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Tony Abbott for PM

Yes, the stuttering, stammering but but but future PM in full glory. Sadly, such is the low standard of leadership in this country. And Julie Bishop as deputy PM

Anything, absolutely anything is better than the three ring circus, we currently have. If we wanted to live in a dictatorship, the Republic referendum would have got up.
Give me a stuttering, stammering person, with morals and principles. Over an articulate, two faced BS artist, anytime. Actually I could probably put up with them if there was only one BS artist, but Labor is chock a block full of them.
I along with 70% of Australias population will throw them out in September. If they had the belief in their own track record they would bring the election forward.
I just wish they would take her off the radio and t.v, it makes me nauseous listening to the garbage.

My rant for the day.


It looks like Newman is about to raise the rabbit fence to 6 feet with three strands of barb wire to prevent the Labor rabbits from crossing over the Queensland border including the PM.
Going by the standards Gillard has set, your comment sounds like it is deliberately

My comment was about low standards on both sides of the aisle. Bishop's "talents" may indeed exist but they are just as invisible as the sky God she worships. Deputy PM, really? Just a sad reflection on the political scene here.
My comment was about low standards on both sides of the aisle. Bishop's "talents" may exist but they are just as invisible as the sky God she worships. Deputy PM, really? Just a sad reflection on the political scene here.

You have to be joking Julie Bishop is a Saint compared to the toxic Gillard, Gillard is downright dangerous as many drowned asylum seekers ghosts can attest to.
You have to be joking Julie Bishop is a Saint compared to the toxic Gillard

A saint only in the sense that she's got status she does not deserve in her party. She comes across as a mindless mouthpiece for the liberal party that regurgitates the party line on every occasion and not much else. Her name sake Bronwyn has twice her intellect and that does not add up to much.

Gillard is downright dangerous as many drowned asylum seekers ghosts can attest to.

Gillard has many shortcomings as a leader but she is not responsible for the death of people desperate to change their circumstances and risking their lives to do so. Sadly, the Gillard government has adopted Liberal policies on the detention of asylum seekers in prison camps for years. For this they do deserve scorn and ridicule for not adopting a more thoughtful and humane solution to the problem. But gunboat Tony will turn those sinking boats around, that will stop them!
Gillard has many shortcomings as a leader but she is not responsible for the death of people desperate to change their circumstances and risking their lives to do so.
Why isn't she? It was her predecessor, K. Rudd who dismantled the successful border control of the Howard government.
Why isn't she? It was her predecessor, K. Rudd who dismantled the successful border control of the Howard government.

The people who board the leaky boats and to a much greater extent the slimy smugglers who supply those wrecks and create the opportunity for death at sea are responsible for the carnage as sea. This should be self evident to everyone, even die-hard liberal supporters and Howard era policy worshipers.

Howard and his cronies like prison warden Ruddock were the architects of a policy that has largely been reimplemented by Labor, how is that working out today? Of course it's a logical fallacy to assume that what arguably worked during the Howard era will work many years later. It's just wishful thinking and nostalgia for bygone Howard era policies that belong in the dustbin of history but properly remembered with disgust and revulsion.

I don't think labor "largely" implemented the Pacific Solution at all. There were three main parts to it and they only implemented the offshore processing part. Much like trying to sit on a three-legged stool which only has one leg - futile. Most here were aware that labor's half hearted implementation would not work - and it hasn't.
Howard and his cronies like prison warden Ruddock were the architects of a policy that has largely been reimplemented by Labor, how is that working out today?

I'm afraid your hatred and bias have destroyed any ability for rational thinking.
I'm afraid your hatred and bias have destroyed any ability for rational thinking.

Hardly, but I do have a bias against prison camps as should any person truly interested in a humane society. You confuse hated with disgust and dismay at the quality of politicians and political debate in this country. There is nothing rational about the asylum seeker debate coming from either party, just political gamesmanship at the lowest level.

As for Abbott, I actually wish him well since he is destined to become PM of this country but given his record and political history I don't look forward to his reign. I now lament the resignation of Costello, a key reason gun boat Tony will sit in the lodge, Labor bungling aside.

Well FXtrader do you have a suggestion for stopping the boats?
As for Abbott, I actually wish him well since he is destined to become PM of this country but given his record and political history I don't look forward to his reign.

Given the **** hand Labor has dealt him on the boat invasion and the economy I don't look forward to his "reign" either. He would need to to be superman to dig himself out of the hole that Gillard has dug for him.

Well FXtrader do you have a suggestion for stopping the boats?
We could reasonably assume FXtrader has no wish to stop the boats. No concern for the reality that those patiently waiting in squalid camps, having applied to come to Australia, have minimal opportunity now because of the flood of those who had the money to pay people smugglers.
Given the **** hand Labor has dealt him on the boat invasion and the economy I don't look forward to his "reign" either. He would need to to be superman to dig himself out of the hole that Gillard has dug for him.
You can reasonably assume nothing of the kind. Yet again you erect a straw man and deliberately misrepresent my position to attack a phantom caricature of me. Really quite offensive and pathetic.

Such is the mindset of those who, on one hand, say they care about the predicament of those living in "squalid camps" but demonize those who scrape together enough money to board a leaky boat only to be thrown into a prison camp on an offshore island. So then you care about them when they're in the queue buy want to lock them up and demonize those who decide they have waited long enough in the squalid camp! Tell me, when did your hatred and loathing for the disadvantaged and desperate begin or have I misrepresented your views?
1. You have entirely misrepresented my views.

2. I decline to get into a squabble with you.

3. I look forward to your response to the question asking how you would stop the boats, if in fact you consider that is what should happen.

4. This discussion would perhaps be better in the Asylum Seekers thread.
I look forward to your response to the question asking how you would stop the boats, if in fact you consider that is what should happen.
The asylum seeker problem needs to be addressed at the source and not just the end destination. Prison camps are not the answer and just erode human dignity and the decency of society while desensitizing the public to the treatment of these people. We do have a problem but on a world scale we don't even rate a mention, we have lost all perspective on the dimensions of the problem for many other countries...

This discussion would perhaps be better in the Asylum Seekers thread.
Not really, this is a key plank in the Liberal platform and Abbott refers to this issue quite often to lambast Labor using the refugees as political fodder to gain power - just despicable.
Not really, this is a key plank in the Liberal platform and Abbott refers to this issue quite often to lambast Labor using the refugees as political fodder to gain power - just despicable.

Well that's rot and Gillard drowning them is ok is it ? THATS despicable.

Actually strangely enough Bronwyn wins out in the moral stakes as Bishop was heavy involved with the asbestos litigation ongoing until death method no sainthood there.

Reason for Bishops position is money (WA pumps money into the party)and access to Gina.

Your thoughts on the current party politics around boat people is most welcome.
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