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Tony Abbott for PM

It's entirely appropriate that the top three are Islamic countries, because most of the refugees are Muslims fleeing from other Muslims. Their problems are all self-inflicted and if they can't sort themselves out, why is it our problem?
It's entirely appropriate that the top three are Islamic countries, because most of the refugees are Muslims fleeing from other Muslims. Their problems are all self-inflicted and if they can't sort themselves out, why is it our problem?

Why not pressure islamic countries like Indonesia, to take asylum seekers, rather than take a grab for cash for a transit visa.
It is hard for a country like Australia, which is struggling to provide the social welfare for their own taxpayers.
To allow unabated influxes of people who add further burden to the system.
Maybe when everybody is in poverty, we can all rejoice together.
Not really, this is a key plank in the Liberal platform and Abbott refers to this issue quite often to lambast Labor using the refugees as political fodder to gain power - just despicable.
Have you read the asylum seeker thread ?

There's a wealth of information and discussion there on how the problem has evolved.
Julia Gillard is still MY preferred PM up to 14 Sepember.

Correct..........lets hope she stays there.

Me to. I think it befits the ugly polarisation of Australia's politics that on 14 September the Prime Misandrist will be replaced by the Prime Misogynist
Actually most of Julia's best friends are misogynists or users of women for sex, power or lust...Peter Slipper, Bruce Wilson, Graham Thomson, Craig Emerson and Kyle Sandilands for starters. And she uses them all to her own advantage, so it's a two-way thingy.

There is no doubt that she has more hate for the inoffensive Abbott than any of these mates and former lovers.
Me to. I think it befits the ugly polarisation of Australia's politics that on 14 September the Prime Misandrist will be replaced by the Prime Misogynist

Never assume insults against Gillard are insults against women, they are most definitely not.

I cant think of one instance of Abbott showing any sign of being a misogynist can you ?
Never assume insults against Gillard are insults against women, they are most definitely not.

I cant think of one instance of Abbott showing any sign of being a misogynist can you ?

No. Like me he is probably just guilty of being a 'gilogynist' but it doesn't make either of us misogynists.
Well done you've just created the word for it.

Gillogynist - a full definition:
Someone who hates Julia Gillard not because they have judged her by her gender but because they have judged her for her political incompetence and the treachery of her character.
Gillogynist - a full definition:
Someone who hates Julia Gillard not because they have judged her by her gender but because they have judged her for her political incompetence and the treachery of her character.
Enter it onto Wikipedia
We can't exclude Kevin Rudd.

Gillogynist - a full definition:
Someone who hates Julia Gillard not because they have judged her by her gender but because they have judged her for her political incompetence, the treachery of her character and wares a blue tie.

Bolds my edit.
Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

With the Labor Party now determined to politically completely self destruct internally handing an all most certain comprehensive victory to the Coalition (which will not be good for the Australian democracy) time to start warming up some new threads for the incoming government.

In opposition Tony Abbott has proven to be populist, negative and evasive with the truth as opposition leaders do.

So how many promises will have to be be broken once reality sets in a few below for starters but given Abbott starting point it will be extensive during the 1st term..

Stop the Boats, already backing away from this happening immediately

Surplus every year under Coalition government
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

Everything will be blamed on Labor to deflect any criticism of policy failure or broken promises, you can count on this.
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

Good luck with your new thread Focus. You've made at least two posters happy. There are probably a few more who will rally to your lost cause.
I'm just stoked Gillard will be out. Someone like that running my country is an utter joke. Whoever else comes in won't be worse.

Probably the one thing most will agree on!
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