Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The First City to Riot


9 July 2004

Bookie predicts a riot
Wednesday, 01 Oct 2008 14:56

As the financial crisis deepens, bookie Paddy Power is taking bets on the first city to riot.

New York, home of Wall Street and at the heart of the economic storm, is the most likely to see civil unrest at odds of 9-4.

Washington is also a likely candidate at 10-3, perhaps with citizens venting their anger at politicians and the widely-hated banking bailout bill.

However, London is not immune, with odds of 9-2.

Paddy Power spokesperson Darren Haines said: "History shows that violence goes hand in hand with a crippled economy.

"If there is a financial breakdown and things take a turn for the worse, riots could happen," Mr Haines added.

High food prices have already caused riots in the developing world, including Egypt, Haiti and Cameroon, while in Italy there have been protests over the price of pasta.
What actually defines a riot?

You could make a substantial bet (say $50,000) and then just pay some people to get violent and riot. Given what frequents major cities, you could probably round up 100 people for $50 each. :D
What actually defines a riot?

You could make a substantial bet (say $50,000) and then just pay some people to get violent and riot. Given what frequents major cities, you could probably round up 100 people for $50 each. :D

I sure many people are thinking the same thing. :D
Geee times must be tough if 100 people are ready and waiting to get "violent and riot" for a $50 payment, I bet the Police fine would be 10x that ?
