Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Ultimate Currency

2 December 2005
What do you think is the ultimate currency?

I think I know what it is.
WHAT do you think it is?

Re: The Ultimate Currency .

Bobby said:
What do you think is the ultimate currency?

I think I know what it is.
WHAT do you think it is?

It's actually "love'.
But just keep that between us.
Re: The Ultimate Currency .

It could be several answers
love, knowledge, trust, forgiveness.
Who decides

Re: The Ultimate Currency .

Thank you both Rederou & Stew23,

For your replys, both respected . :)

The thread was posted to commodities as the real hint, don't take any offence by this.

Still whats the ultimate currency!.

Sorry, I didnt realise it was in the commodities section. With that said I googled it and the two answers that came up were gold and energy.

Strw23 said:
Sorry, I didnt realise it was in the commodities section. With that said I googled it and the two answers that came up were gold and energy.


Hello Scott,
Congratulations. ;)
Thought it would take a bit more time to get this, but well found! Yes the Ultimate Currency is ENERGY.

Bobby said:
Hello Scott,
Congratulations. ;)
Thought it would take a bit more time to get this, but well found! Yes the Ultimate Currency is ENERGY.

I think it might be "out there", but as energy has so many different sources I believe whoever came up with the idea is not very bright.
A currency needs to satisfy a number of criteria, including utility/practicality.
Energy per se does not.
A device that stored energy and allowed the purchaser to use it might be a "currency".
Sorry Bob, I just don't buy energy as a currency.
Would you like to try and sell it?
energy will one day be free.......I recently discovered there have been inventions with magnetic a google. Also, solar tech is being developed along with fuel cells.

gold is the real currency.
I'd be tempted to say policial currency on a macro-scale.

Reading "Confessions of an economic hitman" by John Perkins, strong argument that there is nothing nations wont do to keep the current neo-feudal system of capitalism in power.
Knobby22 said:
No gold is just a commodity these days.
A commodity held by most Central Banks, in vaults, where they keep money as well.
Thank goodness commodities can't breed with paper money.
I hear that in the US where paper presses see money paper the two get highly inflatible and reproduce like rabbits.
rederob said:
A commodity held by most Central Banks, in vaults, where they keep money as well.
Thank goodness commodities can't breed with paper money.
I hear that in the US where paper presses see money paper the two get highly inflatible and reproduce like rabbits.
Now that made me laugh.