1. FLC
2. EXL
3. CGI
DEM backup
Thank you, Barney. Will see what 2020 brings for the cannabis industry, it is a gamble.
Top pick FLC, it has been traded very modest and hardly got attention despite pulling great projects and being near profit. Compared to PET which overheated. CG1/DEM for similar reasons, very positive numbers/growth and water is getting more scarce day by day. EXL I feel has been handled way too rough cause the overall market has disappointed a lot but their news were quite positive from what I saw.
If my picks should not qualify just take me out, no worries. This is just a very quick stab in the dark
PS: Ah ok now I understand what you mean by individual stock thread. I won't find the time sadly, on travels for the moment. Ignore my picks.