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The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008

These corrections/crashes/occur every now and then.

This may be the worst yet but I think it's greed more than anything. But using short selling as a terrorism tool? Hmmmm. May be a good idea.

Soro's has predicted the market crash since 2001

So you think that these are theories
Water Shortage problems?
Food Shortage Problems?
Global Warming?
Bush is a good President and has fundamentally strengthen hs ecomony?

I will have my thoughts and you with yours. That's what makes the world an interesting place, debate, ideas, theories, factual follow up and sometmes, years late the truth to the theory to support it.

So you discount anyone with a thought that differs from yours, assuming they are wrong and maybe even idiots?
So you think that these are theories
Water Shortage problems?
Food Shortage Problems?
Global Warming?
Bush is a good President and has fundamentally strengthen hs ecomony?

Wild speculation or paranoia, or both.

Wild speculation or paranoia, or both.
So despite scientific evidence from many sources

How do you come to your conclusions? Beliefs? Truths?

Are you saying the forensic science and scientist of many backgrounds have no position in our society.

I'm an Atheist. Do you believe in the Bible or some other group.
Perhaps I should have been clearer.
I was responding to your assumptions about what I believe.
So you think that these are theories.
So you discount anyone with a thought that differs from yours ....

Water Shortage problems? Real
Food Shortage Problems? Real
Global Warming? Still in doubt about the level of CO2 forcing.
Bush is a good President and has fundamentally strengthen hs ecomony? Yeah right!

No they were not my assumptions I was asking if you believed these theories

I believe in:
Water shortage
Food Shortage
Global Warming
No- Bush is the most dangerous, incoherent, incompetent President probably in global history
I agree with you Kimosabi and Green08, except about global warming (There is no such thing, Climate Change occurs and it is independent of us. We need to adapt and nothing more, we cannot control the Global Climate. It has more to do with further controlling the markets with the issuance of Carbon Credits, who gets the credits owns the markets, who doesn't perishes, just the same as central banking, more centralized control, plus the increase in industry to produce all these "Green Products". I'm all for less pollution and living self-sufficiently, which is why I am sad that the Green movements have been hijacked by this scam)

Anyway, where were we? Thats right, people controlling our lives. Although I've been interested, well forever, in money and how economics work, I only began studying finances and economics as a hobby early last year. About 3 weeks before August, I came to the conclusion that our system was not free, its was controlled to the nth degree, through debt based fractional reserve central banking, and it was doomed for failure, then August came around, and sub-prime began, and since then nearly everything I thought would happen has.

We elect representatives that are supposed to do as WE wish but in order for them to keep their jobs, they need to bow to the money. There is a huge history of people trying to control the financial systems of a country and it has nothing to do with government, government is there to keep the people under control these days, and its the moneymakers/moneychangers who control what happens.

The US Government is not in control, The US Government is Controlled.

It principally began when we first settled down and created agriculture thousands of years ago. Those with the keys(Bankers) to the Grain Silo's(Printing Press/Central Banking), had control of the Food(Money), Therefor the people.

The current banking system started a few hundred years ago, before the Napoleonic wars, in Germany with a Man called Mayer Amschel Bauer, who change his name to Mayer Amschel ROTHSCHILD, the man who became the worlds First International banker. He was the only person allowed to trade between England and France, indeed he financed both sides of the war (Sounds Familiar?). His family married into royalty and with his system, he made them and his family very rich indeed. He established banking headquarters around the modern world, with his sons in control. Since that time they have continued to increase their power and control, they have been the main proponents behind central banking. America was a giant thorn in their side, as a fair and free economy was developing and the Bankers where not getting their share, The American Civil wars and War of Independence were as just as much about Financial control than anything else, which is why central banking was so fiercely fought by the People in General and those such as Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson, Jackson actually has "I killed the Bank" on his headstone as it was he who defeated, I think? the first Central Bank of America, and one of Jeffersons famous quotes were "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

They have continued to gain greater control, and a few families around the world now have controlling powers. These people today own big oil, control monetary policy and influence the media.

Lakemac on another thread has some great writings on how it all works and further details relating to the history of the world through the eyes of a Banker. Is much more interesting than normal History too.

We do not run a free market, our voting system means nothing, and we are all truly slaves to the system, there is no escape at the moment, anything that goes against this system is treated as heresy.

What needs to be done was answered in your question. The people do not know what is happening because we are conditioned into believing that what we have now is the best there has ever been. They believe in the system because they do not know otherwise.

EDUCATION is the key, if the majority of the world knew, truly knew, how things worked, what has happened, and how everything humanity has strived for, is being destroyed, there would a revolution overnight.

If only Ron Paul could have been elected Pres of the USA, then things would have truly changed and the word would have got out. Teaching Austrian economics would be a good start to.

Plus, we, the ones who know have the responsibility to educate others around us.

