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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2021

Interesting to see a lot of "meme" stocks, those popular on HC and ASX_Bets being picked. A lot of mineral and exploration lotto tickets being selected as the best picks too. Recurring theme seems to be meme stocks with multi-hundred million dollar evaluations and no profit with minimal future tailwinds.

AFL - top pick

Also shout-out to the KinkyPenguin.
I know @Joe Blow would be quietly chuffed in welcoming the new Members above, and any others, for getting involved in the 2021 Competition.

@The Cruising Investor

Welcome from all ASF Members chaps, and please feel inclined to post up your opinions on your Competition Stock pics and anything else you are interested in

ps Bear in mind, if you win the Yearly Comp as a new Member, it could be considered polite to "shout the bar" ? (bourbon and coke thanks)

Warm welcome to the new members.

Im voting for;

Ahh... Headstrong, did you not read the T&C of entry?
Which is your top pick?

"When entering, please be sure to post your top pick for 2021, the stock that you believe will gain the most in 2021 and the reasons why in the relevant stock thread. "
Hi Joe and Thank You for giving me this opportunity and may I wish You and everyone a very Safe and Happy New Year

PLS top pick

All the best
Can I replace ATS which is ineligible with GXY Please

Sorry about that.

I'll take LTR instead
Thank You @peter2
I will take SXL as a replacement albeit I no longer hold. But that makes it, a good start.
CXO Lithium in NT
XRO cloud base server business software
GEM educational technology
IVC - Teaching my daughter about the stock market and she stated that she wants shares in death, being a teenager smarty pants reply. I looked it up ... and now she owns shares.
1. EXL - Top pick
2. TMR
3. FCT
4. SGQ

Feeling that Cannabis will be revisited for a run in 202

Thanks Joe & Peter!
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Righto.....I'll take an early stab.....

CWX.....Top pick thanks Joe.

Hi ,

I may have fallen foul of the $100k rule with two of my picks .... CWX and GAS ...

If we are enforcing the rule can I please replace with MEE and NOV .

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