Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The return of Alan Bond

15 July 2006
Alan Bond is now back in the Rich200 list. That will make a lot of people happy.
Who said crime doesn't pay?
It does so long as it is white collar and done in Australia.
Alan Bond is now back in the Rich200 list. That will make a lot of people happy.

Alan Bond has paid his debt to society by spending a long time in jail.

And like alot of people he has benefited from the 2 stock market booms and 1 real estate boom in the past 8 years. If the people that lost money with him noticed this they would of made money just like him.


Alan Bond has paid his debt to society by spending a long time in jail.

And like alot of people he has benefited from the 2 stock market booms and 1 real estate boom in the past 8 years. If the people that lost money with him noticed this they would of made money just like him.


mmmmm... Bondie is a clever businessman, no doubt about that, but a few points:

* He did not spend that long in jail.

* It could be strongly argued that he hasn't paid his debt, just a few token crumbs.

* There is much I could say that may be seen as potentially libelous, so I won't, but it extends beyond being clever. 'nuff said?

I knew a lot about the whole WA inc scene and knew most of the Bond Corp and Rothwell's boards, so know more about it than most. Good luck to him, but he does not have my admiration. :2twocents
Alan Bond has paid his debt to society by spending a long time in jail.

And like alot of people he has benefited from the 2 stock market booms and 1 real estate boom in the past 8 years. If the people that lost money with him noticed this they would of made money just like him.



I know Bondy's story well,

"Bell Resources" is all I will say.............

That would have been 20 years if he was in the USA.........
mmmmm... Bondie is a clever businessman, no doubt about that, but a few points:

* He did not spend that long in jail.

* It could be strongly argued that he hasn't paid his debt, just a few token crumbs.

* There is much I could say that may be seen as potentially libelous, so I won't, but it extends beyond being clever. 'nuff said?

I knew a lot about the whole WA inc scene and knew most of the Bond Corp and Rothwell's boards, so know more about it than most. Good luck to him, but he does not have my admiration. :2twocents

Wayne you beat me to it totally agree
Alan Bond has paid his debt to society by spending a long time in jail.

And like alot of people he has benefited from the 2 stock market booms and 1 real estate boom in the past 8 years. If the people that lost money with him noticed this they would of made money just like him.



More likely he has finally recovered from his amnesia (brain damage) and remembered where he hid all the loot he stole from Bell Resources shareholders.
Alan Bond must get some credit as well as condemnation. He did a lot for WA as well as doing something for himself.

He always maintained that if the banks had not closed him out of Kambalda that the nickel mines there would have allowed him to meet his commitments and shareholders would not have been so badly done by. The fact that the Kambalda mines have done so well for those that ended up with them after the bank's fire sale does back that up.

His legacy at Kalgoolie is a supermine. He did join two operators together and allow greater production by joining two open cut mines. I remember doing a tour of the mine when we heard the tour operator singing the praises of Bondie and that was after his fall from grace.

He did back the team that won the America's cup and that led to a complete rebuild of Freemantle.

So he wasn't all bad and he did stay behind and face the music. I don't think his new wealth was squirreled away from earlier days. There were a lot of people still prepared to back him.
Every villain will have their backers, and even their positives.


Adolph Hitler. See (Please note: I offer up this website as an example of my point, not as an endorsement of AH)

Very few people who know the whole story will exalt Bondie along with the saintly, unless a significant financial beneficiary. :2twocents
Very few people who know the whole story will exalt Bondie along with the saintly, unless a significant financial beneficiary. :2twocents

I'm not suggesting him for Pope. I'm neutral where he is concerned. I'm suggesting he was not all bad. There are two sides to most stories. His comeback is remarkable and as I see it, legitimate. I see it, legitimate.
Legitimacy does not necessarily equate to virtue. He may or may not have turned over a new leaf, but based on form, I think folks have a right to be skeptical.

But it didn't take much searching to find this, about his more recent "exploits"


But his ambition has upset even some of his most fervent supporters. One founding shareholder accused him of “rape and pillage”.

Another said: “He hasn’t learnt his lesson. He operates as if the 1980s never went away. He’s like Gordon Gekko [from the Hollywood film Wall Street] – greed is good. He has a complete lack of understanding that the world has moved on.”
He is one very talented man! To be declared bankrupt, go to jail for 8 years, spend a couple of years back in business, and then be worth $250m odd. Very talented indeed.


I'd suggest the Feds will be looking into it.
I think Bond is one of the few criminals that can be labelled a genius .

He didn't walk into a bank with a gun , neither did he crack a safe .

He used sophisticated accounting and made a lot of money , by bending the rules so far over that they almost snapped .

I rate his investment intelligence up there with the Oracle of Omaha , his scruples are another matter .

Accountability seems to be a lucky dip .

But then again there are quite a few suits within WA Inc. that should have trod the same boards he did , yet they managed to escape the laws attention .

Now if it were a contest of who to follow , I would rather follow his disipilnes than those of Bob Hawke , Paul Keating , John Howard or our wonder boy Kev .

It's the do as I say not as as I do group , that should really be placed under the microscope . Alan Bond just lacked the spin teams the above mentioned have at their disposal .

I have no qualms with our C.I.C. having a Batman , I do object that my taxes pay the outrageous fees his wifes companies receive/d creating meaningless employment opportunities that have been recorded as meaningful employment . I thoroughly object to paying for a their hotels , room service and other wastes , that we all fork out for at a time that the country has a mass of taxpayers under financial stress . I don't rate that as good etiquette from a seasoned diplomat .

On the otherside of the line we have Laberals like Turnbull that think it's okay to use naked preadolescent children as an art feature . I never liked Turnbull for his line hopping from Labor to Liberal , his latest dribblings have just cemented that view .

Children are our greatest asset and the future of this country , the artiefarties ought to get that through their thick heads , before we damage more of our greatest assets and Turnbull needs to shove a sock in it , unless he wears Prada in the backroom like some of his fellow compatriots , then he should just gag himself with fishnet stockings .

Bond may have stolen money , but others are prepared to steal our future generations moral code and flush it away for 15 minutes of headlines in the broadsheets and tabloids .

I'd rather have Bond than the Sick Twisted delusionists sputtering enough to create loopholes in our laws .
Newspaper article on Alan Bond's new ventures. Wayne has linked to an article (above) - this one here is written by the same journo/author and is a very similar article.
Alan Bond has paid his debt to society by spending a long time in jail.

And like alot of people he has benefited from the 2 stock market booms and 1 real estate boom in the past 8 years. If the people that lost money with him noticed this they would of made money just like him.



You won't EVER see Bond walk across the road or along side the road in Perth, I can guarantee that with in three cars passing some one will run him over. One month b4 he went under he was still telling people your money is safe. Should still be in the slammer.
Our laws allow person to re-accumulate wealth without repaying debt in full with interest.