Remember Prawn "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead

Whatever you do, do something, if we all sit back and say, well nothing can be done about it, then we have given up and are doomed to a fate of whatever the rulers want. I believe in Freedom and would honestly rather die fighting than do something that goes against my beliefs.

DJZ - Precisely what I am trying to do. I am continually amazed at the amount of information available to the public either openly or by request that people do not access.

I am also amazed at the apathy of people who do know and do nothing! That's right TV, Ipod's, video games, soapie mags fill people lives! Sad!

You can't convert someone with a closed mind that is why children are so important, they are the ones that have to live here.

All I can say is just like the crashing markets when the water and food shortages start to hit home to those in denial now it is every man / woman for themselves.
I only focus on things that are real and will have real consequences. E.g. Peak oil is a reality, higher food prices (shortages) is a reality.

What if US FED is a neutral body, still they have to create money out of thin air, right? The money creation as a function of GDP is a nice theocratic concept, one that works and can enable growth and withstand recession/depression.I still believe that governments should look into interest free systems. Japan is almost an interest free system (.05% is not that much). Of course it has to cancel out the effect of inflation.

On the subject of global warming, I am not sold out completely. Different species come and go, (dinosaurs anyone?), cycle of nature or life. Yes sustainable living should be encouraged, but for God's sake don't enslave the masses to carbon reduction as the only tool to combat this nonsense. I greatly agree with WayneL comments on global warming thread on this topic.

Well call me selfish but i would rather have a comfortable and relatively happy life, than one dedicated to "fighting the man". I will make sure my kids know about this etc etc but i am more of the belief, "if you cant beat them join them" or at least play by their rules as best you can.

There are still plenty of opportunities in this world and i intend to make the most of them for myself.
There are still plenty of opportunities in this world and i intend to make the most of them for myself.

Yes there are many fantastic opportunities like stem cell research but we have to get over the government. The best of innovation is yet to come but the money needed of R & D is a part of the problem.

Climate change has been beneficial. Some companies have come up with new efficient ideas. Others. solar power have gained favour and improved.

As for if you can't beat them join them. It comes down to your ethics and personality, I've been a rebel most of my life, I haven't broke the law but do what I want and don't follow the crowd. You learn more that way as you look at both sides. I have no debt never believed in Credit Cards from the time I has legally offered one. Always believed if you couldn't buy it with cash and negotiate a deal it wasn't worth it or I'd wait.

Firstly, Every Fiat money system in the history of the world has collapsed!

The Creation of Money out of thin Air is the Problem! Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely, the Central Bank has Absolute power over the issuance of Our money. They have a monopoly over the production of something that every single person needs.

The bare minimum we can strive for if we are to put up with a Fiat system, is to introduce competing currencies, so that the issuers of credit, have some sort of competition to put pressure on them to maintain the value of the currency they are selling, which would prevent an over abundance of credit.

If one currency is overinflated then people will move to another currency. Of course this causes runs on banks and can lead to people losing their money, but that is exactly what is needed, people need to understand risk instead of thinking they can go and spend as much as they want without a worry.

It would make people risk adverse and they would actually think about the true value of things as opposed to the numerical value, and would prevent wild speculation as the price of everything will not "Always Go Up".

Fractional Reserve banking is the other evil of our system. Why should someone be allowed to create something from nothing and then charge interest on it? Its perfectly fine to charge interest or get something in return for lending of your hard earned cash, but when you have neither worked hard nor own anything to begin with, why should you be given the power to charge on something you don't have?

When is comes down to it, Money is a Tool of Trade, a Store of value, for it to work fairly that value must remain true, otherwise people are being defrauded of their hard earned efforts, because it is their labour and energy that they trade for this Unit of Value. When a entity has the power to devalue that Unit(by way of printing more money), they are stealing from every single person who has worked hard to save and get ahead. Inflation is a Tax upon people, with whoever receives the pre-inflated dollars first benefiting, and the people who receive this money first? The Financial institutions, The Central bank is a banking cartel, they defraud everyone for the benefit of there own.

A centralised debt based fiat money system is a system open to severe corruption, and that is exactly what has occurred, indeed It was designed to be this way so why would we think anything else would happen.

Well your educating your kids about how the world works, and the very fact that you have educated yourself about this issue is at least doing something.

Would you join the Taliban or other extremist organizations or any group that goes against your morals? If you couldn't beat them? How far to you bend your morals to exist?

This system attacks freedom, this system promotes wars and there are millions that have died at the hands of this system.

I believe freedom goes hand in hand with life, If you do not have the freedom to make decisions over you own life, then what life do you really have? If you give up your freedom, you give up your life.

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin

This isn't about fighting the man, this is about fighting for true freedom from an oppressive and destructive system. Its about what the entire human race has fought for in every page of time. It might sound a bit melodramatic but its true.

