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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2022

Always with ??
Note: I made an error in one of the prices in a company that had been bought out earlier in the year.
@basilio moves up to sixth with the error fixed. This shows the current top 8. at the end of Nov22.
I'll post the next update at the EOW.


If I've made other errors that you consider significant please PM me.
Good morning competitors. I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be pausing the FY tipping competition in 2023. This is for a couple of reasons.

The first is that ASF growth has stalled and I need to focus my energies and resources on trying to grow the community in 2023. After a nice burst of traffic in 2020 when COVID first hit, things have tapered off a little and there is now a need to focus on trying to get ASF back on track. My personal circumstances have also changed in 2022 and without going into detail I now have a lot of responsibilities away from ASF. I will still be here as often as possible but there may be periods of absence in the new year as I attend to other matters. Life has a way of getting complicated from time to time.

The second is that the competition is very labour intensive and is updated entirely on a volunteer basis. I want to thank @peter2 for his tireless and extremely generous efforts in keeping the competition going. He has been the prime mover in keeping the FY competition going for so long. I sincerely appreciate the time he has put into keeping everyone updated.

Will the FY competition be back in 2024? I don't know right now. We will cross that bridge when we come to it. However, I would like to thank everyone for participating in this and the previous FY competitions. The monthly competition will continue as normal.

thanks Joe you saved me from a big headache of trying to improve my miserable yearly performance

i hope your complications have simple solutions ( it is a pest when they go into 'self-complicating' mode )

PS the stalled growth in ASF is probably symptomatic of the ( stock ) market in general the Bell Potter forum is almost a ghost-town this year , and that is even after Commsec closed it's forum
For those ASF members who think its worthy, there is a donate button as one of the menu items on every members account menu page.
Joe has not asked for money specifically, but I know from experience how much time and money it costs to maintain any sort of forum.
perhaps members might think about throwing a few shekels in the donate bin.
Maybe among contributors, we could organise a few chatty threads, like the current one. Three, six monthly ones, Aussie, US markets, perhaps currencies, gold, metals.

Anything to keep the banter going? Wisdom of crowds / groupthink, thought bubbles welcome
An unofficial contest with no prize? We could do that. With no prize money I'm sure I'd win!
Hello Xris farmerge here If you are still on board how about making contact with me. Has been some time since we exchanged vows
An unofficial contest with no prize? We could do that. With no prize money I'm sure I'd win!

Good morning everyone,

I know there are members who would still like enter an unofficial "Tipping Competition for Full C/Y 2023" without prize money. I'd certainly would like to have a crack at it, as I've been in a few.

I'm sure @Joe Blow won't mind me running it and I have @peter2's approval already to keep score. I have the spreadsheet up and all ready to go if it gets the tick of approval by Joe.
Big thanks go to: @Joe Blow for the previous Comps, Peter2 for all his efforts over the years and also to our Sponsors in previous years, well done and Thank You, much appreciated .

If ok I'll start up the new thread this afternoon titled "Tipping Competition for Full C/Y 2023"
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