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The Conspiracy Theory thread



SGTbull07 | 17 January 2011 | 422 likes, 3 dislikes

The precious metals paper ponzi will collapse suddenly and with little warning.

Music Courtesy Kevin MacLeod:
Titles: "Enter the Maze", "Dragon & Toast"; Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
2011 currency collapse first EU then USD once New World Oil currency is accepted

2011 currency collapse first EU then USD once New World Oil currency is accepted

connectingdots1 | January 17, 2011 | 2 likes, 0 dislikes

2011 currency collapse first EU then USD once New World Oil currency is accepted part2....Uploaded (processing, please wait)

As you can see from the charts and article in videos, smart mo... As you can see from the charts and article in videos, smart money has been jumping into silver bullion. The first two weeks of January set new all time sales records in fact even beating the Top 9 months in 2010 !! DON'T HESITATE...BUY SOME PHYSICAL SILVER NOW...BEFORE THE PRICE TAKES OFF AGAIN AT THE END OF JANUARY. ...WE WILL SEE BIG MOVES COMING UP SO LOAD UP NOW !
Re: Part 3 - Silver Manipulation Explained

the same Peter Schiff who lost 60-80% in client funds during the GFC? what a guru...
How brave of him with other peoples money
Re: Part 3 - Silver Manipulation Explained

the same Peter Schiff who lost 60-80% in client funds during the GFC? what a guru...
How brave of him with other peoples money

They made that money back a long a long time ago and now are in profit. The GFC was a planed inside trading take down, so I don't know why this should count.
THE DOLLAR CRISIS - Mike Maloney & Richard Duncan

THE DOLLAR CRISIS - Mike Maloney & Richard Duncan

GoldMikeMaloney | 18 January 2011 | 121 likes, 1 dislikes Richard Duncan has written two of the greatest books on our global economy, 'The Dollar Crisis' and "The Corruption Of Capitalism'. Richard has drawn up some concrete steps that he believes the USA must take immediately in order to steady the ship and pave the way for future sustainable growth. Do we have time?
Part 2 and 3 to follow.

Please check out Richard's blog at
Re: Part 3 - Silver Manipulation Explained

They made that money back a long a long time ago and now are in profit. The GFC was a planed inside trading take down, so I don't know why this should count.

planned inside trading take down?

anyone that is sitting 80% down on their accounts and has no exit strategy and marries their point of view is dangerous and simply he got lucky.Imagine how much better the would have been if he hadnt of been stubborn and got them out at reasonable prices and rebought... Read Soros' book, gives you an idea what a real money manager does.
David Rockefeller confronted at Chilean Airport during vacations (ENG/SPA)

NWNoticias | 17 January 2011 | 3,044 likes, 138 dislikes

Together with his good-old friend Agustin Edwards Eastman, Mr. Rockefeller takes a quick vacation almost every year in the south of Chile. Both are well known for working with the CIA during the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende and manipulating public opinion through a newspaper called "El Mercurio". Edwards is also known for being a descendant of (chilean elitist) Agustín Edwards McClure, who served as President of the League of Nations from 1922-23.
Re: Part 3 - Silver Manipulation Explained

Yea, money management is important. Perhaps the investors did not want this option
LaRouchePAC Lyndon LaRouche gives LPAC Weekly Report 1-19-2011

laroucheyouth | 19 January 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

LPAC Weekly Report by Lyndon LaRouche.
Gold standard now supported by Alan Greenspan the person who help destroy USD

Gold standard now supported by Alan Greenspan the person who help destroy USD

connectingdots1 | 19 January 2011 | 16 likes, 0 dislikes

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan discusses his distaste for the very central bank he reigned for 2 decades.
Lindsey Williams Returns: China Owns The United States - Alex Jones Tv 1/5

Lindsey Williams, crunch time is very close now.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jordan Maxwell - Close Encounters and other stories : A Project Avalon Interview with

Jordan Maxwell - Close Encounters and other stories : A Project Avalon Interview with Bill Ryan

AlphaZebra | May 24, 2010 | 573 likes, 27 dislikes

I recently had the great privilege of talking with Jordan Maxwell, fresh after our May 2010 visit to the Vatican, about some of his personal stories and experiences - some of which are astonishing by any standards. One or two he had told in his September 2009 Interview with Project Camelot, but the majority are new. He has shared these with the public before.

There's nothing here about the workings of the Illuminati or the New World Order. Instead you'll be watching Jordan presenting a series of extraordinary and fascinating personal experiences - any one of which would be significant to most people watching this video - but Jordan has MANY. Kick back and enjoy the presentation. Much of this is new material. NOT to be missed.
the same Peter Schiff who lost 60-80% in client funds during the GFC? what a guru...
How brave of him with other peoples money

yeah. that's right. It was 2 years ago

But go back a few months and it's the same Peter Schiff who made his clients record profits - some up over 100%
Gold & silver's manipulation,when to buy silver and G.W. Bush's future?

Gold & silver's manipulation,when to buy silver and G.W. Bush's future?....adults only

connectingdots1 | January 22, 2011 | 14 likes, 0 dislikes


AustralianinfoWars | January 22, 2011 | 8 likes, 0 dislikes

The "Australian Sovereignty Party" A documentary based on the banking system in Australia, and the rest of the world. A documentary exploring the secrets that banks don't want you to know about fractional reserve lending, monetisation of debt, and how the Australian Parliament has always had the power to create debt-free money (pusuant to section 51 of our federal Constitution) to pay for public works, infrastructure, pension, and many other necessities...

The full-length documentary 'Billions for the Bankers: Debts for the People' will be rolled out by the end of February to early March. It's time to take the power back, and to take control of our government back! WE are the government! Don't ever forget it!,_Set_to_Explode.html

James Turk - Silver in Backwardation, Set to Explode

DHS paranoid propaganda press has begun....hide your cash and don't wear black?

DHS paranoid propaganda press has begun....hide your cash and don't wear black?

connectingdots1 | 23 January 2011 | 16 likes, 6 dislikes

Great just what we needed, a bunch of wanna be DHS agents going around checking people out after watching this piece of paranoid propaganda crap....let me know if you see this on TV in the USA as I live in Canada.
mirrored from "DHS Police State Propaganda: Stasi Hotel Spies "
Confronting David Rockefeller - Sunday Update

Confronting David Rockefeller - Sunday Update

corbettreport | 23 January 2011 | 241 likes, 5 dislikes

Sunday update is a public service of The Corbett Report podcast.


Rockefeller confronted in Chile:

Matias Rojas on The Corbett Report:

Rockefeller and the FTAA

Information on Rockefeller funding of eugenics laboratories

Rockefeller funding of German Nazi eugenics

Rockefeller founds the Population Council

John D. III appoints the founder of the American Eugenics Society to head the Population council

Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO

Details on WHO vaccines laced with hCG

David Rockefeller speaks about population control

Elite Billionaires meet in Secret

David Rockefeller's obituary for Chairman Mao

Rockefeller confronted by We Are Change

Rockefeller confronted by Sovereign Independent

Special report on Bilderberg 2010 (including Rockefeller confrontation)
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