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Tony Abbott for PM

What a s**tstorm in a teacup. What a lot of rot to say "he dismissed the death of an Australian soldier" by using words that mean "accidents happen". Of course he didn't help by acting and looking guilty when he was bushwhacked by Channel 7.

Col Creighton said there had been some mistakes during combat and Mr Abbott appeared to accept the explanation by saying, "Well, sometimes s--- happens"

Did some one say his brain wasn't wired to his mouth

I am sure he wouldn't want to trivialize the death of an Australian solder and his remarks simply stupid given he was on camera but FFS he then drags in the poor widow to the whole fiasco.

BTW the Yank he was talking to sounded OK
Haven't seen the entire video to put it in to context but I do now know which media organisations are supporting the ALP.

Peter Fitzimons on Sky News is a raving hanky covered broken nosed alcoholic goose.
Apparently the reference to '**** happens' was in regard to a sand storm that prohibited the use of close air support.

Not that people get killed because of ****.
What a s**tstorm in a teacup. What a lot of rot to say "he dismissed the death of an Australian soldier" by using words that mean "accidents happen". Of course he didn't help by acting and looking guilty when he was bushwhacked by Channel 7.

Granted it was a beat up. But what a performance by Abbott. Tony was staring down reporter Mark Riley like he was going to deck him on the spot. Unbelievable behaviour from a potential leader of our country.
Apparently the reference to '**** happens' was in regard to a sand storm that prohibited the use of close air support.

Not that people get killed because of ****.

Ah now i was thinking it was more like...the soldier was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and **** happened.

Anyway 1 vote Tony didn't handle 7's ambush very 7 showed like 30 seconds of silence from 1VT, it was not a pretty sight, i have said it before and ill say it again...this guy will never be PM.

The Cynic in me sees that its a bit coincidental that this Coalition insensitivity happens on the same day Julia gets all emotional when talking about the flood victims, leaving the masses thinking Labor = soft sensitive and caring, Coalition = insensitive and uncaring.

I wonder who's looking like a Dalek now.
Granted it was a beat up. But what a performance by Abbott. Tony was staring down reporter Mark Riley like he was going to deck him on the spot. Unbelievable behaviour from a potential leader of our country.
Yep, he was about to deck him in good Catholic fashion. Maybe he should have and we all would have said 'Vote One, our no crap taking PM'.

Riley just lost his access card imo.

No politician will go near him now for beating this up.

Without further information this seems to be a very clear case of media beat up/story telling of the biblical scale.

Tony could have done much better and this will obviously be aired during the next campaign if it's proved he flopped. But I think Ch7 has laid it's hand open.

Abbott was given an opportunity to put his case remember he had plenty of time to think it though 3 months for the FOI.....................hes a tosser for the impact and doubt fostered on to the widow.
Abbott was given an opportunity to put his case remember he had plenty of time to think it though 3 months for the FOI.....................hes a tosser for the impact and doubt fostered on to the widow.
I'll stand to be corrected when the full story gets out, as I hope it will. But, being the keen Devil's Advocate and Supreme Skeptic, I will leave the door ajar.
Agree. Having now watched the video, it's obvious his remark was taken out of context and makes entirely clear Channel 7's political leanings. I regret my comment on the "Julia Gillard is a Dalek" thread earlier.

About as coincidental as Julia Gillard suddenly being overcome by emotion in the parliament today (when she showed none whatsoever when in actual contact with the flood victims) , in the wake of multiple media comments about her woefully wooden performance during the weather crises.

Fairly obviously she has been told "Hey Julia, you need to show the Australian people you are utterly touched by their dreadful circumstances, show some emotion fergawdsake". So she has attempted to do so. Her acting ability is about as admirable as Tony Abbott's sensitivity.
Interesting viewpoint from the Australia Defence Association who have come out in Abbott's defence:

Full article: Defence group defends Abbott's comments

It would seem that Tony Abbott has great respect for our service men and women. On that basis, it does seem to be a particularly viscious attack from one of Channel 7's reporters specifically designed to make Tony Abbott look bad when, in reality, the very opposite may well be the truth.

And on the same day that Ms Gillard has pulled off an emotional display, it has the look and smell that this was planned. If so, I hope it backfires on all counts.
If so, I hope it backfires on all counts.
It's leaning that way M, from what I've heard and read. Very ugly politicised media. Let's hope there's some clarity for the residence of Moe et al.
Labour stooge Ch7 is on the ropes.

Although, the Defence Association is somewhat right leaning I suppose..

As a serving soldier, I'm with the Mad Monk.

**** does happen.
As a paid up member of the Qld LNP, my initial thoughts after seeing the news story were 'oh crap, what has this nut case done to us this time'. However, after having time to digest the implications of this event, i am now sincerely hoping that the whole thing is blown out of context. it will be another nail in Tony's coffin and, more importantly, will bring us a step closer to a Joe Hockey led Coalition.

On the event itself, I have no doubt that ch7 have taken the comment entirely out of context. Having recently lived through the Qld floods and seeing first hand what is going on, and then switching on the news and ROFLMAO at the crap they manufacture, and the lack of facts in it all, i am sure they have manipulated it somehow.

And finally, even if it turns out that he was referring to the unfortunate death of the soldier, i have no problem with him making the comment to the group of people who were involved. it is part of the rehabilitation process for all of them. what would have been bad was if Tony said 'yes it is a tragedy, and it is all your fault, and you should have prevented it'. how does that help the armed forces with moving on and continuing to battle for our country. The fact is that a comment like 'sh*t happens' is how blokes express their deepest feelings to each other. the problem is that ch7 knobs like mark riley and david koch dont know how to be real blokes, so they wouldn't know what context to take the comment in. they are too busy sitting around in their fancy pants worlds playing doctors and nurses with each other.
Labour stooge Ch7 is on the ropes.

Although, the Defence Association is somewhat right leaning I suppose..

As a serving soldier, I'm with the Mad Monk.

**** does happen.

Thanks Kennas, as a serving soldier it's good to get your take on this as well...

Even if the ADA are right leaning, at worst I would think they would stay quiet if they didn't agree with Abbott, however, they have come out publically in his defence.
LOL what a joke.

Now if Joolia had said the same you guys would be crucifying her

i listened to it and i dont think he was being intentionally insensitive but the fella is still a big mouthed buffoon that needs to learn to keep his uncouth and obviously ill prepared mouth shut in public.

some of these threads are a crack up at times.

as you were comrades
No, I might have supported Julia for such an error.

However, she couldn't inspired anything more.

She has the charisma of a robotic dull monotone pointy nosed cane toad.

Wake up woman!!!
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