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The Conspiracy Theory thread

Protest November 24th London, Trafalgar Square by 1000's of students upset with tripl

Protest November 24th London, Trafalgar Square by 1000's of students upset with triple school fees

connectingdots1 | November 25, 2010 | 6 likes, 0 dislikes

"Some demonstrators clashed with police in Britain, as students across the country took to the streets for a second day of protests against massive increases in tuition fees. Several injuries and arrests were reported."
South park and its gone full

South park and its gone full

DunderMifflin419 | 08 August 2010 | 173 likes, 5 dislikes

Is the real and full "And its Gone" clip from South Park. If you like than rate, subscribe, and comment. thanks.

So who's next for financial meltdown?

So who's next for financial meltdown?
Spain, Portugal and Belgium set to follow Ireland into abyss as debt crisis threatens to destroy the euro

Read more:

John Williams - Solvency Crisis in the Banking System

John Williams - Solvency Crisis in the Banking System

Jordan Maxwell -- The Hidden Dimension in World Affairs

Jordan Maxwell -- The Hidden Dimension in World Affairs

VaticanRatline | November 02, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes
How Nations Die!

How Nations Die!

drdduke | November 26, 2010 | 652 likes, 24 dislikes My latest video has been created with NorseWolf, and it is called HOW NATIONS DIE! It is different than any video I have ever produced. And NorseWolf gets a great deal of credit for the genius he put into this video.
I truly believe that this 14 minute video is not only perhaps the best video I have produced, I think you will find it one of the most powerful short videos EVER MADE! Just wait till you see it.
After you watch it, tell me what you think, for this video is a radical departure from any video I have yet made.
It has driving pathos, beauty, ugliness, and redemption!
I am anxious to know what you think of it.
China, Russia, Iran Dumping Dollar For Gold

China, Russia, Iran Dumping Dollar For Gold

'US not interested in Iran's nuclear program - it's all about oil'

'US not interested in Iran's nuclear program - it's all about oil'



Please see attached:-


  • 112710-8-IF.pdf
    359.6 KB · Views: 90
Dr Deagle Show 101126 - Preparedness and EARTH Changes Hour

Dr Deagle Show 101126 - Preparedness and EARTH Changes Hour

urupiper | November 28, 2010 | 3 likes, 0 dislikes

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 26 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 26 2010

EconomyMeltdown | November 28, 2010 | 37 likes, 0 dislikes for details

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 26 2010
Emergency report: Iraeli's Assassinate Iranian Scientists Nov. 29 Trying to start WW3

Emergency report: Iraeli's Assassinate Iranian Scientists Nov. 29 Trying to start WW3

LaRoucheisright | 29 November 2010 | 5 likes, 0 dislikes
Get to LarouchePAC daily for marching orders on how to help finish the drive for a New World Order.
Wikileaks exposes Zionist Treachery

Wikileaks exposes Zionist Treachery

drdduke | 30 November 2010 | 321 likes, 5 dislikes No profanity, epithets or threatening language allowed in comments! You will be blocked! -- This video concerns some of the Wikileaks documents and specifically refers to references to the Zionist State. It shows how Mossad Chief Dagan is trying to effect regime change by increasing ethnic identities of minorities in Iran. That is the Zionist divide and conquer strategy in a nutshell and it has already in place in America as a means of Zionist divide and conquer politics and influence.
Webbots had predicted "New island forming underwater and rising in 2010"...well here

Webbots had predicted "New island forming underwater and rising in 2010"...well here it is!

connectingdots1 | 30 November 2010 | 17 likes, 0 dislikes

KARACHI: A soft muddy island appeared a few kilometers from the seashore in Hingol area of Balochistan. According to Pakistan Fisher Folk (PFF), the island is 90 meters (m) high with a span of approximately 3 kilometers (km).

Sami Memon said the fishermen of Ibrahim Hyderi area described the occurrence after returning from Hingol. Fishermen observed white, slippery hot sand erupting from water, 3 km away from the beach.Before the upsurge of sludge, fishermen also observed high tides near the coast and several boats were trapped due to the emergence of the island.

Memon told that the island is 30m beneath the water and 60m above the sea level which is a total of 90m in height. According to Memon, the fishermen also registered another island 12 years back which plunged into the sea after four months.

However, the amateur video of the event clearly showed eruption of white hot liquid sludge on top of the island which is still ongoing.

Speaking to, Director of Geolabs at Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP), Asif Nazeer Rana said the area holds three tectonic plates -- namely Eurasian, Arabian and Indian plates which are responsible for high seismic activity due to subduction in the Makran area.

Rana said that the Chaman Transverse Fault could also be responsible for the sudden rise of the island at Hingol because the fault is extremely active, moving at a rate of four centimeter yearly.
The Chaman Fault is the only physical feature of Pakistan which can be seen from space and it was responsible for the horrifying earthquake of 31 May, 1935 in Quetta. Over 30,000 people died in the quake.

original upload was named:

"Mud Volcano Rises Near Balochistan Coast"
Wikileaks getting hacked ( - multiple DoS attacks, probably NSA. If they get given a national security directive, they can do whatever they want)

Sweden caves to USA to issue rape allegations

Julian Assange on the run

Part 2

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