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The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008

25 February 2007
OK Debt Slaves, it time for you all to work out what's REALLY going on. I encourage everyone to watch all of the video's at the end of this article, and to go and do your own research...

The PRE-PLANNED Financial/Economic 911 of 2008

WHAT: A pre-planned collapse of the US (and global) financial and economic systems.

WHO: The same characters who perpetrated the original 911.

WHERE: New York City & DC, of course. Plus a sideshow in Washington state.

WHEN: The days surrounding September 11, naturally.

HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with wings & big fins, and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealth short seller.

WHY: To remake the economic/financial order of the world into a “PPP” (Permanent Planetary Plantation).

WHY Really: Think about it ! And then ask yourself, “Cui bono?”

The 911 blueprint worked so magically for the world controllers that they were
compelled to use virtually the same playbook. “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?
So, what’s the real deal here?

By analogy, let’s take a quick look at the 911 timeline and stack it up against the new 2008 Financial “911”, as it began to unfold earlier this year.

1. The Bear Stearns collapse that began in March 2008 is analogous to the 1st World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Just a warm up. This was preceded by a little failure back in January featuring Countrywide – the largest US mortgage lender.

2. The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac marks the beginning of the new 911. Both in the DC area, they were the first to come down this time. Just as they struck at the heart of the military complex, this time they went for the jugular of the national real estate market. Remember – this is a financial 911.

3. Next came this year’s version of the twin towers, building 7 and other assorted NYC landmarks in the form of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, as well as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in their “new & improved” form. It basically took out the whole of American investment brokerage.

4. And, of course, we still have Washington Mutual out there in the boonies just like the one that “crashed” in a PA farm field. Update: WAMU is now history.

5. Their MO! What else, but controlled demolition? Throughout 2008, and
especially this month of September, we have seen some of the world’s largest
banks, brokerage houses, mortgage lenders, insurance companies and investment brokers go bust, as each of them fell perfectly into their own footprint faster than you can say:


6. The 700 billion dollar Bailout Plan is just like the Patriot Act, isn’t it? Only this time it’s maybe a 1 or 2 page document that confers absolute authority on the Executive Branch to do just about anything they want with the taxpayer’s money.
And they want it rubber stamped now. Not tomorrow. NOW!!! Without
discussion, or unnecessary congressional debate. Talk about Shock & Awe being used against the American people, and their elected representatives!?!

7. Now we know we can expect further gyrations, panics and precipitous declines in the market and elsewhere, just as we had anthrax attacks in the Capital, beltway snipers in Maryland in October of ’02, the 3/11/04 train bombings in Madrid, and the 7/7/05 bombings in London. Not to mention the 50+ other synthetic terror events staged throughout the world to enforce compliance and create distraction.

8. The sudden and dramatic downfall of NY Gov Eliot Spitzer can also now be seen in its proper light. Having left the reservation one too many times, he simply could not be trusted to go with the flow. He had their numbers, their signatures (especially their MO’s), their addresses --- the whole ball of wax, as well as his own reputation to burnish. Eliot, to seal his fate, wrote a masterful expose on the subprime mortgage fiasco/fraud that was published in the WashPo just weeks before his public humiliation. He had recently testified before Congress as well.
The elimination of John O’Neil, Head of Security at the WTC, is quite similar,
except that John O. – a great patriot – died on 911, having just been given the job.

9. To date, the most obvious and glaring example of this manipulated takedown is the case of a NY Senator. His letter to the FDIC contained confidential information that triggered the IndyMac bank collapse in July. California AG Jerry Brown was called to review the entire affair after the OTS Director explicitly blamed the letter for causing a run on the bank (3rd largest bank failure in US history). This episode is eerily reminiscent of Larry Silverstein’s order to, “Pull it.” just prior to the expertly controlled demolition of Building # 7 on 911.

