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*Shakes head at Train*

Don't have any myself, and tend to think a lot of young girls getting them in obvious places (that can't be covered easily) may regret them when they're older - I'd always recommend placing them discreetly, if only to not limit your future employment oppies. I'd only get one if it had a personal meaning for me - a friend got a pink ribbon tattooed on her hip when she finished her chemo after breast cancer - I can totally understand her thinking on that one!
I got my arm banded for personal reasons. It represents my 3 children and my wife being all part of the chain of life that brings me peace. As it is located high on my left arm/bicep no one really knows that I have one as it is hidden under clothing and people are genuinely shocked when they see it ! OMFG they say ! We did not expect you to be the kind of person to have a (dare I say it) a .. a .. a .. a tattoo !!


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I have one on my back and arm - but they are outlines - rather than your coloured ones
Pictures represent symbolism of milestones in my life so far
They're all hidden, because of professional work

Though I couldn't get one out of the blue when drunk or anything
Live and let live I say.

I don't have any, but doesn't trouble me one bit on other people.

With a few exceptions, I generally don't find them attractive on females, but their body, their decision, their business.

I don't really care about them, do what you want with your body. I do find tattooes and piercings unattractive on girls however. And I just shake my head at all those people who are getting just because they're the popular thing at the moment. People who follow these fads always seem silly to me, especially so when the fad is tattooes which are notoriously hard to remove.
I don't really care about them, do what you want with your body. I do find tattooes and piercings unattractive on girls however. And I just shake my head at all those people who are getting just because they're the popular thing at the moment.

I don't really care about them either. Although, I do have some body art in the form of skin grafts. Do they count?
I don't really care about them either. Although, I do have some body art in the form of skin grafts. Do they count?

Not unless they are tastefully done !

Which reminds me of a funny story that goes like this:- I was in a shopping mall in Perth and a lady was bending over in front of me looking at some shoes. The back of her shirt lifted up to reveal what I thought was some kind of weird looking body branding. I was just about to comment on her bravery of getting such a painful incursion on her body only to discover that when I got closer it was actually STRETCH MARKS ! I quickly averted my gaze and shuffled my carcass off to another part of the centre.
They look like **** IMO, there currently fashionable but i suspect in a few years time there will be alot of people paying alot of money to have them removed, and the idiots who get the ones on the neck with the kids or wife's/husbands name really look terrible.

Maybe discriminatory but if i see a person with a tattoo i think there a criminal or a fashion w@nker.
Live and let live I say.

I don't have any, but doesn't trouble me one bit on other people.

With a few exceptions, I generally don't find them attractive on females, but their body, their decision, their business.


I agree with Wayne and also Pager.

I have only seen one tattoo which I thought was quite nice, amazing light lined flowering plant wrapped around a girl's ankle and lower lower leg.

My thought was it was actually a nice piece of art, and she was quite attractive ... well chosen tat if she wanted one, and brought attention to nice legs.
May I say this on the other side of the tattoo debate, and this is where I sense the truth of the matter really exists as to whether or not people have any idea of the reasons why in our western culture they, be it men or women, proceed with this form `artistry`, `self mutilation`, or just a need to fit in with the rest of the crowd.

I have the honour to be the the uncle of my sisters son, who, as a native born Western Samoan was adopted at 6 months of age.Never knew his family although that is an ongoing process of discovery. From then on in unbeknowns to him his life would be totally altered, into `our` ways.

Now at the age in his early thirties, and through a lot of his pain, he has spent many excruciating days and nights over years with a bottle of ink and a needle, with his own hands to indelibly etch along his arms, legs and torso a reinforcement to himself and to show the outside world his heritage, self worth and
the warrior spirit that goes within.

I am Samoan!

That is gutsy.

And all the bum crack icons can go where they face.
Got one, have come to regret it. That's what being 18 is all about.
Re:My mississippi

yeah i got MISSISSIPPI in 3 inch letters...

got a few when i was young,none on my arms though.

young girl said recently nice tatt...i said yeah you want it...

This probabaly belongs in the joke thread but anyways.......

Two men, one was a Jamaican and the other a white guy, were having a leek in the urinals. The white guy looks over at the Jamaican and observes the name WENDY tattooed on his Johnson. He remarks " I used to go out with a Wendy, lovely girl she was". The Jamaican looks at the white guy and says "This one says ... Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day."
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