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The official "ASX is tanking!" panic thread

With the Au$ down so much you'd think it would fly at the close.
Futures are negative however.
Nice rally into the close. Interesting to see what happens tonight now.

Another rollar coaster day. The vertical axis of my chart has a range of 120 points these days so a small 25pt movement "looks" like nothing. 30-50pt swings occur in a matter of hours (or minutes).

On days like these I wish I am a futures tape-reader.

Based on absolutely nothing but reverse psychology... the US should tank tonight...
I recon the DOW will open up ever so slightly in the green. I haven't seen any news today that may cause a shakey ride on the DOW. Then again, I've never been good at picking these things lately.

Turned into quite a good rally, put on about 50 points in the last hour and a half which for the SPI is huuuge, didn't get any of it though as I tend not to trade the SPI after the first hour as I find it too hard to read accurately.

Had a good day on the HSI though.

Want to compare P&L again?
DAX, FTSE and DOW came out roaring today. Should reflect nicely on our markets tomorrow morning.

Globally coodinated liquidity bailout...

It helps but it's not a cure. Blood transfusion doesn't cure cancer...

How long with this last? I can see SPX retesting 1250, but a bit harder to see XJO going to test 4500 which is the cliff that we fell off from.
DAX, FTSE and DOW came out roaring today. Should reflect nicely on our markets tomorrow morning.

Another strong open tomorrow ? followed by another pull back in the afternoon ? Can imagine a lot of people will want to be closing positions at the end of tomorrow.
Another strong open tomorrow ? followed by another pull back in the afternoon ? Can imagine a lot of people will want to be closing positions at the end of tomorrow.

I don't know about a "stong" open - I just expect to close out with gains, rather than in the red.

Skc - definitely not a cure, just helpful for those with long positions. Gold price on the decline, looks like some investor confidence has returned, for now...
Europe is holding up so far - a good 2 - 3% gain on the asx on Friday would go down well.

If I'm back at the same point I was last Friday, I'll buy myself a shandy.
Another strong open tomorrow ? followed by another pull back in the afternoon ? Can imagine a lot of people will want to be closing positions at the end of tomorrow.

Agree. There will probably be a strong open which will falter early afternoon then really fade after 2:30pm. It's Friday.
Weak open so far, not a good sign.

SPI was only about 45 points up from yesterdays close and the last 3 times we have only been up under 50 points after a strong night on the DOW our market has been very weak the next day. And with such a weak opening today it isn't looking good atm, Aisa could be drag us higher if it opens strongly but if Aisa is also weak today........

Actually a bit of strength...

There's a bearish conspiracy theory out there that the liquidity facility is a preparation for a Greek default. If you look carefully the Greek bonds are not on the accepted instrument list (and for good reason), even though Ireland and Portugal bonds are.
What a ride!

I see the DJIA futures are already down 128 while the SPI has been steady at +8.

Any thoughts from wise heads on movements this week?

I'd go fishing but it's too rough there as well.

What a ride!

I see the DJIA futures are already down 128 while the SPI has been steady at +8.

Any thoughts from wise heads on movements this week?

I'd go fishing but it's too rough there as well.


SPI is down 25 points or so at the moment. New fears over the weekend about Greek default...

Apparently 20 Sept is a good D-Day. But that is offest by the potential of helicopter Ben turning into carpet-bomb Ben on 21 Sept.

BTW take everything from zerohedge as the worst case scenario and add in your own dose of optimism / reality.
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