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The Conspiracy Theory thread


traynickel | 25 October 2010

Link From:

The fraudulent CEOs looted with impunity, were left in power, and were granted their fondest wish when Congress, at the behest of the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman Bernanke, and the bankers' trade associations, successfully extorted the professional Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to turn the accounting rules into a farce. The FASB's new rules allowed the banks (and the Fed, which has taken over a trillion dollars in toxic mortgages as wholly inadequate collateral) to refuse to recognize hundreds of billions of dollars of losses. This accounting scam produces enormous fictional "income" and "capital" at the banks. The fictional income produces real bonuses to the CEOs that make them even wealthier. The fictional bank capital allows the regulators to evade their statutory duties under the Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) law to close the insolvent and failing banks.


Dollar at Risk of Becoming 'Toxic Waste': Charts

Dollar at Risk of Becoming 'Toxic Waste': Charts

Iran loads fuel into the Bushehr nuclear reactor

So, who cares you say?

In a few years time, Iran will have enough enriched Uranium to make a bomb/missile. To go from 3.5% enriched Uranium to 90+%, just takes time.
WIKILEAKS are State of Art Distraction Foe as Pentagon's Parrots to Mask IRAN killing fields in Iraq

obaidkarki | October 24, 2010
CFTC's Chilton raises alarm about silver market

cftc-commissioner-raises-alarm-over Silver manipulation

Silver Subject to Price Manipulation, Chilton Says

Uranium fruit juice - Energy drink in Israel

TeslaGenius | October 24, 2010

Uranium fruit juice - Energy drink
Israel - Energy Drink - Le_jus_de_fruit_enrichi_l_uranium

Future weapons?
Signs Hyperinflation Is Arriving

Signs Hyperinflation Is Arriving

Story continues....
Great thread this by the way electronicmaster.

Just reading Chuck Butler on Everbank and thought the following little clip may tickle the fancy. However I believe every bit of it.

Great thread this by the way electronicmaster.

Just reading Chuck Butler on Everbank and thought the following little clip may tickle the fancy. However I believe every bit of it.

Thanks explod

I believe it too. One starts to see how the game of deception works the more deeper the research goes.

The system truly has become our own enemy. By design
James Turk - Silver $30 in Less Than 18 Days$30_in_Less_Than_18_Days.html

Headline continues .....
Gold & Silver Commercial Signal Failure Today

Gold & Silver Commercial Signal Failure Today

Headline continues ...
Throwing Iranians & Iraqis to the dogs by Dr. Kenneth Katzman

Throwing Iranians & Iraqis to the dogs by Dr. Kenneth Katzman

obaidkarki | October 29, 2010
Lindsey Williams Audio CD - Oct. 2010

Lindsey Williams Audio CD - Oct. 2010

updv | October 30, 2010

This is the full one hour audio CD from Lindsey Williams recorded on October 20, 2010. Part 1 of 5. Lindsey referred to it as available for ordering during the Alex Jones Show. It shares inside information straight from the Ruling Elite. Also included is Lindsey's advice on how to keep you and your family safe during the coming storm upon this nation. I received the CD on October 30, 2010. It is intentionally not copywritten and may be freely shared.
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