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Tea anyone?

20 December 2008
Well my dear old gran lived to the ripe old age of 99. she used to drink a lot of tea. I am wondering is tea beneficial? Anyone tried some of these detox teas like dandelion milk thistle etc? Do they work or just taste cr@p?
Re: Tea anyone

Tea is supposed to be chock full of antioxidants and other compounds which help you burn fat and concentrate.
Re: Tea anyone

Yes, the antioxidents are supposed to be good stuff.

In Peru we drink a lot of coca tea. Especially good for altitude sickness and if you have enough of it, puts a smile on your face.
Re: Tea anyone

Yes, the antioxidents are supposed to be good stuff.

In Peru we drink a lot of coca tea. Especially good for altitude sickness and if you have enough of it, puts a smile on your face.

i've always wanted a coca tree, how about sending me a cutting or a couple of seeds.....should grow here
dope tea is good, as scarfies we tried it when i had too much of the stuff.
Re: Tea anyone

Yes, the antioxidents are supposed to be good stuff.

In Peru we drink a lot of coca tea. Especially good for altitude sickness and if you have enough of it, puts a smile on your face.

So does the tea taste chocolaty?
Re: Tea anyone

Yes, the antioxidents are supposed to be good stuff.

In Peru we drink a lot of coca tea. Especially good for altitude sickness and if you have enough of it, puts a smile on your face.
Hola, I'll be your way in October, already been advised to not be too shy about the coca tea although I've had a bit of experience at altitude so hopefully I'll be ok.

In any case there's plenty of info available that lauds the benefits of tea, for eg.

For the record I'm a varied tea drinker, have 4-5 cups a day of different types (black, green, herbal etc).
Yeah must be something in it, my grandfather drinks a lot of tea too and he is still going strong at 91, as does dad, I have 2 or 3 a day, nothing better in this cold weather
After eating maccas, chocolate bars, soft drinks, and other greasy foods. I feel safe in the knowledge that a cup of tea will absolve me from my dietary sins and make me live longer:
Yes, Coca Tea is derived from the coca bush that makes the powder. Quite legal in the Andes. The Spanish tried to ban it very early on in the conquest because it wasn't Gods work (unlike wine), but they soon realised they couldn't get the same amount of work out of their slave mine workers if they weren't chewing it. So, Coca is legally grown and harvested for Coca Tea and for dried leaves that the Andean people chew. You can buy the leaves in the corner store. A bit like Beatle Nut without the red teeth. It takes 8kg of leaves for a gram of illegal stuff, so it takes quite a lot of chewing for the equivalent high.
just send the cutting or seeds to me c/o
Bondi Beach Police Station
91-93 Roscoe Street
Phone: 02 9365 9699
Fax: 02 9365 9611
just send the cutting or seeds to me c/o
Bondi Beach Police Station
91-93 Roscoe Street
Phone: 02 9365 9699
Fax: 02 9365 9611
In the mail shag.

But the 8kg package is probably going to be the same cost of 1 gm here.

Might as well buy a plane ticket and pick it up yourself.

My usual quota is 6 cups (mugs) a day now...I've cut back LOL

and Earl Grey should be banned! horrid stuff
Numerous health benefits have been attributed to tea since time immemorial. In folk medicine, the health benefits of tea were already recognized 5000 years ago and it was used as a treatment for infectious diseases, colds, and also as an aid to the digestive and nervous systems. Medical studies indicates that tea lowers the risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack and some cancers. It is a completely natural product, without any added flavourings, colours or preservatives. Tea serves as a crucial component for maintaining the balance of body liquids. Tea is becoming popular due to widespread awareness of heath benefits associated with it.

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