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The Covered Call Panacea Redux

By now some of you may have heard complaints from last month's seminar attendees!

Those that were forced to accept a 25% loss (on account of a margin call) earlier today only have themselves to blame!

They simply didn't follow my instructions!

If they'd signed on for the additional modules, as per my recommendations, they'd have learnt how to absolve all losses in the nearest available dark pool!

It really is their own fault and no reflection, whatsoever, on the quality of my educational material!

I'm simply not to blame for the failings of such stubborn students!

The myriads of glowing testimonials (courtesy of my sock drawer) cannot all be wrong! So please pay no mind to those bitter naysayers!
After disclosing the existence of further modules in my recent posts, I've been inundated with enquiries regarding the full spectrum of education on offer.

So here's a brief overview of the programme:

Module 1: This module lays the foundation by teaching the participant how to place a trade thereby commencing the transition from non-trader to trader.

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified T. Trader).

Module 2: This module builds upon the foundations laid in the prior module via intensified educational content and training.

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Intensity Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified I.T. Trader).

Module 3: This module further builds upon the foundations laid in the prior modules by heightening the intensity of the educational content and training.

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Heightened Intensity Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified H.I.T. Trader).

Module 4: This module further builds upon the foundations laid in the prior modules by sharply heightening the intensity of the educational content and training.

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Sharply Heightened Intensity Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified S.H.I.T. Trader).

(But wait!! There's more!!)

Two post graduate training annexes are also available for the more exceptional students:

Module 4a: This module teaches methods for application of the eductaion and training to a rising market (a.k.a. a Bull market).

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Bull Sharply Heightened Intensity Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified Bull S.H.I.T. Trader).

Module 4b: This module teaches methods for application of the education and training to a falling market (a.k.a. a Bear market).

The course candidate is then issued a certificate of completion and is thereafter deemed to be a "Certified Bear Sharply Heightened Intensity Transitory Trader" (a.k.a. Certified Bear S.H.I.T. Trader).

Please note that, as at the date of this posting, many have completed 5 of the above modules, however, nobody has completed all 6.

Drawing from decades of experience, the educator (i.e. cynic), is of the firm opinion that this could not possibly have anything to do with the easily affordable (5 figure) tuition fees and is, therefore, solely attributable to the thoroughness of the invaluable course content being so incredibly overwhelming that no person on Earth could possibly Bear all of the Bull S.H.I.T.

In the unlikely event that somebody completes all 6 modules, he/she/it (irrespective of planet of origin) will be eligible for certification for the complete education programme and therefore may be declared to be completely certifiable.


I almost forgot!!

There are just a few places remaining for the upcoming webinar (an introductory module), so it's not too late to get on board!

But please hurry!!! These places simply won't last and I'd hate for you to miss this "once in a lifetime" wealth transference opportunity!

P.S. What was that? You're still awaiting my AFSL number? Hasn't my P.A. emailed it to you yet?
Not to worry! Just use some of your own initiative by randomly Googling a few finance companies and selecting the AFSL number that most pleases you (after all, that was what I instructed my P.A. to do in the first place)!
Dear Sir,

Since signing up to the Limited Edition Fully Professional Market Winning Infalibility Package and forwarding $50,000 to your account in the Bahamas, I am yet to recieve any of the course material.

Could you please look into this for me?

Regards, Mr Investor
It's with this attitude no wonder you naysayers don't make any money.

My mentor is on hand to answer any questions I have and extremely professional. I have been renting shares which has replaced my income to allow me to enjoy important things in life. I personally believe it has been a small fee to pay for financial freedom.

Takes 30 minutes to put on one trade and then I go out and have fun. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it doesn't work.

There is nothing wrong with the strategy as long as you understand how it's suppose to be used and not the only strategy in your arsenal. People were poking fun of the fact that the strategy is misrepresented as the be all, end all.
There is nothing wrong with the strategy as long as you understand how it's suppose to be used and not the only strategy in your arsenal. People were poking fun of the fact that the strategy is misrepresented as the be all, end all.

...but 3% per month is entirely viable. My mentor does this all the time, if not more
...but 3% per month is entirely viable. My mentor does this all the time, if not more

Damn, if I hadnt put all my life savings into Cynic's marvellous system I would have happily given you my money. Especially when its proven with the reference to your mentor "doing it all the time, if not more"

That to me is the holy grail of get rich quick schemes, many offer great returns, not many can deliver great returns more than all the time!

In fact I think I might ask Cynic for my money back, this is just too good to be true.
Cynic, are you Mazzatelli's mentor?
...but 3% per month is entirely viable. My mentor does this all the time, if not more

If you haven't already realised, selling covered calls/naked puts is a neutral to bullish trade. You make money in various ways - underlying goes up/goes side ways, volatility collapses and time decays . When markets corrects/crash, underlying (usually correlated to market) will go down, volatility will expand and you will find that you are holding onto a losing leveraged position longer than you have to.

However, for those who realise this, they would tend to have an overall "bearish" portfolio strategy and are more strategic in their entry points when selling premium. They are also utilising a small fraction of their available capital at any given time. This is the part that mass media/seminars leave out and forget to teach in detail.

Having said that, good on you, you are still ahead of those who purely hold stock out right.
Having said that, good on you, you are still ahead of those who purely hold stock out right.

He is ahead of anyone on this universe, 3% per month, more than all the time is an infinite return! 3% per month would make him the best in the world if he could do that all the time, let alone more than all the time!!

(this thread is a 'tongue in cheek' one, probably best not treating it as a serious discussion!)

3% is for amateurs and retirees.

With my course I will teach how to trade biotechs for 12-15% per month with zero risk

There is no need to look at volatility. With the correct strike selection out of the money, after that it is all down to your discipline and trader psychology to manage the trade. The problem is most people don't possess this and so a mentor really helps in this case.

3% is for amateurs and retirees.

With my course I will teach how to trade biotechs for 12-15% per month with zero risk

Thats all very well, but can you teach me how to do it more than all the time??

Mazzatelli has gazumped you I am afraid! he da man.

So... the price received for the option doesn't matter (no need to look at it). Just pick the 'correct strike' and run with it.

Interesting. How do you and/or your mentor go about the important business of picking the correct strike in 30 mins or less?

Of course it matters, it tells me how much premium/rent I get
We use state of the art Bollinger Bands

State of the Art! Pretty special.

1. What makes these bands SOTA vs Bolli Classic?

2. How do rents and SOTA Bolli bands come together over a space of 30 mins to place a trade? Ignoring volatility, of course.

Wait a minute...don't Bolli bands use volatility? Or has the SOTA variety trancended that?

Any one had a look at, say, ASX 200 accum vs XBW over the last 10 yrs, after allowance for brokerage/spread on the options bit? ....
lol I'm getting tired of carrying on the joke, if state of the art Bollinger Bands didn't awaken you, I don't know what will.

I amused the three you continue to entertain me. Wayne was always too wily .
I think we just got played....& pwned, DS.

Well played, Mazzatelli!
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