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The Conspiracy Theory thread

11 February 2007
The following quotes are from this article at Business spectator

Makes you feel like they are deliberatly sitting on their hands.

Mr Paulson said the US government would buy shares of financial institutions if necessary to halt market turmoil that has wiped out trillions of dollars of wealth.

Perhaps that was the idea all along.

Mr.Paulson stated
"Trust me, we're not wasting time, we're working around the clock,"

Anyone who trusts this guy needs, or has already had, a labotomy!!
Golf of Mexico: OIL SPILL is fake?

Ok, after researching more on the Golf of Mexico Oil Spill, there seems to be a lot of evidence that the whole event has been staged,,, Intentionally.

If true? It appears they intended to use the Oil disaster as an excuse to use the chemical Corexit9500.

They also knew how the Methane and other toxins would become part of the Oil disaster as well.

Links below detail the conspiracy.

It Looks like we might have another 9/11 event in the making that is designed to cull the population?

OIL SPILL is fake !! its a volcano look at the flame's !! proof here

Asphalt volcano

No flames here, just chemical reactions but is from a volcano?


[optisoft was an eyewitness to the Hoax]


As it turns out the deadly chemical Corexit9500 is linked to the Rothschild's, a known controlling party of the New World Order global crime syndicate.

Gulf Spill: Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan

This is a bit concerning because on the News (only last week), they were reporting that an Oil company would like to drill for Oil in the Sea at South Australia.

More and more of these stories from inside sources are coming out on the web confirming this issue.
Is this thread the Fertile Imagination Thread? Really, is actuality* ever a consideration.

Re: Golf of Mexico: OIL SPILL is fake?

Is this thread the Fertile Imagination Thread? Really, is actuality* ever a consideration.


No too many different web articles that conclude the evidence that this could well be a fact.

Here is an article that details the so called Asphalt Volcano in the Golf of Mexico
Asphalt Volcanism
My conspiracy but no facts. Watching the first semi-final of the World Cup this morning I saw two of the greatest long range goals you could ever wish for and using the same ball that up until now was only ever seen going into the upper levels of the grandstand!!! Conspiracy I ask, is this the same ball?
Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover

Alex Jones breaks down the takeover by offshore banking powers-- newly empowered by Congress' banking "reform," expanded taxes worldwide, as well as accelerated moves towards ending the Dollar's reserve status, including urging from a recent United Nations report.

This Fourth of July, the United States is indeed in peril; it is not only the Gulf Oil Spill, Russian spies and threats of war with Iran which Americans must worry about. Instead it is the quiet but deadly conquest by private, central banks, who lobbied Congress to once again vest new powers in the Federal Reserve and, by all indicators, further weaken the U.S. economy through its future actions.

The financial crisis has indeed been developed in such a way that no nation can ever repay all the debt, and control by global economic forces is all but inevitable.

"This is as big as World War I or World War II," Alex Jones warns.
"What is happening now is bigger than the banking takeover of 1913... it is a worldwide financial coup d'etat."

Lyndon LaRouche on the Weekly Report, July 6th 2010

Lyndon LaRouche on the Weekly Report, July 6th 2010

Lyndon LaRouche forecasts the collapsing economy for the next six months, and offers solutions that can lessen the damage.

"Change is a 'Comin' " -- LaRouche Webcast: June 26, 2010

"Change is a 'Comin' " -- LaRouche Webcast: June 26, 2010

Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Max Keiser talking to Damon Vrabel-07-09-2010

Press TV-On the edge with Max Keiser-Max Keiser talking to Damon Vrabel-07-09-2010

Hyperinflation Germany 1923

Hyperinflation Germany 1923

What had happened in Germany before WW2 is happening to the whole world "NOW" without the need for a destructive peace treaty.

This video shows what happens when a country has no production industries (In most cases today? production is gone to china)



This was posted April 13th 2010. Notice the shadow it casts on the boat.

G20 Protests in Toronto - "Cops are just people trying to do their job!"

G20 Protests in Toronto - "Cops are just people trying to do their job!"

Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell

Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell

Be warned. This video is a knock out.

Re: Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell

Project Camelot interviews Jordan Maxwell

Be warned. This video is a knock out.
I find it interesting he (they ) are using you as a conduit for his verbal diarrhea. Please apologise for me for only paying him a few minutes of the attention he seeks (and i hope he recovers from his delusions).
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