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Tony Abbott for PM

Ben Pobjie writes a very funny article about the weeks events worth a read gives ever one a serve but I'll just high light the bits about Abbott
You're done it now - quoting ABC on ASF!
Even if the article is pro-Abbott, surely the article is a communism plot which has the far left insidiously currupting the minds of free-thinking people everywhere! The reds are under the bed! Under the bed!
Well I always try to look at the big picture.
Turnbull and Abbott were working on getting rid of Rudd and they achieved that.
However they fell short of felling the next Dictatorial Labour Leader.

I bet both of them have been "headbutting" the wall in their Canberra office's ever since.
I know I would feel a lot more secure if Abbott was PM.

Swan quoted the other day, " the rising dollar is a sign of our strong economy"

Hello ?? Wake him up from the dream. We are going broke at 100 mph.
Wonder how Gillard will "move forward" from this one...

This confirms what I have said all along - that Gillard should have known about Abbott's proposed trip well in advance.

Seems that military leaders were aware of it to the point that Major John Cantwell had delayed his leave to be there when Abbott arrived.

Still agree that he could have used a more appropriate excuse than jet-lag, however, neither does that excuse the PM if she has deliberately set this up to make the opposition leader look uncaring and cause the grieving families more grief over something that is now proving to be quite untrue.


Full story here:

I think Julia will move forward on the meaning of the word audit.
It's a shame such a minor issue has gained such legs - there are far more important issues that politicians should be dealing with.

I would much rather hear an explanation by Joe Hockey for his so-called "audit" of election costings ( or the process of East Timorise negotiations for the likely to never be opened "regional processing centre".

Surprised the Opposition haven't seized on the quiet dumping of the Citizen's assembly either - could have been seen as quite an own-goal if Abbott wasn't on such a back-foot.

If the media thinks it will hurt Tony Abbott, they go for it. Just look how it has affected the latest newspoll popularity contest. Gillard up 2 points; Abbott down 3 points. What happened to the popularity contest since Gillard formed Government Did the polls favor Abbott? if it did the media no doubt suppressed it.
Are you suggesting the entire media is anti-Abbott?
The media sell stories, they generally don't care about what the subject of said story is.
Abbott's continued complaining about the Afghanistan issue is certainly an own goal and no doubt welcomed by Labor. He is just making sure everyone stays focused on his own behavior.

Interestingly Abbott's meeting with David Cameron lasted a whole 15 minutes. The two are poles apart in style and intellect maybe explaining the length of the meeting.
Interestingly Abbott's meeting with David Cameron lasted a whole 15 minutes. The two are poles apart in style and intellect maybe explaining the length of the meeting.

We don't always agree, but I agree with you on this IFocus. Cameron is certainly lightweight.

Where is the style and substance? Where is the way forward? Where is the visionary plan to lead Australia into the 2020's?? HUH ?? We get Joolyah (Kevin 747 substitute) in a hung parliament from independent bystanders who can control the direction of this great country?

AND WHAT DO WE HAVE??? A bickering over who invited whom to Afgahnistan first? PUERILE at best, PETTY display of superciliousness at it's extreme. And the media laps it up like a cat with cream. Disgusting display of prestidigitation political technique to keep the masses stupified as to what is going on in the real world.

We have a Government raping the mining industry and we stand by and watch as it happens and claim it is our sovereign right to enjoy the wealth it generates and to offset a failing budget due to the rising dolllar. 100 million dollars a day is being borrowed to keep us afloat and we still line up at the bar to have another drink from this largesse that no one considers to be paid back or to return the budget to surplus.

Have a good hard look at what is going on peoples. A shiny blue cable giving you superfast internet to download pr0n and facebook is not going to save you from the tsunami of taxes that will be required to be levied on the proletariat to cover the drunken spending this Guvmint is using as a stupefying drug to keep you as a card carrying voting member of this political party. ALL of their promises do not kick in until after the next election in 2013.

"Tony Abbott accuses government of 'deep failure' to support charged soldiers"

As much as I am against the charges and support the Australian combatants Abbott's politicizing, running a dog whistle at a process that is at arms length from the government is just bizarre.

His lying about the process is just a fraud, is he just so desperate to divert attention to the fraud of a election policy audit or is he just....... well stupid?

Maybe the polling has rattled his cage

From the Australian couldn't agree more

"The message for Tony is discipline"

Agree completely, TS. And you omitted mention of a carbon tax, another great swindle.

I really don't know if the population overall is simply too dopey to comprehend what smokescreen is being cast over our eyes, or whether they have been bludgeoned into a sense of helplessness, a feeling of being unable to have any influence over the whole miserable political charade.
Tony's not the only one with speech problems in the last week - and she wasn't caught off guard as he was.
See the look of unbelief on KO's face - it is quite funny...

Tony's not the only one with speech problems in the last week - and she wasn't caught off guard as he was.
See the look of unbelief on KO's face - it is quite funny...

The Dorrie Evans of politics! LOL
Welcome to the real world, "bad news sells".

Mind Games. This is what Gillard is all about.
Now its very important that when the media go on about something so trivial
as Abbotts "jetlag" comments, to look outside the SQUARE.

OOps. do I see that the NBN will blow out $1billion if we follow the Tasmanian
protocl of NBN.

OOps. do I see we are going to diversify our economy. Yes we are going to build asylum compounds all over the Coral sea. "New Industry ...PEOPLE"

OOps. do I see the Murry Darling Basin Authority has admitted its quide for reforming the troubled river system contains flawed assumptions.

OOps. do i hear staff leaving labour government in droves.

OOps. Do I hear 6 labour ministers will not seek re-election in NSW.

To Coalition supporters... when the next state elections bring down the
labor governments in QLD..NSW, NT and Victoria, we will see the Coalition go
back into "fix it up mode", and some sanity will prevail.

You have got to admit something is being put in the drinking water prior to election day by labour, and its affecting 52% of the population.
we will see the Coalition go
back into "fix it up mode", and some sanity will prevail.

That has been the narrative of conservative parties ever since I was a lad - patching up what the socialists have screwed up.
That has been the narrative of conservative parties ever since I was a lad - patching up what the socialists have screwed up.

Yes, and also the narrative of the labor/socialist parties ever since I was a lad - patching up what the liberals/conservative have screwed up. I guess it depends on who has the rose coloured glasses on at the time.
Yes, and also the narrative of the labor/socialist parties ever since I was a lad - patching up what the liberals/conservative have screwed up. I guess it depends on who has the rose coloured glasses on at the time.

I'm not clear at all what labor has actually achieved in the last three years.

  • Work choices are obviously a big labor trump card, but has labor actually done anything about it?
  • Hospitals are no better despite labor bagging Abbott.
  • Record numbers of illegals with labor at enormous taxpayer expense while our own in need are struggling.
I could go on...and on...and on...but I think you get the picture.

Nulla, what has labor actually fixed up in the last three years?
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