10. Just as 911 was perpetrated as a cover for: inaugurating the War on Terror, overtly advancing the NWO regime globally (in contrast to this previously covert operation), imposing a police state (Homeland Security) in the US (by gutting the US Constitution), UK and elsewhere, dominating and securing oil/gas reserves in the Middle East and Caucasus (to include running energy pipelines through Afghanistan and stealing Iraq’s oil wealth via military invasion), jump starting the Afghan opium trade, etc., the ECO/FIN 911 of ’08 is a cover for many of these same agenda items. However, there is one little item that is particularly high on the current agenda. And that concerns the derivatives market, which in its totality approximates somewhere between 750 trillion and 1 quadrillion dollars of instruments as of 2008. In fact, the sub prime mortgage defaults are just a tip of the tip of the iceberg when compared to the real megilla – DERIVATIVES. This is what they’re really worried about, and having to cover for. Except this is a quadrillion dollar megilla that can’t be covered without unraveling the entire capitalistic system, and its fascist corpocracy and kleptocratic oligarchy.

11. And then there is the teenie-weenie matter concerning the Federal Reserve, and its collection agency – the IRS. The man standing behind this curtain has a lot at stake, especially in the form of mountains of evidence that will indict, and convict, the entire system. Lots of evidence was destroyed during and after 911, as will happen after many of these Wall Street firms are taken over, nationalized, liquidated, merged and disappeared. The veil, however, has already been lifted.
Does anyone see a pattern here?!

The real lesson to be gleaned from this analysis is that events of such enormity and consequence are rarely spontaneous and unchoreographed. Especially when they happen just weeks from an era defining presidential election. They have obviously been planning this one for a long time, and it has been fastidiously engineered to have a very definite effect and desired outcome – a permanent planetary plantation (PPP).

The execution, thus far, has been flawless. Even for those of us who stood there on the 1st 911, and knew it was a fraud while the buildings were coming down, this one is exceedingly more difficult to penetrate. However, penetrate we will, until every last conspirator is sitting before the TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION spilling the beans. The ultimate and lasting effect of these inquiries will be a New World Order of our making, not theirs. The only remaining, $64,000 question will undoubtedly be, “What do we do with them after we head them off at the pass?”

For the uninitiated, it may take quite a lot to wrap your mind around this extremely complex and convoluted plot, but, please, just be patient. As this drama plays out, the true intentions of the primary perpetrators will become manifest as they unwittingly reveal themselves by their handiwork. As Eliot

Spitzer, no - Eliot Ness, nee – Sherlock Holmes once alluded to – a fingerprint inadvertently left as evidence is impossible to erase.

You see, the short sellers, unlike the “airplanes”, are still with us. Each one had a target to take down which they did with amazing speed and dexterity. And the myriad transactions that converged to topple their prey are all preserved somewhere, in some huge database, with multiple backups to serve as confirmation of trades of staggering amounts. AHHH! Nothing like computers, especially when they’re not confiscated and shipped off to China for permanent disposal.

May all financial wizards and economic soothsayers, henceforth, be inspired to stare into their crystal ball and divine the upcoming financial and economic events of global proportions with the keenest of acumen and sleuthing. As we shine the LIGHT of our collective awareness on these rapidly unfolding schemes, we will serve as beacons of revelation, and hope to the world.
Remember – we now know the script. We know the major players involved. We know their MO: Controlled Demolition. We are able to watch the crimes being committed in real time. Each of us has now been thusly notified, and empowered, to serve as a vector of dissemination of this critical information.

So ----> LET’S GET BUSY ! ! !

T. Anthony Michael
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Special Message to the Market Oracles and Money Masters of the Universe
Our “PRE-PLANNED” scenario delineated above in no way ignores the true state of the national economy, international finance or global economic picture. In fact we are, and have been, fully cognizant of the fact that the true state of every market – real estate, equity, bond, commodities, currency, derivative, etc. has been in shambles for many years, just waiting for the Perfect Storm to come around and blow it all away.

It has been obvious to many of us that each of these markets have operated according to the whim of a very few individuals with extremely concentrated power to manipulate.

Therefore, all markets can be artificially inflated, as we have seen time and time again.

Likewise, they can be artificially deflated, sometimes rather quickly for effect, as we have seen. The “Hidden Hand” of the market is just that – a very carefully hidden hand that makes a complete and total mockery of every economic and financial theory ever advanced. Time for a lot of us to accept this fact of modern economic life.

