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The Conspiracy Theory thread

Icon Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad's Conspiracy of The Rich - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Icon Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad's Conspiracy of The Rich - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

Icon Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad's Conspiracy of The Rich - Alex Jones Tv 3/3

Jim Rogers on Freedom Watch 10/16/10

Jim Rogers on Freedom Watch 10/16/10

Jim Rogers: Paul Krugman is an Idiot
Oct 18, 2010

Posted by Tyler @ 8:00 am

Financial guru Jim Rogers joins Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch to discuss gold and the failure of Keynesian economic policies.

Jim Rogers: Paul Krugman is an Idiot
Oct 18, 2010

Posted by Tyler @ 8:00 am

Financial guru Jim Rogers joins Judge Napolitano on Freedom Watch to discuss gold and the failure of Keynesian economic policies.

“Whenever you print money, people look for a refuge, gold,” says Rogers. He points out that government will blame its mistakes on the press and the people rather than itself.

The investor predicts gold will end in a bubble someday, when everyone is buying. He would rather buy silver than gold now, but owns both.

Rogers calls out the flaws of Keynesian economist Paul Krugman. “He should resign,” advises Rogers. “He doesn’t know anything about economics.” On President Obama, Rogers says he doesn’t understand Economics 101. “He barely knows much about the world,” Rogers argues.
Ex-BP Cleanup worker exposes BP's practices,dead bodies, toxic work and beach neglect

Ex-BP Cleanup worker exposes BP's practices,dead bodies, toxic work and beach neglect & cover-ups!

connectingdots1 | October 21, 2010

" An interview of my friend Ashely that I set up with John Walthen at First Night in Milton Florida a couple of weeks ago ."

Former BP Cleanup Worker Exposes Staged Photo Ops,Toxic Working Conditions, and Covert Ops here:
Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report: We See Totally Surreal Markets - Alex Jones Tv

Bob Chapman's Friday Economic Report: We See Totally Surreal Markets - Alex Jones Tv

From: TheAlexJonesChannel | October 22, 2010 | 309 views

One thing the weaker dollar has done is make exports cheaper for transnational conglomerates and that has helped the market along with these companies repurchasing their stock in the market. In spite of these subsidies the market went nowhere last week. That was probably because of the off again, on again, of quantitative easing 2. Half of the Fed members say lets do it and the other half says do not. In the middle of this verbal conflict is the ever-placid Ben Bernanke, who is answering the call of Wall Street by expanding aggregates via the repo market, which he has been doing since early June. At this point we can assume that the wise guys, who really make the decisions and just happen to own the Fed, have discounted an injection of $500 billion. In addition, they know long-term interest rates are headed lower, although a reduction in the ten year T-note of ½% to 1% is not going to change things much. It will only provide a comfort zone and make big corporations more profits. We do not believe it will have a big influence on home buying with the mortgage scandal in process, which could drag on for years. It will be interesting to see if any bankers are charged criminally. In all probability none will, they just pay fines, or their corporations do, which is all the government is interested in.
Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex J

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist "Spills Gut" On Plan to Destroy America - Alex Jones Tv

From: TheAlexJonesChannel | October 21, 2010 | 19,090 views

Lindsey Williams reveals new bombshell information on the Alex Jones Show today. Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary and because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis. In 2009, Williams told Alex Jones about the plan by the global elite to sabotage the dollar, destroy the economy and America by 2012.

Kurt Nimmo
October 21, 2010

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Pastor Lindsey Williams provided further details on the ongoing plan by the global elite to destroy America, consolidate financial power, usher in world government, and reduce humanity to a slave class.

Gas prices will rise to between $4 and $5 per gallon in the next few months. Photo: Eden Picutres.

Lindsey Williams told Jones his source -- described only as a CEO in the Big Three Oil industry who traveled in Bilderberger circles -- is suffering from terminal cancer and "spilled his guts" to him on particular details of the globalist agenda now unfolding.

