I was woken at about 12 this morning by my next door neighbour calling my name from the front lawn. The lady from across the road had woken her and had said her husband had fallen over. They are both good neighbours and we are all fairly close knit. When I went to investigate I found him in the hallway on his stomach. I knew before I turned him over that he had already passed. I have been in this situation a few times where time seems to stand still as you wait for the police and ambulance. It becomes like a morbid still shot in your mind and there is a mix of feeling totally useless in your ability to help in a meaningful way. Even trying to comfort his wife had a feeling of futility to it. Everyone in the room responds in a kind of panic of having to do something, anything to stop the finality of the moment set in, that you have lost a friend/loved one. In this case it was made worse that his wife had dementia and he was the primary carer.
We managed to find family that is staying with her now till her son comes from NZ.
I am looking after their budgie but he also had homing pigeons, anyone know what I should do with them? Not to sure if I just let them out of the cages(with permission) or what. Maybe there is a pigeon racing group in the local area.
The other thing with death is I always have regrets that I could have made more of an effort. It's a reminder not to take time for granted and to catch up with loved ones.
He was a good neighbour and I will miss our chats