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Tony Abbott for PM

Obviously you agree with Kerry Packer on this issue.

Now of course I am minimizing my tax and if anybody in this country doesn't minimize their tax they want their heads read because as a government I can tell you you're not spending it that well that we should be donating extra.
To clarify my own position, I didn't say I supported a rise in the GST, just predicting that was the way conservative thought seems to be heading. They'd have to make a strong case that it replaced other taxes before I'd even consider it.

I'm against GST being on food, as it would drive people into cheaper less nutritious choices, and discriminate against the economically vulnerable in society. I don't see it being good for domestic producers either, already facing price competition from cheap, often lesser quality imports.

I'd preferred a tiered GST, similar to what other countries have.

A lower rate on food / health / education and higher rate on other stuff.

The only reason I support a GST on food is because of the rorting of GST by those in the cash economy. Broadening the base this way makes it a lot harder for them to avoid the tax.

I'd also love the see the death of stamp duties. They are a very bad tax. Just look at your insurance policies to see how bad they are.
Obviously you agree with Kerry Packer on this issue.

To a degree. No one should want to pay more thax than they're legally responsible for, but then some people seem to really push the boundaries. Only have to look at the large multinationals and the way they play shell games with billions of dollars into and out of Ireland and the Netherlands to see what I mean.

Lower taxes and less ways to minimise the tax you pay is probably the more efficient way forward, but all the vested interests out there will scream to Alan Jones the minute they fear their God given right to a Govt benefit or tax break is threatened.

I think the only way forward will be when we have a recession. It's a real shame a lot of people's lives will be ruined before we as a nation take the action we need to. We could do it now for minimal cost, but we wont.
Gillard's lapdog and conspiracy theorist Craig Emerson rants about the GST, ignoring the Abbott promise that there will be no GST changes unless the electorate approves. He is going to sing a song about it
Gillard's lapdog and conspiracy theorist Craig Emerson rants about the GST, ignoring the Abbott promise that there will be no GST changes unless the electorate approves. He is going to sing a song about it

It does seem to be a talking point of choice for losing governments.

SMH - 25 October 2007 said:
Mr Howard said Western Australia and Queensland would never accept less money so it was "inevitable" Mr Rudd and the Labor states would just increase the GST.

Stamp duties and many other taxes were supposed to disappear with the introduction of the GST originally. As stamp duty is a State tax and the States obviously didn't trust the Federal Government to return the GST on a fair and equitable basis, eg WA, they maintained many of the State taxes and we simply paid more. Whats worse is in your example of insurance, we now pay stamp duty on GST


Considering it's not much better than being dragged kicking and screaming I think they'll revert back to their old ways should there be a drop in the polls or Alan Jones gives them another serving - I just had to listen to AJ stick it to Hockey last week. Talk about the Libs dead scared of the guy. Hockey had no backbone.
Who would have thought that this man with his "look look looks", "and and ands" and "but but buts" would continue to be the leader of a party which is odds on to win the next election? Warning! Some scenes may show cruelty.

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Who would have thought that this man with his "look look looks", "and and ands" and "but but buts" would continue to be the leader of a party which is odds on to win the next election? Warning! Some scenes may show cruelty.

That is appalling. When was it broadcast?
Who would have thought that this man with his "look look looks", "and and ands" and "but but buts" would continue to be the leader of a party which is odds on to win the next election? Warning! Some scenes may show cruelty.

It's time to show some respect for Tony Abbott:


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That is appalling. When was it broadcast?

Leigh Sales has been presenter of the program since 2011, so before that. I clearly remember that dreadful interview. I'd have said it was the best part of three years ago.
Leigh Sales has been presenter of the program since 2011, so before that. I clearly remember that dreadful interview. I'd have said it was the best part of three years ago.

That's a bit of a relief because I assumed it was recent. But bad nonetheless.
Hope he has learned something since but when has a leopard ever changed its spots?
That's a bit of a relief because I assumed it was recent. But bad nonetheless.
Hope he has learned something since but when has a leopard ever changed its spots?

Has Kevin Rudd been lurking in this thread?

[Kevin Rudd ]said after 19 years of Mr Abbott being an "extreme right-wing conservative" leader, he had suddenly wanted to present himself as a policy moderate. "Well, you can wear pale blue ties to assuage people up to some point, but a leopard never changes its spots," he said
Abbott says he will stop the boats in his first there's a vote winner if ever there was one, a clear statement of intent from someone with credibility.
Abbott says he will stop the boats in his first there's a vote winner if ever there was one, a clear statement of intent from someone with credibility.

It will also drive up the arrivals over the next 100 days, unfortunatelly.
Tony Abbott does not need to say anything. He does not have to come out with any policies.

He just has to watch the Labor party self destruct, with a mad hatter at their helm.
Who would have thought that this man with his "look look looks", "and and ands" and "but but buts" would continue to be the leader of a party which is odds on to win the next election? Warning! Some scenes may show cruelty.

Yes, the stuttering, stammering but but but future PM in full glory. Sadly, such is the low standard of leadership in this country. And Julie Bishop as deputy PM
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