Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Trade Wars have started?

17 January 2007
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Obama administration will impose stiff tariffs on imports of Chinese-made tires after finding that a surge of imports has disrupted the U.S. domestic market.
President Barack Obama signed an order on Friday to impose the special punitive tariffs for three years, the White House announced.


HONG KONG (MarketWatch) -- China said Sunday it would launch an anti-dumping investigation into U.S. sales of chicken and auto products, a move apparently in response to Washington's decision to impose punitive sanctions on Chinese tire imports late last week.
China's Ministry of Commerce said it was starting proceedings after having received complaints that U.S. products were being sold in China at below-market prices, according to reports.
The ministry has denied that the actions against U.S. producers are a form of protectionism.
More news on the potential for restrictions on global trade:

Three paper companies and the United Steelworkers filed an antidumping case Wednesday against China and Indonesia, making good on the union's threat to protect other U.S. industries after winning a recent trade decision against China.
A spokesman at the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said: "The rising trade protectionism is worrying. The U.S. should be aware that trade protectionism is a double-edged sword and will do no good to either side."

Article is in today's WSJ. For those without a subscription and using Google News, the title of the article is:
Paper Is Next Front in China Trade Fight
It looks like it will get ugly.

Industries should closely scrutinise foreign trade. I know the paper making companies here are having issues.
Trump is right -



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