 7 needs to wake up to them-selves that they are not in charge of determining which party will govern (we actually have an election process for that) and they are not in charge of any rebuilding of infrastructure in flood damaged areas etc
My view is that this was sensationalist gutter journalism at its worst. How much lower will Channel 7 sink? The words themselves are neutral - the tone of voice used and the context in which they were spoken are what give them meaning. It is Mark Riley who is the crass, insensitive boor - creating an issue where none existed. Hasn't he got any real news to report?

Personally, I am disgusted by the whole thing.

Ruby, I agree it is an absolute Channel 7 beat up to crucify Tony Abbott in an attempt to lift Gillards stakes.
Even the deceased soldiers wife showed her anger at Channel 7 stating it was unnecessary. Neil James also showed his disgust after AM agenda this morning.
The question I ask is, why did this 'GRUB' Mark Riley wait untill the first day of parliament to bring it all out?
It is beginning to smell of dirty politics by Channel 7 and I would not be surprised if the Labor party are the catalyst. I hope it all backfires on them.
Julia Gillard cries in caucus
Soldiers killed
Abbott’s mouth causes a ruckus
Queensland flooded

Taxpayers vent their ire
Abbot freezes
Perth hills are on fire
Nobody cares

Government needs your cash
NBN rollout
Pink Batts causes a rash
School Halls

Tony Abbott is insensitive
Channel Seven
I have no more money left to give
Media beatup
Gillard - noticed the hanky wasn't required, the eyes didn't seem very wet
Abbott - either hit him or say something, but 20 seconds of staring, not good

Another day in politics.

Gillard - move over Kidman & Weaver, the academy award goes to our Jooles - surely this well-timed outbreak of fake emotion isn't fooling anyone?

Abbott - 20 seconds of staring not good indeed, but a part of me realises that he's probably done very well to overcome his natural instincts by managing to restrain from physical violence - in the same circumstances I would have decked that reporter - but that was probably the reaction Mark Riley was hoping for....
It is beginning to smell of dirty politics by Channel 7 and I would not be surprised if the Labor party are the catalyst. I hope it all backfires on them.

The Labor party have already declined to use Abbott's comments for politcal advantage, even though it was aired on the right-leaning 7 network
Gillard - noticed the hanky wasn't required, the eyes didn't seem very wet
Abbott - either hit him or say something, but 20 seconds of staring, not good

Another day in politics.
Nail. Hammer. Head.

Whether one leader cries or not, or what another says in private, makes no real difference to the poltical spectrum.
Not too many journos these days tend to care so much for actual issues that effect us.

The Labor party have already declined to use Abbott's comments for politcal advantage, even though it was aired on the right-leaning 7 network
Ahh then, it must be that the faceless Liberals have decided that Abbott is now a liability and are starting the process of bringing him down. An inside job who would have thought

edit: we need a tinfoil hat smiley
we stuck between 2 short planks at the moment and neither one are any good except to be used as kindling by someone that uses half a brain and decides to step up and move them both out of the way.
Who do you suggest?

Gillard - noticed the hanky wasn't required, the eyes didn't seem very wet
Abbott - either hit him or say something, but 20 seconds of staring, not good

Another day in politics.

I agree with Dock's conclusion that he was silent in an attempt to hold on to his temper. Probably the best thing he could have done under the circumstances. It conveyed pretty well his response to the interviewer.

Hopefully both miserable little exercises will well and truly backfire on both the Prime Minister and Channel 7.

The Labor party have already declined to use Abbott's comments for politcal advantage, even though it was aired on the right-leaning 7 network

Of course the Labor Party would stay in the back ground. Why wouldn't they when they have someone else to do the dirty work for them. If they had used this beat up on Abbott that would have made them guilty. They are too cunning for that.

Hope you get a laugh out of this one too Mofra.
Of course the Labor Party would stay in the back ground. Why wouldn't they when they have someone else to do the dirty work for them. If they had used this beat up on Abbott that would have made them guilty. They are too cunning for that.
Ok, so they set up a journo, then rufuse to make any political capital from it?

To paraphrase Jaws - I think we're going to need a bigger tin hat
Ahh then, it must be that the faceless Liberals have decided that Abbott is now a liability and are starting the process of bringing him down. An inside job who would have thought

edit: we need a tinfoil hat smiley

No, no, no derty, the Labor Party have got the desired result without being directly involved.
Just a Note on What tony said in regards to death of soldiers.

Last Night I was speaking to some old Army mates who have done serveral trips to afganistan, One was there the day Sergeant Brett Till was kill. And the general consensus was that it was not out of line or offensive that tony abbott said what he did.
Last Night I was speaking to some old Army mates who have done serveral trips to afganistan, One was there the day Sergeant Brett Till was kill. And the general consensus was that it was not out of line or offensive that tony abbott said what he did.
The defence association have also brushed the comments aside, and no membor of any opposing party is running with the story. Complete media beat up.
Gillard - move over Kidman & Weaver, the academy award goes to our Jooles - surely this well-timed outbreak of fake emotion isn't fooling anyone?

I have to say I was surprised. I thought she was going to be another 'Iron Lady'.

Sometimes **** happens... eg I get the feeling that sometimes 7 is attempting a bit of the Mark Larkum 9 network style provacatice, sensationalist journalsim. I don't like the approach. It's not becoming of the 7 I'm used too.

I believe Abbots conversation was very typical aussie in the circumstances and not offensive at all... my interpretation is it simple means that sometimes unforseen bad things happen. It's an expression often used among blokes... and 'girls' too for that matter.
Gillard - move over Kidman & Weaver, the academy award goes to our Jooles - surely this well-timed outbreak of fake emotion isn't fooling anyone?

I am not a fan of either Gillard or Bligh, however I thought Anna Bligh showed real leadership during the queensland crises, and her "We are Queenslanders" speech was heartfelt and displayed genuine emotion. I felt that Julia Gillard's display of 'emotion' was so fake I wanted to vomit!!
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