Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

TG1 - TechGen Metals

27 June 2010
TechGen Metals is an Australian registered exploration Company with a primary focus on exploring and developing its acquired gold and copper projects in Western Australia.

Upon the completion of a number of Acquisition Agreements, the Company will hold a portfolio of twelve exploration licences covering a combined area of 986km², located in three highly prospective geological regions of Western Australia; the Yilgarn Craton, Paterson Orogen and Ashburton Basin. The Yilgarn Craton and Paterson Orogen are both proven world class gold and base metal provinces whilst the Ashburton Basin is considered highly prospective yet under explored and has the potential for major new gold and base metal discoveries.

The spread of Projects across these three geological regions provides the Company with geographical and operational diversification. Upon acquisition of the Projects, TechGen Metals proposes to accelerate exploration of its gold and copper projects and is seeking to fund this work through an initial public offer of a minimum of 25,000,000 Shares and a maximum of 30,000,000 Shares, at an issue price of $0.20 per Share to raise between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000 (before costs).

It is anticipated that TG1 will list on the ASX during April 2021.

Listing date7 April 2021 11:00 AM ##
Company contact details Ph: +61 8 6557 6606
Principal ActivitiesMineral exploration with a primary focus on exploring and developing acquired gold and copper projects in Western Australia.
GICS industry groupTBA
Issue Price$0.20
Issue TypeOrdinary Fully Paid Shares
Security codeTG1
Capital to be Raised$6,000,000
Expected offer close date25 March 2021
UnderwriterNot underwritten. Novus Capital Limited and Vert Capital Pty Ltd (Joint Lead Manager)
TG1 ... Thank God One kept its premium on Day One

TG1 ... Thank God One kept its premium
but lost it quickly and some more slippage.....

.. update today and a big rise .. long time coming since listing, however (throw switch to lithium?).

and provides an exploration progress update across its active portfolio of strategic and highly prospective exploration projects. Several projects currently have works underway or the next phase of work commencing shortly.

➢ John Bull Gold Project: Stage three drilling approval received. Two key areas to be targeted in stage three; the northern 10g/t Au in soil anomaly and the southern 4.77g/t Au in soil above monzonite anomaly.
➢ Ida Valley Lithium Prospectivity: Pegmatite mapping to commence with historic data identifying lithium and caesium in soils up to 144.5ppm Li (311ppm Li2O) along the Ida Fault. Limited multi-element analysis was completed while gold was the exploration focus. Three lithium target areas have been identified for immediate sampling and mapping.
➢ Station Creek Copper Project: Mapping Target PGN09, site of high-grade shear hosted Cu-Au-Ag mineralisation (27% Cu, 6.64g/t Au & 145g/t Ag), close to Norwest Minerals Limited’s Bali Copper Project underway.
➢ Harbutt Range: Ground EM geophysics completed by Rio Tinto Exploration at the Snap Dragon Prospect. Geophysics results have not warranted further investigation and Rio are withdrawing from the earn-in joint venture.
➢ Pilbara Lithium Project: TG1 has submitted tenement applications in a prospective lithium district.
➢ Continued assessment of strategic growth opportunities, portfolio streamlining to maximise return on projects and maintaining fiscal responsibility