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The Conspiracy Theory thread

TSA police in Nazi uniforms loose court decision on January 21st and ALL charges cleared

connectingdots1 | 24 January 2011 | 40 likes, 0 dislikes

On January 21, a jury cleared Mocek of all misdemeanor charges. "I feel good that we had police and TSA on record saying that you don't have to show ID to fly and that you can use a camera at the airport," Mocek told KOBTV 4 in Albuquerque.

According to Edward Hasbrouck, founder of the Identity Project, a nonprofit organization that "builds public awareness about the effects of ID requirements on fundamental rights," Mocek's case marks the first time anyone has ever challenged the TSA's authority to question and detain travelers, Seattle Weekly reported on January 19.

"[TSA] wants people to show ID and submit to a search and groping, but there's no legal basis for most of this," Hasbrouck said. "The TSA relies fundamentally on intimidation. The ultimate threat is 'We'll call the local police.' And when they're called in, they don't say 'We don't see a crime here.' They get that person out of there."

Mocek is a software developer and civil liberties advocate. He was in New Mexico in November of 2009 to attend the International Drug Policy Reform Conference on behalf of the Cannabis Defense Coalition.

Visible and audible the video are Mocek, Albuquerque Airport Police Department officers Robert F. "Bobby" Dilley (116), Landrow "Wiggy" Wiggins (137), and Julio A. De La Peña (135), and TSA staff LTSO Jonathon Breedon, TSM Gerald Romero, STSO Anthony M. Schreiner, Greg Martinez, and BDO Laura Moots.

According to Edward Hasbrouck, founder of the Identity Project, a nonprofit organization that "builds public awareness about the effects of ID requirements on fundamental rights," Mocek's case marks the first time anyone has ever challenged the TSA's authority to question and detain travelers, Seattle Weekly reported on January 19.

Phil Mocek of Seattle was told by TSA goons and police at the Albuquerque Airport on November 15, 2009, that he did not have the right to use a video camera in a public space outside a TSA Gestapo zone. He was also told that when goons ask him for ID, he must comply or the police will be called. Mocek was arrested for disorderly conduct and concealing his identity.

Mocek was represented by Nancy Hollander, a New Mexico defense attorney known for representing two Guantanamo Bay detainees. Hollander argued that Mocek did not conceal his identity because his name was on his boarding pass.

"Know Your Rights When Talking to Police Officers "

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Jan 24 2011

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Jan 24 2011

DollarFall | January 25, 2011 | 4 likes, 0 dislikes

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Jan 24 2011
Some news on Silver and it's current drop.

Massive Egyptian protest clashes in Cairo with scared Police who resort to firing ove

Massive Egyptian protest clashes in Cairo with scared Police who resort to firing overhead shots

connectingdots1 | 26 January 2011 | 19 likes, 0 dislikes

Egyptian police fired tear gas early Wednesday on thousands of protesters in Cairo, as three people died during unprecedented nationwide rallies seeking to end President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.

The "day of anger" on Tuesday was inspired by Tunisia's uprising which rang the death knell for veteran strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali this month, forcing him to flee the country after 23 years in power.

In Egypt two demonstrators, Ahmed Soliman Gaber and Mustafa Ragab, died in the port city of Suez in clashes between police and demonstrators, medical officials told AFP.

Policeman Ahmed Aziz died from his wounds in Cairo, where thousands gathered in central Tahrir Square, home to several government buildings, a security official said. No details were provided on the circumstances of the deaths.

In several cities, including Cairo and Suez, police fired tear gas at protesters, who responded by throwing rocks.

"Mubarak get lost," "Bread, liberty, dignity," and "We will follow Tunisia," the demonstrators chanted.

The protests were considered the largest and most significant since riots over bread subsidies shook the Arab world's most populous nation in 1977.

Despite some 20,000 to 30,000 police being deployed in central Cairo, thousands of demonstrators marched to Tahrir Square, where they chanted in unison: "The people want the ouster of the regime."

Mirrored from
Globe cooling faster than anticipated

Globe cooling faster than anticipated and to continue over next 20-30 years says

connectingdots1 | 26 January 2011 | 83 likes, 0 dislikes

Joe Bastardi of explains that the Earth is cooling far faster than anticipated and that he can find no analogue to current weather patterns.

this video was mirrored from

" Blizzards in USA for decades during mini ice age predicts Astrophysicist-Meteorologist "
JP Morgan is UNSINKABLE - no silver short positions : Jim Puplava Kathryn Derbes

JP Morgan is UNSINKABLE - no silver short positions : Jim Puplava Kathryn Derbes

marcchabotyt | 30 January 2011 | 30 likes, 2 dislikes

Jim Puplava and Kathryn Derbes came close to call Max Keiser a liar and say that JP Morgan Chase has no such silver short positions.
buy silver crash jp morgan : Max Keiser
recorded on January 29th 2011
W O R L D W I D E : r E V O L U T I O N [ f i x ]

W O R L D W I D E : r E V O L U T I O N [ f i x ]

SGTbull07 | 30 January 2011 | 291 likes, 1 dislikes

The world wakes, the slave masters tremble.

Fixed sound bite of the man at 2:55 who says "Whether you are a Christian, whether you are a Muslim, whether you are an Atheist..."

Credit to tshaaban88. Another human being who's had enough.

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Egyptian Army joins Protesters against Riot Police Not All Are Drones defending HighCrimes:


"Into the Fire" by Thirteen Senses

Muisc credit to Kevin MacLeod:
Dragon and Toast
Re: JP Morgan is UNSINKABLE - no silver short positions : Jim Puplava Kathryn Derbes

spot the crackpot pushing his own agenda
Egyptian Revolution - The World Calls for Peace #Egypt #peace

Egyptian Revolution - The World Calls for Peace #Egypt #peace

Egypt's Battle of the Bridge

KWN Source - Expect Massive Chinese Gold Buying Using GLD

Perth Mint Out of 100 Ounce Silver Bars for at least 6 Weeks

Turk - Massive Short Squeeze in Silver, Gold to Hit New Highs,_Gold_to_Hit_New_Highs.html,_Gold_to_Hit_New_Highs.html
Hi Snake,
l was going to post the last few Silver replies in the Silver - Commodities forum, but it can't really be taken for fact.

There is a conspiracy around Silver in the fact that JP Morgan is/has been suppressing the price because they have huge Short Silver Positions. There is huge demand with countries like India and China buying futures/options and actually wanting to take delivery of the product at expiration; yet COMEX is having difficulty getting their hands on the product for the clients. Or so 'they' say.

Conspire, is to make a plan to do something between one or more. The correct word/s in this case ought to be theory or rumour.

With a bit of net research you will find and I believe the huge short positions by the Bullion Banks are a fact and they are now being squeezed. Understand they are also buying forward production from miners years ahead of production. Starting to sound like the old Enron who put asset values on new ideas that had not even been tested. The ideas did not work so they went broke, or the poor suckers that put thier money in did, the CEO's etc paid themselves handsomely first.

Would be good to discuss further "where lies the truth?'
Alex Jones on current affairs with James Corbett

James Corbett: The Nwo's Eugenics, Social Engineering Plan for Global Domination Revealed 1/2

Part 1

Part 2
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Following Alex Jones and you sometimes start to think that it's all a load of BS.....

The Alex Jones Show 3/04/11: TSA to Takeover The Streets of America with High Powered Scanners!

Then you get the public posting this....

Police State Update: TSA Pat Downs, Bag Searches AFTER Passengers Get Off Trains

NWO anyone??????????
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