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Tax on investment bank speculators

30 June 2008
There are huge amounts of money flashed around the world speculating on currency movements, commodity futures, CFDs and so on. These transactions are the core of large investment banks profits. Many observers believe the floods of cash in and out of countries and commodities is a prime cause of economic instability.

1000 economists have just proposed that a .05% tax be put on all financial transactions. Part of the argument is as follows

Thoughts ?
Thoughts? Yet another bad idea. However, I have never heard any political leader propose anything other than a bad idea for at least 6 years now.
Speculation action is a positive economic effect - it is the means by which humans processing information about the world changes prices. It does not cause more adverse effects than clamp-downs on speculation.

And believe me, many more than 1000 economics have had much worse ideas.
That's akin to adding sand into a finely tuned engine.

5bps each side will seriously hurt liquidity providers. Algos, s/t traders. The big capital movers don't care about 5 or even 50 bps, they're the ones that move markets getting in and out.

I don't think any government deserves a single cent extra given the crap job they're doing.
Those 1000 economists should all be thrown into jail
Look up Tobin Tax which is similar in concept but applies to cross-border, FX transactions.

I personally don't think it's such a bad idea. 5bps is crazy, but something smaller might actually make some sense. And since I don't trade FX I am not hurt directly...
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