Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Islamic dictionary for Infidels

Snake Pliskin said:
A must read. You may need to rethink your interactions and stop the gullibility.

This quote is from the same Jim Ball 2gb radio site, let's hope we don't believe any further absurdities, we were fed quite a few by the US as a pretext for war, and we ended up guessed it, atrocities, innocent civilians killed and vital, life sustaining infrastructure destroyed, with no end in sight:

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

Voltaire-French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)
I think all religions have their own "secret agendas" and controversial texts......Muslims, Jews, Christians etc etc.... this should not make us run away from every person who is of a different race :eek: .....i am not proud of some of the things the Catholic church teaches us but it does not make me disassociate myself from all catholics.......these extremist attitudes are part and parcel of EVERY SINGLE RELIGION.........below is a link to some inetresting texts.......if you think what the muslims think of us is a little worrying, check out what our Jewish brothers also think :mad:

We are all just as bad as each other....... :(
the_godfather4 said:
I think all religions have their own "secret agendas" and controversial texts......Muslims, Jews, Christians etc etc.... this should not make us run away from every person who is of a different race :eek: .....i am not proud of some of the things the Catholic church teaches us but it does not make me disassociate myself from all catholics.......these extremist attitudes are part and parcel of EVERY SINGLE RELIGION.........below is a link to some inetresting texts.......if you think what the muslims think of us is a little worrying, check out what our Jewish brothers also think :mad:

We are all just as bad as each other....... :(


Why do you confuse religion with race, as in your post? :confused:

Thanks for the link though. :)