Also, Working within the system doesn't mean you agree with it, indeed you need to work within this system in order to survive, there is no alternative, It is that fact that I will fight against. We all don't have to believe and live within a certain religious system so why should we all be forced to live and believe in a certain financial system? Its the exact same thing, throughout history people have been oppressed by Religion, now they are oppressed by a financial system. Its all about Control, and I will never be controlled by anyone but me, I'd rather die like everyone else before me who has died fighting for freedom.
Very well said DJZ, although i think what prawn is saying is that he understands the severity of the situation but instead of spending his life trying to change it (and die poor as he might think) he's thinking on the other hand, how can i capitalize from all this information im receiving.

For me as an example i know this wont change overnight or possibly in my lifetime but i will do things to support change (like spreading the word, video etc.. starts by helping others realise themselves) but again my main view on this is if i understand how the central banks and monopoly men capitalize on other peoples losses then how can i use that education to avoid the tsunami and if possible profit from it.
I agree with Prawn_86 here and also have "fairly" similar believes, but not necessary about joining "them".

I'm more realistic about what I can do and what I should be worrying about. One of the most effective habit I have learnt (yes, from the 7 habits book) is to only worry about stuff that I have control in and ignore those that I do not.

Worrying about how to save the world from these corrupted, evil, power hungry individuals/corporations is pointless because there is nothing I can do right now to make any slight differences right now. (due to lack of resources) All I can do is to protect myself from the system and accumulate as much resource (and power) as possible by taking advantage of it, and hope that one day, I could make more significant differences through other, "stealthy" means.

It's like trying to fight the "war" from behind the scene. Being so openly about hating the system and want to fight it would only lead yourself to misery, both physically and mentally.

So let's be realistic here and be mindful of your family's well being.
DJZ, thank you for insightful comments. We are, I think, ignorant victims of global manipulations, largely by the US, to an extent we find difficult to appreciate.

Talking around this general topic today with my accountant, he mentioned some background from a couple of years ago which seems relevant.

Rather a lengthy read, but the relevance becomes clear if you persist.
Ageo Temjin I Totally agree, I take a holistic approach to everything, and will be using what I know to my advantage us much as I can, I will also live my life in a different way to what I would have, had I not worked out why everything is the way it is, ie I wont be a lemming anymore who doesn't understand why the world works the way it does. Most world events never really made sense and alot of history always seemed watered down, and now I understand why that is. But I wouldn't go as far as saying I'd Join them, I will always stand on the side of the people not matter what when it comes to the crunch.

Julia thanks for the link, will read that tomorrow! I have read alot about US hegemony, when it comes down to it, its the only thing keeping the dollars value up. If the US dollar was not to be traded for oil, the use of US dollars would become minimal across the world and its value would tank, which is one of the reasons why they attacked Iraq, and why they want to go into Iran.
Epochal Transformation Accelerates
As Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates

Read entire article @

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, political and social events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.

I. As we all sat back and waited for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year on September 15th which will forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. It’s really a good time to brace your self since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against us all the time.
The only legitimate currency is that which is backed by GOLD, or some other precious commodity that is universally valued, and issued directly by the US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the FED. Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking – the real bane of global finance – will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury & loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank & International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen. Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western Civilization, will no longer be: maximizing shareholders’ wealth.
The writing is on the wall: THE FED IS DEAD. And so is the Fed’s collection agency – the IRS. The FED has obviously been on extreme life support since September ’08, and the only compassionate response is to let it go peacefully into the sunset. Perhaps we should organize a simple taxpayers’ revolt, not too unlike those that occurred prior to the American Revolution, to bury this beast forever. When the people do wake up, and realize that the Federal Reserve Note that they carry in their pocket is exactly that – a note (i.e. debt, obligation, debit, commitment, instrument of indebtedness), things will start to get REEEEAL interesting !

V. Stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the NYSE. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150 year old multi-billion $$$ companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries. They can, and do, do it all right there on the floor.
Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house ALWAYS wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out!!!
For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night”. Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings is currently residing?
The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street – economic reality – that they put into jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to us all.
Remember – DERIVATIVES are the real megilla. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conducting financial and economic terrorism anytime, anywhere completely under the radar screen. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point.

VIII. There is a very profound and significant connection between the US Government sponsored and staged terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 and the PRE-PLANNED Financial & Economic 9/11 of 2008 that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes:
The OMEN that 911 truly was, looks a little bit like THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in NYC, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess were on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US Dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we see it collapsing all around us, exactly 7 years after the original 911 apocalyptic events.
When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state sponsored terrorism. This, because She had lost all moral ascendancy. Besides, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning.
The GOOD NEWS is that this nation – its people – will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks”.
Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights. As long as She ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And She reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.
As a modern day prophet said in the days immediately following September 11, 2001:
“America, Wake up ! ! ! Seize this God-given opportunity. There is no more time to dally in fear and ignorance and greed. For yours is a destiny that must serve as a beacon of Light and Hope and Peace to the world. Make haste, the time i drawing nigh!”

T. Anthony Michael
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