Perhaps we should now take off our blinders and admit that while, yes, all of the indicators are, and have been, there for a catastrophic economic meltdown & financial cataclysm, these events are still completely controllable. All of us have seen bubble after bubble grow and balloon, and merge and overlap, and inextricably interpenetrate each other, until all we have is one massive bubble ready to pop. But, when will it pop?! It will pop when the confidence level is sufficiently undermined by the very same MEDIA that controls the flow of the relevant information. And who, pray tell, controls the media, if not the Hidden Hand? Clearly, the real Market Oracles are not a part of that MSM juggernaut. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each oracle to get it right, since they are the very best sources of pertinent financial and economic data/information.

The inevitability of self destructive capitalism does not preclude the process of controlled destruction. As the system eats itself, there are those who are eaten, and those who eat. We are witnessing this devolution in living color, as we both write and read these words. The “strong” at the top of the pyramid have always done the eating, as the “weak” at the bottom provide the bone for the stew. The only major difference at this particular, and final, feast is that the internet has allowed for an unprecedented explosion of accurate information in real time. Therefore, the playing field has been leveled like never before. The little guy or gal, for the first time ever, has the opportunity to take back a little, or a lot, of his/her power (WEALTH), should he/she so choose.

Even as the Wall Street gangs team up with the opportunistic political class, as well as the numerous corporate/legal jackals and lobby parasites, to effectuate the most massive redistribution of wealth (aka in your face THEFT) in recorded history, something has profoundly and fundamentally changed. There is a dynamic at work which can alter the game just enough to potentially turn the pyramid upside down. This, however, requires a no nonsense, “look in the mirror with raw honesty” approach. Then we (the oracles) will not deign to render a judgment that is not fully baked. And the recommendations we make are more likely to be issued in the best interest of ALL, especially for those who are in a position of class disadvantage, financial ignorance or structured powerlessness.

So, we have made it clear that all the forces have been put into place for the upcoming monetary apocalypse. But even these forces are controlled, each and every one of them, all the way up to the top. It’s probably a very good time to contemplate just who it is that resides at the peak of the global financial decision-making process. And, their agenda ?!?

Video's to Watch

Money as Debt ==>

Zeitgeist Addendum ==>

The Creature from Jekyll Island ==>

FIAT Empire ==>

Money Masters ==>

Zeitgeist ==>

Endgame ==>

I completely agree with you.

My brother was over on the weekend and we got around to talking about this. He works in construction and knows a lot of guys in various associated fields. His mates in demolition point blank said the towers were imploded with tons of dynamite.

He had me look at some of the videos and you can see when the slow down exactly where the dynamite is going off. Call Sqi..

911 Mysteries: Part.1 - Part 7 - 8
This is the first link and you can follow the others

There were facts in the documentary that I didn't know. To reinforce that is was a demolition job.

One of G Bush's family was the security guard in charge of World Trade Centre site 1 year before the collapse. Another friend of the Bush's bought the Trade Centre site a year or so before the accident and @ 4 months before had all the towers insured for Terrorist Attacks only.

Watch the videos as Kimosabi and I suggest, you will get a shock.

They interview people that footage has not been seen on the ground as it happened and soon after. Many people report well after the planes hit explosions going off in the car parks below. The levels below.

My brother said that to keep steel red hot days after - remember all the fires still burning) there are only 2 ways and aviation fuel as nothing to do with it.

I don't understand all the terminology he used so watch the videos. You will eventually see a link as to why we are at the crisis now.

Do Your Own Research. Bush is not just an idiot he is truely dangerous. Or my own idea is maybe the Idiot face he puts on is a front so no-one would think he was capable of associating and casuing mass destruction to gain more power.

Did you also know that the USA has Australia planned as the "Exit Strategy"?
So we know about it (which i already did).

So what? What can be done? Nothing.

Best of trying to make as comfortable living for your family as possible imo. Awareness is important, but being delusional that things might change is not IMO.
So we know about it (which i already did).

