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The Conspiracy Theory thread

Re: Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell

I find it interesting he (they ) are using you as a conduit for his verbal diarrhea. Please apologise for me for only paying him a few minutes of the attention he seeks (and i hope he recovers from his delusions).

You're welcome
Damn pesky bloggers! Wonder whats going on here?

Do you have a Facebook?

Damn pesky bloggers! Wonder whats going on here?

Good question. I can think of a few things on the top of my head based on events that has been happing around the world. Some of that is detailed on this thread already.

Do you have a Facebook?
Jordan Maxwell - The Dawn of a New Day (2009)

Jordan Maxwell - The Dawn of a New Day (2009)

This information seems to be confirmed based on information we see all over the world.

Project Camelot interviews Bill Deagle

Project Camelot interviews Bill Deagle

Dr.Bill Deagle -- 2012 Project Camelot Prognosis for Planet Earth

Bart Chilton on Financial Regulatory Reform Legislation, July 2010

Bart Chilton on Financial Regulatory Reform Legislation, July 2010

Financial Reform bill explained.

New rules on OTC and Position limits.

Commodities and Futures Trading Commission Commissioner Bart Chilton explaining the significance of the recently passed Financial Regulatory Reform legislation package, including position limits to prevent market concentration.

Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil

The past and the future.

Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 1/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 2/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 3/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 4/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 5/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 6/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 7/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 8/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 9/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 10/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 11/12
Michael Tsarion -- The Origins of Evil Part 12/12
Age of Manipulation| Michael Tsarion

Age of Manipulation| Michael Tsarion


The playlist (70 videos) can be found here
Die Wahrheit über Zionismus und Lobbyismus - Zionisten Lobbyisten kontrollieren die M

Die Wahrheit über Zionismus und Lobbyismus - Zionisten Lobbyisten kontrollieren die Medien - AIPEC

in English:-

The truth about Zionism and lobbying - lobbying Zionists control the media - AIPEC

New World Order Politics: Age of Manipulation

New World Order Politics: Age of Manipulation

Here is proof that governments around the world are under a world government.

Two minutes into this video, you will see evidence of Australian and Canadian Ministers reading the same policy transcript. Nearly word for word.

2010-08-02 Nanex - Rigged Markets

2010-08-02 Nanex - Rigged Markets.mp4

Evidence of high frequency trading in the share market is proven.

The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in Indonesia

The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in Indonesia for details
In Indonesia they decide to return to the Gold and Silver based money and to dump the paper money , way to go.....
Video courtesy of the Dutch TV VPRO

No wonder why they boat over to Australia. But Australia is heading on that path too because it uses the same monetary system of Modern Money Mechanics.
Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Max Keiser speaking to Jim Willie-07-30-2010

Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Max Keiser speaking to Jim Willie-07-30-2010

With an LBMA update

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