Pastor Williams said the world is now at a critical phase in the globalist takeover scheme and that within the next few months we will witness the following important developments.

Watch Russia and China

The globalists plan to use China and Russia to strangle America and Europe and eventually reduce both to third-world status.

Lindsey underscored the importance of a major oil export deal between Russia and China. "China reached a long-term deal to lend $25 billion to two Russian energy companies in exchange for an expanded supply of Russian oil, highlighting how the world's No. 3 economy is using its financial muscle to lock up access to natural resources," the Wall Street Journal reported in February. "Russia wants to secure customers and find a counterbalance to its dependence on Western Europe."

According to Williams, trade between Russia and China will be not be conducted using the world's reserve currency -- at present the U.S. dollar -- and this will further erode the value of the dollar and hasten its demise. In addition, the new trade will likely be used to bribe Europe into paying higher prices or possibly lose altogether its energy source provided by Russia.

This prospect become painfully obvious in January when Russia and Belarus failed to renew an agreement on crude oil export tariffs and a cut-off of oil threatened the European continent.

China is now the world's largest energy consumer, having just passed the United States. As China becomes the preferred globalist model for the 21st century, its need for energy will come into conflict with the west.

On October 19, the New York Times reported on China's aggressive stance on resources. "China, which has been blocking shipments of crucial minerals to Japan for the last month, has now quietly halted some shipments of those materials to the United States and Europe, three industry officials said this week," thus exacerbating already rising trade and currency tensions with the West.
DXZ Flash Crash Detonates Entire Currency Complex

DXZ Flash Crash Detonates Entire Currency Complex

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/22/2010 20:26 -0500

* British Pound

see link above for more information
Futher to the Wiki Leaks attack

Further to the Wikileaks attack.

400,000 leaked war documents now on offer for public viewing
Jordan Maxwell - The Dawn of a New Day (2009)

Jordan Maxwell - The Dawn of a New Day (2009)

This information seems to be confirmed based on information we see all over the world.

Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Upcoming Iraq War Wikileaks Docs

Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Upcoming Iraq War Wikileaks Docs

Don't be surprised to see the government use the Internet kill switch based on stories like the following. Of course this is all orchestrated so they can provide you with a solution.

mediagrrl9 | October 22, 2010

The whistleblowing group WikiLeaks is preparing to release up to 400,000 U.S. intelligence reports on the Iraq War. The disclosure would comprise the biggest leak in U.S. history, far more than the 91,000 Afghanistan war logs WikiLeaks released this summer. We speak to the nation's most famous whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the secret history of the Vietnam War in 1971. For a complete transcript or the podcast, visit
Cashless Control, Awlaki the Boogeyman, "Officer Bubbles" - Sunday Update

Cashless Control, Awlaki the Boogeyman, "Officer Bubbles" - Sunday Update

corbettreport | October 24, 2010

Sunday Update is a public service of The Corbett Report podcast.

HID Global Teams Up With Sony

European Payments Council White Paper on Mobile Payments

UAE to be E-money Haven

BBC Pimps Cashless Society

Danish City Introduces Contactless Card for Schoolchildren

Russo Reveals Rockefeller Agenda

Alex Jones on Resisting the Control Grid

New video message from Awlaki

Awlaki wined and dined by Pentagon after 9/11

Govt Agencies Used Software From Designated Terrorist

Edmonds: OBL Working With US Govt Up to Day of 9/11

Angry FBI Agents Joked About Al Qaeda Mole at HQ

Constable Josephs Sues YouTubers

The "Officer Bubbles" incident

Hamilton man stands up to "Officer Bubbles" over comments

"Officer Bubbles" videos back up on YouTube


SGTbull07 | October 24, 2010

FED holds fraudulent mortgage instruments on book, Goldman suggest $4 Trillion in new money printing needed, CFTC Judge accused of rampant, long-term corruption - Harvey Organ weighs in.

Music Courtesy Kevin MacLeod:
Titles: 'Tenebrous Brothers Carnival - Intermission"; Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in my videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence (DD) BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.
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