So what? What can be done? Nothing.

Best of trying to make as comfortable living for your family as possible imo. Awareness is important, but being delusional that things might change is not IMO.

I don't believe that many people know about the details.

What can be done. Your answer of nothing is one way or more vigilance to who owns what, when did they change hands etc. The amount of resources may not be that big the government should have all that.. I take it then that you believe this will never happen again? London had the underground, it may not always be planes I’m aware of that.

If they could openly do this to the Towers - in this case history is important to learn from as are past economic disasters. This level of organisation would not have gone unnoticed security cameras etc, it was completely orchestrated from inside, Terrorist for sure but they must of had US high level help.

What do you think the USA keep the mantra of “We’re the Greatest Nation on Earth”?

You can flip me off Prawn I'm getting used to alot of you guys doing it. Thinking you know everything. I take it that you don't believe in global warming?

I have a friend in the aquaculture industry in Australia as an advisor to several companies. I asked him last week what he though, He point blank said the change of sea temperature was having an impact on the fish. Should the sea temperature rise or low, dependant on where the converter belt is flowing at the time certain fish will die or struggle. Some fish obviously have a better range of environmental equilibrium to survive.

Some companies based in Australia have fisheries outside our waters.

You stay in your comfort zone like 90 % of the popluation or can do something.
And what is it that you propose be done?

That is my question. I am aware of things happening, (and yes i believe in Global Warming), but the fact of the matter is, there is very little (if anything meaningful/tangible) that can be done by average people like you and me, as the majority of the population do not know about these things, therefore do not care...
I heard that if you wrap your head in aluminum foil that "they" can't use the NSA's ultra-low frequency behaviour manipulation system (ULFBMS) to compel you to sell your shares cheap to the Uber-9s (Ie the 9 guys that actually control all the world governments etc) hedge funds short covers.....damn can't keep typing! Gotta get my alpha wave blocker on and hide under the desk, as I think I can hear a black helicopter approaching!!!!

Can you expand on this a bit, please, Green08?

Here is a tongue in cheek answer Underestimating is humans biggest flaw.
Maher could at have planted little seeds in the minds of the ignorant US people.

This had me thinking and researching. With the amount of bases and agreements in place. It's like world domination. They admit to going into countries to secure resoruces and as a launch pad for war.

US Military bases Past but relevant

Lily Pads" in Australia, Romania, Mali, Algeria . . .

In order to put our forces close to every hot spot or danger area in this newly discovered arc of instability, the Pentagon has been proposing -- this is usually called "repositioning" -- many new bases, including at least four and perhaps as many as six permanent ones in Iraq. A number of these are already under construction -- at Baghdad International Airport, Tallil air base near Nasariyah, in the western desert near the Syrian border, and at Bashur air field in the Kurdish region of the north. (This does not count the previously mentioned Anaconda, which is currently being called an "operating base," though it may very well become permanent over time.) In addition, we plan to keep under our control the whole northern quarter of Kuwait -- 1,600 square miles out of Kuwait's 6,900 square miles -- that we now use to resupply our Iraq legions and as a place for Green Zone bureaucrats to relax.

Other countries mentioned as sites for what Colin Powell calls our new "family of bases" include: In the impoverished areas of the "new" Europe -- Romania, Poland, and Bulgaria; in Asia -- Pakistan (where we already have four bases), India, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and even, unbelievably, Vietnam; in North Africa -- Morocco, Tunisia, and especially Algeria (scene of the slaughter of some 100,00 civilians since 1992, when, to quash an election, the military took over, backed by our country and France); and in West Africa -- Senegal, Ghana, Mali, and Sierra Leone (even though it has been torn by civil war since 1991). The models for all these new installations, according to Pentagon sources, are the string of bases we have built around the Persian Gulf in the last two decades in such anti-democratic autocracies as Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

......The military prefers bases that resemble small fundamentalist towns in the Bible Belt rather than the big population centers of the United States. For example, even though more than 100,000 women live on our overseas bases -- including women in the services, spouses, and relatives of military personnel -- obtaining an abortion at a local military hospital is prohibited. Since there are some 14,000 sexual assaults or attempted sexual assaults each year in the military, women who become pregnant overseas and want an abortion have no choice but to try the local economy, which cannot be either easy or pleasant in Baghdad or other parts of our empire these days.

