Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Ten news Commsec 'market report'

31 May 2006
lol - just saw the comsec bit on ten news and amongst other things the talking head said something like: "the market recovered strongly with smart investors seeing true value in stocks like BHP at only $30 and placing their orders well before the market opened to push the market up"

I like the inclusion of the phrase well before the market opened - maybe they should fix their software instead of trying to encourage punters to get in early and avoid the rush. Talk about cash for comment how bogus is commercial television news lol.
re commsec

did anyone else using other bank based online trading have problems? NAB etc?
Yep NAB was slow to load over the last couple of days. Orders went through instantly but it took a while to show up.

MBL prime was fine yesterday but was screwed all morning today.

I believe ABM had the same difficulties as well.

From what I read COMSEC seemed to be the worst - and by a lot!
E*Trade was down this morning not long after the market opened. Couldn't open the web for approx 3-5 mins. Short delays only but luckily i have ComSec too and Comsec didn't 'crash' this morning.
ComSec been slow since they put all those fancy icons in with the upgrade
I actually prefer the old way with drill down menu, keep the screen tidy