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TLX - Telix Pharmaceuticals

pushed through $30

Telix Pharmaceuticals has forecast full-year 2025 revenue of $1.18bn to $1.23bn, driven by strong sales of its prostate cancer imaging agent.
@Miner, don't know mate. All I know with certainty is .. it's getting closer, haha.
This one may never get cheap enough.
Looks like your predicted crash happened today and more on Monday
On December 1, it was around $24, and today, it shot up to $30.
It is always a challenging game. I bought it for $2 and sold it for $6 or so (I have to check the dates and transactions), thinking, OMG, it was too much. I would have retired by holding it just a bit more. We can look back and find our sure-win Lotto numbers but never pick up the actual numbers before the game.
This report highlights some real game changers through Phase 2 and 3 in 2025. I am guessing and not believing myself that 2025 will raise the bar for TLX to a higher level

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