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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2022

My tips for CY 2022 - will update the respective threads.

All the best to the participants.
Advance notice - If I win the first prize then I request Joe to kindly keep 50 pc of the prize money for supporting ASF;
If I win any lower prize then Joe kindly keeps the money to support this awesome forum.
If I go bottom then I will enjoy a good Shiraz from the next door BWS to celebrate end of CY 2022

Wishing all the members a wonderful and safer New Year.

Something that seems to have been overlooked by many who are entering the 2022 Full Year competition:

The rules for the 2022 full calendar year stock tipping competition are as follows:
  • You must post in the thread of each of your competition entries, detailing why you think the share price of each will increase in 2022.
I’ll take a punt thanks


Holding all
Good luck everyone
May 2022 be a prosperous one
If your selections have a "like" from Peter2 then they're in the spreadsheet.

39 competitors so far (66 last year), maximum number is 100.

I notice a stack of infrequent posters. Looks like Joe has sent an email to attract flies to the honey. Welcome all.
Don't forget to post a comment in the stock specific threads on all four of your selections. Just a line can start a discussion.

@noirua You need a replacement for IVR (<0.10)
@Muschu You need a replacement for TTI, GGE (both <0.10)
@k6722 You need four replacements as all your selections are <0.10.

VR1 -- AI They are at the cutting edge of technology
GRL - Share price out of favour. Tony Loc. has been pushing it for a long time
LOT - Uranium play
ATV - Cloud Gaming

I was hoping to do 4ds, but it really has hit lows and is on the way back up but dont see it hitting 0.1 before the 4th

So, I will pick


I will post on each of these threads in the next few days

Its early I know haha, I would like to swap out BBT and put in HIO (Hawson Iron) in its place. Sorry for the muck around, if this is against the rules ignore it - apologies
PLS lithium will go off this year . AKE lithium again, well sorted. QAN, no brainer. WEB, travel stock yep.
ADO - RAT tests, sepsis test, battery tech
ANP - Hope for a wide range of diseases
WKT - Jumbo flake graphite
RLT - Helium

Will write a compelling blurb on each soon.
Thank you Open Trader, Joe and Peter2
Good luck to all ?
  • AVZ MInerals
  • ZIP Pay
  • AZJ
  • AGL
AVZ based on their recent capital gain and the lithium and tin off takes already made.

ZIP pay as they are expanding globally

Aurizon based on their recent play to buy one rail which will strengthen their fright haulage Oz wide.

AGL because I’m share holder that believes they will come good ??
Update: 44 competitors so far, limit 100.

Over 40 competitors who entered CY21 have not posted an entry into CY22 yet.
Because the last day of December falls on a Friday this year I'm going to extend the deadline for entries until midnight on Sunday evening. I'm sure we'll get a few last minute stragglers who wake up on New Years Day and realise they forgot to enter the yearly competition.
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