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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2022


Thank you
PLS, LYC, ACL, BLX: All have great underlying fundy's, and are in sectors poised for or experiencing growth in a rotating market.
All have great underlying fundy's, and are in sectors poised for or experiencing growth in a rotating market.
1. HCH - large copper discovery in chile being expanded and presented to investors
2. ICI - blockchain gaming tech
3. SYR - graphite and anode production in America
4. ZIP - shorters getting squeezed on nasdaq listing .
Good luck to all -
Hi Joe
my selections are
CE1 currently producing oil in Canada and planning more wells in 2022
CKA set to commence mining coking coal in Indonesia in 2022
GAS aiming to meet gas shortage in eastern Australia &
WLE a LIC investing in top 200 on ASX
@Joe Blow

Is closing date for entries midnight 31st Dec. 2021 or midnight 3rd January 2022.

I am presently awaiting parts for the Arnage at Dead Man's Creek in bloody NSW and hope to cross the border into Queensland at Hebel to return to normality tomorrow once my PCR test comes through.

I'm relying on ole Elon's Starlink to post atm. and it is patchy here in the Creek.

If closing for this and the January Comp is tomorrow 31st December, I may need to get Mulga Bill to assist.

I have the 4 + 1 ready.

Ole Musk has lit his stogie again. My internet works.

As I cannot see anything but doom and gloom for markets my picks for the CY22 Competition are conservative, firstly three well known Australian companies with good cash flow which should survive the following : A market crash, a rise in interest rates, the tuliping of Crypto, and a fall of the $USD. This will occur imo when the final and worst Covid variant hits. Ω Omega.

Not to mention the rise of Hydrogen which is not for small players into which all three are full in.

I also have a very cheap nice little Aussie golder, it will look cheap anyway when one of my primary school grandchildren hack into blockchain and destroy the Crypto mines.

I will post in their threads.


My best wishes for success to all entrants.

Straight out of the oven - from the 2020 Comp winner ? .....

HRZ - Horizon Minerals: 'cocked and loaded' for 2022 (Donald Trump was right - as usual)
KWR - Kingwest Resources: hot hot hot, sitting on top of something big at lake Goongarrie.
S2R - S2 Resources: surrounds and along strike from Fosterville mine, elite management.
KCN - Kingsgate Consolidated: settlement pending from Thai junta.

Assuming I have till midnight Sunday 2 Jan to post on them.

I would pick all these too. But I think I'll pip you, just because my picks are unloved turds that can't go too much lower.
One thing I've learned administering the last few years CY comps is that small cap dogs of one year go much lower the next. I'm going to estimate that this applies to 95% of the stocks <0.20.

Of course all you "heroes" will think that this won't apply to your selections. Everyone can't be in the top 5%. Yep, dogs remain dogs.

I would pick all these too. But I think I'll pip you, just because my picks are unloved turds that can't go too much lower.
optimist !!

i used to think that then somebody decides to consolidate , and down she wanders again

let's use BLY as an example ( but certainly not the only rocket-assisted 'fleabag ' )

but good luck everyone
My picks, counting on the electrification theme to boost local materials producers and Gold to finally shine in 2022...

NVX - Novonix Limited
GOR - Gold Road Resources Limited
SFR - Sandfire Resources Limited
NIC - Nickel Mines Limited
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