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Good post!
By Andy Xie
BEIJING (Caixin Online) ”” The world seems full of smoke ahead of a world currency war. The weapon of choice is quantitative easing, a.k.a. QE. If you print a trillion, I’ll print a trillion. Of course, he and she will too. No change in exchange rates after a trillion? Let’s do it again, QE2.
If you listen to people like Geithner, the end of the world is quite near. Rich people everywhere are buying gold for a little peace of mind, not just the Chinese. They are literally trucking it by the ton or two home. When currency values vanish in a QE melee, at least the rich have the gold to stay rich.
Published: Monday, 25 Oct 2010 | 8:12 AM ET
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By: CNBC.com
The dollar's slump could get far worse if the dollar index takes out last year's low, Robin Griffiths, technical strategist at Cazenove Capital, told CNBC Monday.
"If the (dollar index) takes out the low that was made roughly a year ago I really think that will not only encourage more sales, it will cause a little bit of minor panic," Griffiths said. "A year ago it was deemed too cheap, if it goes any lower than that it's actually become toxic waste."
Iran has begun loading fuel into the core of its first nuclear power plant, state television has reported.
Iranian and Russian engineers started moving nuclear fuel into the main reactor building at Bushehr in August but this was halted and the work delayed.
Russia will operate the facility in southern Iran, supplying its nuclear fuel and taking away the nuclear waste.
Iran says the plant will begin generating electricity in early 2011.
German engineers began work on the Bushehr nuclear facility began in 1975. The project, completed with help from Russia, has been plagued by delays.
Iran has been subject to four rounds of UN sanctions because of its separate uranium enrichment programme.
Experts say that as long as the Bushehr plant is Russian-operated, there is little chance of proliferation.
The uranium fuel it will use is well below the enrichment level needed for a nuclear weapon. Weapons-grade uranium must be enriched by more than 90%. In contrast, the uranium at Bushehr is enriched by 3.5%.
The Bushehr fuel has been supplied by Russia, although Iran is already producing its own uranium enriched to fuel grade.
Iran has also begun a pilot program to enrich uranium to 20% which it says is needed for a medical research reactor.
It is that programme that has alarmed some Western governments and Israel.
Some governments fear Tehran wants to build a nuclear weapon, but Iran insists its plans are for peaceful energy production.
WASHINGTON | Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:30am EDT
WASHINGTON Oct 26 (Reuters) - There have been repeated attempts to influence prices in silver markets, Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the U.S. futures regulator, said on Tuesday.
"There have been fraudulent efforts to persuade and deviously control that price," Chilton said in prepared remarks before a Commodity Futures Trading Commission meeting.
Chilton said he could not pre-judge the outcome of the CFTC's ongoing investigation of the silver markets, but said public deserves some answers to their concerns. (Reporting by Roberta Rampton and Ayesha Rascoe; Editing by Neil Stempleman)
The manipulation in the silver market with two or three banks holding enormous undeliverable short positions was obvious, for years.
The CFTC was complicit in turning a blind eye to this, stonewalling and whitewashing the corruption, as were many market commentators and participants. Ted Butler and GATA did a wonderful job of highlighting this enormous fraud but were ignored and even vilified for the past twelve years in the same vein as whistle blower Harry Markopolos was in raising concerns about Madoff's investment scheme.
Bart Chilton is speaking out as he said a few weeks ago he would if the CFTC was not making progress in correct this travesty. This is the sort of reform that the people were seeking when they swept the Democrats into office, a reform which they never received.
This obviously should be investigated by an independent body, given the regulatory capture held by the banks who manipulated the market to the detriment of the world in suppressing prices and creating an artificial shortage that will be painful to unwind.
This is not a partisan issue, but involves politicians of both parties going back twenty years or more, in both London and New York. And the corruption is pervasive and ongoing in multiple US finanical and commodity markets. The regulators and ratings agencies have not been doing their jobs.
Some will attempt to dismiss what Mr. Chilton is saying here as inconclusive. Keep in mind that he is a high profile CFTC official, and what he says comes through a 50,000 watt megaphone, so he must choose his words with great care. But this is almost unprecedented for an official to speak out against his own administration.
The response to these sorts of revelations seem to be a blanket of media silence and whispered character assassination, which is the mark in trade of those who have no sense of duty, honor, and country. Their crime is betrayal of the public trust, and the public's fault is apathetic complicity. 'Silver did not rally on the news, it must not be significant. I did not hear about this on television, so it must not be true.'
As an investigation of the silver market by the top U.S. commodity regulator entered a third year, a member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission said today there have been “repeated attempts” to influence prices.
“There have been fraudulent efforts to persuade and deviously control that price,” said Commissioner Bart Chilton at a hearing today in Washington, alleging there have been violations of the Commodity Exchange Act. “Any such violation of the law in this regard should be prosecuted,” he said.
The five-member commission began investigating allegations of price manipulation in the silver futures market in September 2008. The CFTC said in a report that year that it had received “numerous letters, e-mails and phone calls” during the last 20 to 25 years alleging prices were being manipulated downward.
This post is gonna be short and sweet—and scary:
Back in late August, I argued that hyperinflation would be triggered by a run on Treasury bonds. I described how such a run might happen, and argued that if Treasuries were no longer considered safe, then commodities would become the store of value.
Such a run on commodities, I further argued, would inevitably lead to price increases and a rise in the Consumer Price Index, which would initially be interpreted by the Federal Reserve, the Federal government, as well as the commentariat, as a good thing: A sign that “the economy is recovering”, a sign that “normalcy” was returning.
I argued that—far from being “a sign of recovery”—rising CPI would be the sign that things were about to get ugly.
Hey! I read a story last night, that had a concept in it that I hadn’t really considered, and that is that the FOMC is going to implement QE, not in attempt to kick start the economy, but instead to simply keep the dollar weak… Hmmm… Even I don’t think they’re that devious! But the more I thought about it, I started thinking about how before Big Ben Bernanke was Fed Chairman, he told us all that he had studied Japan’s meltdown, and knew exactly how to keep the U.S. economy from ever being a “Japanese economy”… Hasn’t he failed miserably at that? Maybe he still has work to do on that, but here’s my point… having failed miserably, the Fed Chairman now finds the U.S. in a pile, no make that mountain of debt, and a spiraling into a dark abyss economy… He figures, he can’t save the economy, it will have to save itself, but with it in the dark abyss, foreigners will balk at buying our debt, so what’ s the one thing the Fed Chairman can do? He can make certain that the dollar is weak so that those buying our debt can buy it at a discounted clearing price…
Great thread this by the way electronicmaster.
Just reading Chuck Butler on Everbank and thought the following little clip may tickle the fancy. However I believe every bit of it.
Thought this seems a bit suss.......
3 days later..........
With gold and silver strong today, King World News interviewed James Turk out of London. When asked about silver specifically Turk commented, “I like this flag pattern because when you breakout to the upside you reach your target in half the time it takes the flagpole to form. The flagpole formed over 36 trading days, so the next leg up to $30 will be over in less than 18 trading days.”
October 29, 2010
KWN Blog
Bloomberg regularly surveys traders in the gold market. The amazing thing about this morning’s report is that 50% of the traders are bearish, while only 30% are bullish. This type of sentiment can be seen across the board in gold, and that is why the metal of kings is set to explode through the previous highs.
The number of bulls in another survey has fallen to levels seen hundreds of dollars ago on gold. Some readers may be asking why is sentiment so bad when gold is near all-time highs?
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