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TNT - Tesserent Limited

TNT - One of my tips for the 2023 CY Comp.

TNT had a good month in December with increasing Volume, I know it needs to climb above it's MA and towards the top of the BB but it has all year to do that. Time will tell.

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I've been watching TNT fairly closely for the last 2.5 years, originally bought in at about 8c in mid 2020 and sold out in the mid 20s. Didn't get out at the highs but still made a multibagger and ran away when the writing was on the wall for a long nasty period which ended up being longer and nastier than I realised when I was exiting. Also traded it effectively along the way.

It does look like it might have just turned the corner, although it also looked like that around March/April 2022 until a disappointed quarterly at the end of April resumed the downward journey (I bought a parcel in April but within minutes of the quarterly was out, made a small profit before the market woke up). TNT has been good at getting the market optimistic then disappointing with the actual figures, so as always this month's quarterly will be critical.
would have been a long wait...

up 140 per cent to 12c

• Tesserent has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed with Thales Australia Holdings a wholly owned subsidiary of Thales, under which it is proposed that Thales Australia will acquire 100% of the share capital in Tesserent by way of a scheme of arrangement for $0.13 per share in cash.
• Cash consideration of $0.13 per share represents a significant premium of 165.3% to the last closing price of $0.049 per share and 157.4% to the 1-month volume weighted average price of $0.0505 per share. Tesserent’s Board unanimously
recommends that Tesserent shareholders vote in favour of the Share Scheme in the absence of a superior proposal and subject to the Independent Expert concluding that the Share Scheme is in the best interests of Tesserent shareholders.
Tesserent is set to leave the ASX after shareholders backed a plan to sell the company to French giant Thales.
On October 6th, 2023, Tesserent Limited (TNT) was removed from the ASX's Official List in accordance with Listing Rule 17.11, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement between TNT and its shareholders in connection with the acquisition of all the issued capital in TNT by Thales Australia Holdings Pty Ltd.
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