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These guys all have tattoos. One of the best organizations ever formed imo.

Yep, agreed Gumby. Top show that one. Classic the looks on people's faces when these guys come banging on their door (I reckon a few crappings in the pants have occurred). Buggers deserve a flogging from them too

Girls with tatts hey.. These wouldn't hold me back :

Tattoo visible under ultra-violet light:

I might get one. "This arm stolen from ..."
I have been noticing more and more people getting tattoos, what is the fascination?

I often think, I wonder if these people will regret it later in life.
I have been noticing more and more people getting tattoos, what is the fascination?

I often think, I wonder if these people will regret it later in life.

Much to my annoyance, my son tattooed his arms and legs. Now that he is looking for a job, he is finding that he has ruled himself out of some positions. He recently paid $250 just to remove a small tattoo from the back of his hand and you can still see a faint image.

When you see supposed role models for kids like Michael Clarke and Mitchell Johnson adorning themselves with such rubbish, it's no wonder the poison is spreading.

Growth industry in about 5 years time I reckon. Tattoo removalist shops will be a part of every shopping mall as Mummy realises the pretty butterfly on her lower back (tramp stamp) she got when she was 19 has turned into a drooping dragon after the 3 kids she just pumped out.

It already is a Big Thang in the US.
Channel 7 had a series on the subject: "Tattoo Nightmares". They don't show removals, but horrors that have to be "covered up". Surely though, the artists won't do anything out of the kindness of their heart. They charge $Thousands.
I tolerate tattoos as in my general industry they are everywhere, especially my specific industry.

I have one myself, but sport related. I also have 9 piercings (I'll leave this to everyone's imagination).

Personally I discriminate smokers and fat people in front of smokers when employing people. All lifestyle choices, of which tattoos least affect a person's potential performance.

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