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Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Yes ABC local radio is reporting this morning that il est mort.
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

Any news of young Saif?

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" Gaddafi gets it.

My contacts in Sirte tell me he is an ex-monster.


I read the initial thread and understand your personal feelings (ie Biarritz) but I still believe that for the vast majority of Libyans, worse is coming.
What was the 2nd per capita african country will fall in muslin extremist hands (as will its neighbours) and instead of facing a radical utopist dictatorship Europe will wake up with 200 millions fanatics ready to move in;
Thankfully I am now in Oz
and all this for a few extra years of cheap oil and mega corporate profits.
A shame for the university educated women of Libya,their spring is over
"They don't like it up 'em!" N. Korea's Kim Jong Un killed 2013

I started a similar thread at the beginning of the Libyan liberation, and was pleasantly surprised to see Muammar Gaddafi leave this pleasant earth connected to a piece of cold steel thrust up in to his multi-medalled ****.

Let us hope as we have feasted these last few days, that the starving North Koreans get a similar result in 2013. The odious North Korea, ruled by the Kim dynasty, is one of the few kingly Socialist slave-owning nations left on earth.

My contacts in Beijing tell me that they are becoming weary of the lilliputian leadership in Pyongyang, and have started to foster simmering dissent in the N.Korean Army.

Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" N.Korea's Kim Jong Un killed 2013.

I was in Seoul a few weeks ago and did the DMZ + Tunnel Tour. Real eye opener. Imagine living in South Korea, with these nut jobs on your doorstep?
Re: "They don't like it up 'em!" N. Korea's Kim Jong Un killed 2013

I have just been sent the latest photo-op shoot from a contact within the little fat emperor's court.

The Court of Kim Jong Un, Murderer of Millions, Starver of Babies.

Kin Jong Un is the fat bastard in the centre of the photo.

His uncle is to his right in the same David Jones suit. Same size too. Don't ask. I organised it for my usual 50% commission. Thanks DJS.

The guy second from the right is a transvestite who gets away with wearing dresses.

All the other flunkeys played a game called hide your troos, and then had to quickly redress.

The midget psychopath to the far right won, if he hasn't been photoshopped.

They Don't Like It Up 'Em

Time to post the passing of another little monster.

The Iranian Deputy Industry Minister succumbed to friendly fire.

One wonders where he is now.

Another little monster bites the dirt.

This time, beheaded by his holy mates.

I wonder how 22 virgins will cope with a headless martyr, done in , in the name of Allah.

From the BBC.

What a hoot.

Muppet jihadis execute one of their own commanders, blood lust knows no bounds.

I do hope our own home grown sheikhs do not start mistaking one from t'other.

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