How comfortable would you be with them on our soil?
After researching and realising the the Towers implosion was happening for months right under them I would assume anything from the USA.
=prawn_86;351765]And what is it that you propose be done?

What is an obvious threat to the world population at the moment? Food

What are you doing about securing food for your children's future with economic crisis, a recession that will loom for years and climatic severe weather changes? I know and I've been doing a few things.
The first thing is to educate your children in a responsible and factual way without scaring the living daylights out of them. i.e. be conservative in what you use, composting, look at what you have can it be used for something else? It is really good as kids can be so creative with concepts.

I mentioned on the Wall St riot thread - Sustainability is what you make of it.

Perhaps has I grew up on a farm, I have a fair understanding of basic permaculture and am under going a course in Keyline agriculture. Whilst we have resources you should make the most of them. If you think I'm nuts, fine. But things can happen very quickly. Who controls the food, do you understand what Monsanto actually do? DYOR

That was another hugh Bush stuff up letting them get a patent to seed. He's probably getting handouts like they do.

If you think after reading factual articles and known lawsuits they file on farmers of control seed, thus food think about what would happen if they decided to only give it to the USA. Here is a list of countries they are in

Doing deals with governments? Do the governments actually care about the people?
How many people will seriously believe that? Most of this is even predicted in the imminent thread on ASF. Even some of the economist were predicting that it would happen. Where is the surprise element of 9/11?

It is not convincing enough to be a consipracy on a grand scale. It is easy to say that money masters are controlling the currency, but can you give a viable alternative? Don't tell me gold is the way to go as it cannot support growth. I don't like the fiat currency either but what are the real practical alternatives?

Almost all videos posted I have watched, yes interesting take on things but they are also propaganda machines. Don't believe everything they say or portray either.
I agree Mayk.
If it is the choice between a giant conspiracy and just stupidity of the legislators, I would go with stupidity every time, especially with the present incumbent.

Amazes me how dumb the Americans are getting, most of them don't even believe they landed on the moon. Must be something in the water.

You must agree thow that these video's are pretty accurate when it comes to explaining the central bank's are the main cause of this......
Consider the saying... "All good things must come to an end."

Like others, I recall a number of individuals predicting the stock market crash - I remember it being mentioned in detail a book I read 3 years ago, and that book was a couple of years old. Forget what book it was.

These corrections/crashes/occur every now and then.

This may be the worst yet but I think it's greed more than anything. But using short selling as a terrorism tool? Hmmmm. May be a good idea.
Think out side the square.

Define the square please.

A real investigation moves towards a conclusion, or set of conclusions. The evidence leads you to one or a small set of probabilities.

Conspiracy theories get on their bike and take off blabbing away from the official story which is assumed bollox. Their theories (which are not even that) are built around a useless method of investigation.

Most if not all conspiracy "theories" I`ve heard don't even rise to the level of a "hypothesis". A "hypothesis" requires that there be at least some reasonable grounds for further testing. Many of the ideas we call conspiract theories are no more than wild speculation or paranoia, or both.
Almost all videos posted I have watched, yes interesting take on things but they are also propaganda machines. Don't believe everything they say or portray either.

I know they can change things visually yes, Adobe products Maya software etc. Somethings you have to question or do you take everything on face value and use no critical anaylsis of your own? The videos were a way to convey my concern. Are you saying that you knew the Towers would fall. There is substanial evidence in them to support the theory. Do you understand demoltion or know anyone directly in the business who does it right?

Do you know how many of Bush's family are in power positions, the industries they lead and were that money goes - back to the family.

Mayk I wasn't posting for you, there are others out there who are not aware of this, or the most obvious one Monsanto you can predict what ever, you may be the new Nostradmus who knows? Question is what are you going to do about it? I said on another thread "Is what you see real even right in front of you, was is orchestrated for you to come to a conclusion...."
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